Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!

Chapter 398 Persevere! mutation!

Lin Bei stared at the battlefield below.

With just one glance, Lin Bei could tell where the two parties belonged.

In the Profound Sky Realm, everyone exudes a faint breath of life, which is very familiar and kind.

On the other side, the breath of life on his body is inexplicably disgusting.

These people, each with green faces and long fangs, are three feet tall, holding maces in their hands, and each of them looks fierce.

A stick swung down, the void trembled, and the law of power shattered, sweeping across the area.

Are you good at strength?

Lin Bei frowned slightly, but soon, he discovered that among the group of people, there was also a small blue figure, these figures often stood on the shoulders of the blue-faced and fangs, holding a skeleton staff, non-stop With a wave, one after another undead bone beasts were summoned by him, rushing towards the Profound Sky Realm.

These bone beasts, like the tide, are endless.

Once broken, it will form a more powerful bone beast and rampage towards the crowd.

It's people from two different races.

Soon, Lin Bei made a judgment.

Those tall green giants with green faces and fangs are obviously good at strength. With every gesture, they can shatter the law of the void, and they are extremely capable of one-on-one.

And those short blue figures are good at undead. Although the strength of the summoned bone beasts is average, there are a lot of them, and once they are broken, they will form a new bone beast with their bones and continue to rush towards the crowd, which is very difficult to deal with. .

There are hundreds of such combinations.

But the side of Profound Sky Realm dispatched about 500 people. However, facing the enemy's attack, it was still difficult to resist.

If this continues, even if they hold the rear, they will inevitably suffer heavy damage.

We must hold on! Behind us is the wounded barracks. Once they break through, the consequences will be disastrous!

On the side of the Profound Sky Realm, a blond old man wearing a golden battle armor and holding a golden giant sword said in a deep voice. The power of light on his body spread majesticly and covered everyone, which lifted the spirits of everyone who had been impacted. Most of his injuries had recovered, and he launched a counterattack with a roar.

far away,

Lin Bei raised his eyebrows slightly, the breath of this man... he was somewhat familiar.

By the way, he remembered.

He had seen a portrait of this blond old man from the memory of Dai Wanqing in Guangming Realm. He... seemed to be an old holy emperor in the ancient times of Guangming Realm, ten years earlier than the current Holy Emperor of Guangming Realm several generations.

The Lower Realm and the Bright Realm were wreaking havoc everywhere, but they didn't expect that their old Holy Emperor was now caught in the battlefield, fighting everywhere. Such a contrast made Lin Bei stunned for a moment.

It was just a moment of bewilderment, the enemy army outside the territory obviously discovered the role of the blond old man, immediately roared, separated a dozen groups of soldiers, and rushed towards the former!

The fang giant ignored the attack and charged violently. Even if the side of the Profound Sky Realm urgently formed a defensive line, it was still accidentally broken by the other side.

On the shoulder of the giant, the blue figure finally uttered strange screams, and the skeleton staff in his hand kept shaking. Ten terrifying auras instantly condensed into ten undead bone dragons, and sprayed out green flames towards the golden-armored old man!

Holy Shield of Light!

Seeing this, the golden-armored old man's face sank, he put the golden giant sword in front of his body, clasped his hands together, and let out a violent shout, a golden light and shadow immediately radiated from the giant sword, instantly condensing golden shields all over his body , blocking the undead bone dragon's underworld flame attack!

However, resisting the attack of ten undead bone dragons by one person still made the old man pale and lack of vitality.

Normally, he would not be afraid of these undead bone dragons, but now it is different. He needs to maintain the buffs and blessings of his teammates while fighting the enemy.

Fortunately, he is strong enough, even if he is temporarily at a disadvantage, he can manage to stabilize the situation.

team leader!

When the people around saw this, they exclaimed and wanted to step forward to help, but the old man directly stopped him: You continue to attack! Leave me alone! The duration of the blessing of the Holy Light is limited! Everyone must use the shortest time to annihilate the most enemy!


When everyone heard the words, they responded with tears.

Then, his anger turned into hot blood, and he rushed out.

At this moment, they don't need to worry about being injured, because under the blessing of the captain's holy light, as long as they are not fatally injured, they can recover quickly.

These recoveries, however, did not come without a price.

As time went by, the scars on the body of the golden-armored old man gradually increased. At the same time, the spiritual power in his body was rapidly consumed. Under the siege of ten groups of enemy troops, he was retreating steadily, and he was about to run out of energy.

On the other side, under the blessing of the Holy Light, the Profound Sky Realm side had wiped out nearly half of the enemies, but no one was seriously injured.

Seeing it, victory is about to be won.

However, an accident happened.

I saw ten undead bone dragons besieging the golden-armored old man suddenly roared, and the skeletons of their bodies were blown apart. At the same time, ten blue short figures on the shoulders of the green giant spit out a stream of blue blood, which melted into the skeleton in their hands. Among the staff.

On the staff, black and blue rays of light were intertwined, and finally turned into a huge mouth of the abyss, which directly swallowed the green giant, turned into a series of void laws, and rushed towards the scattered skeleton of the undead bone dragon.

Blood... life... this seat... finally came back from the endless hell! Hahahahaha!

In the huge skeleton, a burst of wild laughter came, and then, a black vortex released a terrifying devouring power, directly covering all the green giants and blue goblins who were still fighting against the Profound Sky Realm in the field, killing their Life and blood are all swallowed up.

Below, everyone looked dignified and looked up at the sky.

At this time, the old man in golden armor showed a weak look on his face, with a golden giant sword propped on the ground in his hand, and a strong fighting intent shone in his eyes.

In the black vortex, there is a terrifying aura emanating at this moment. He can sense that even if he is in his heyday, he will definitely not be the opponent that exists after the vortex!

And he already has the strength of the 30th meridian of the Dao. As for the rest of the team, most of them are below the 20th meridian. Even if they can form an formation to deal with the enemy, they can only deal with enemies around the 35th meridian of the Dao.

If the existence behind the whirlpool is too strong, even if five hundred of them go together, they are definitely not opponents of the opponent!

What's more, after a hard fight, their state is no longer in its heyday!

And fighting all the year round, which one has no hidden wounds, so if you really want to count, the strength of these people, even in their heyday, is difficult to display their true strength.

Captain! What should I do?

A group of people had gathered around the golden-armored old man at this moment, each with serious expressions.

Fight! Even if you die, you can't let the opponent break through! Behind... there are two thousand of our wounded brothers. Once the opponent invades... we will suffer heavy losses in the Profound Sky Realm!

The old man in golden armor said in a deep voice, and then he sighed, took out an old medicine bottle from his belt, poured out a golden pill from it, and murmured: This is the last pill for Tongmai. Don't worry, when I go up to fight alone, you will form an formation behind and provide me with strength.


Tongmai Pill is a strategic pill.

After taking it, it can forcibly increase the power of the five meridians in the Dao realm. The effect of the medicine lasts for a quarter of an hour. After the effect of the medicine ends, unless the meridians in the body of the user are extremely tough, they will be damaged by the violent impact of heaven and earth, and the realm will fall.

As for how many realms he fell, it is unknown, everything depends on fate.

Guang Taichong was originally a strong man with 40 veins in the Great Dao Realm, but after years of fighting, his body was constantly injured, and he took Tongmai Pill many times to fight, and now he has fallen to the 30th Meridian of the Great Dao Realm. realm.

Using Tongmai Pill again this time, his strength will inevitably drop below thirty meridians. In this way, the realm will drop beyond the tenth realm. There is still the danger of death and dao disappearing!

Because it was mentioned in the introduction of the Tongmai Pill by the Guardian Army of the Profound Sky Realm that when using the Tongmai Pill, the falling level must not exceed ten floors, otherwise, if you continue to take it for battle, your life will be in danger!

The light at this moment is too bright, and life and death are already taken lightly.

It's not that he is not afraid of death, but... Behind him, there are too many important things that need to be protected.

Comrades, relatives, disciples, hometown... Countless beautiful things are waiting for him to protect.

If he can't stand up this time, then the loss of the Profound Sky Realm will be further expanded. By then... those bandits outside the territory will definitely intensify. The Profound Sky Realm is already in turmoil. Just drop everything.

Therefore, he needs to stand up and must stand up!

He stood up so others could live.

In his opinion, it is very profitable to kill one person and make thousands of people.

Back then, wasn't he like this, he was rescued by his teacher?

Now, it is also time for him to take this step and protect the people behind him in the same way.

Hahaha! Tongmai Pill? How courageous! But...even if you swallow this pill, you still won't be my opponent!

In the black vortex, there was a playful laugh, and then, a pale body came out of the black vortex. His body was more than ten feet long, his body was white, covered with purple lines, he had four Arms, on each arm, are holding different weapons at the moment.

A mace, a shield, a rope, and a wine jar.

A pair of eyes are like red lanterns, exuding a bloodthirsty light. On the top of his head, flames rise, forming the shape of hair. There are a pair of white bone wings on his back, which are the condensed remains of the undead bone dragon.

Behind him, dragged a tail covered in purple venom. Between the swings, the space was broken, and the purple mist was steaming, as if it was going to cover the surroundings.

You are... Venerable Bone?!

Below, Guang Taichong's complexion sank, and he asked geologically with an ugly face.

Venerable, among the ethnic groups outside the territory, is a respectful title for the strong.

Just like a monarch, if his combat power reaches the supreme avenue, he can be titled a monarch.

And if the combat power reaches the great avenue, you can be crowned king!

Further down, is the Venerable.

As long as anyone who can be titled Venerable is a strong person with more than 50 veins in the Dao, even if the light is too strong in its heyday, there is absolutely no possibility of victory!

Even when he swallowed the Tongmai Pill in his heyday, and there were thousands of teammates behind him supplying energy, it was impossible!

At this moment, Guang Taichong's heart was completely cold.

Oh... that's all.

With a long sigh, he took out another bottle of elixir, poured out three elixirs in succession, and they were all Tongmai elixirs.

Afterwards, he took out another bottle of red liquid, which was the blood essence of the real dragon. Once he took it, he would gain the power of the ancient real dragon in a short period of time, greatly improving his own strength!

He decided, this time, he doesn't plan to rely on his teammates, he wants to swallow four Tongmai Pills at once, drink the blood of the real dragon at the same time, and fight to the death with the opponent!

Regardless of victory or defeat, in this battle, he will undoubtedly die.

Moreover, taking so many Tongmai Pills at one time, whether it is his source of life or the source of his soul, will be dissipated under the backlash of the power of heaven and earth, and there will be no day of rebirth!

This time, there is no life to death!

Captain! You...

Needless to say, let's go, quickly evacuate the wounded, and notify the commanders, the matter here... just leave it to me.

Guang Taichong spoke directly, interrupting everyone's words.

No! We want to stay and fight with you!

When the others heard this, they immediately shouted.

Stupid! It is the most correct choice for you to live!

However, Guang Taichong remained unmoved, scolded, then waved his hands, and ordered: Stop talking, this is a military order! You must implement it!

Everyone heard the words, fell silent, and the surroundings fell into a dead silence.

Hahaha, what a truly touching scene! You people from the Profound Sky Realm... are really interesting! You have countless talents and treasures, but you are still so weak. If you want me to say, you should stop struggling. If you surrender, Our extraterritorial alliance can give you a promise to let you people live in the void battlefield and keep the fire of life, what do you think?

Venerable Bone laughed loudly, and joked aloud: Don't dislike the difficult conditions of the Void Battlefield. To give you a way to survive is already an advantage of our extraterritorial alliance! Also, let me see how old you are! It is better to sacrifice the source of life than to share your strength, I guarantee that the brothers behind you will all survive.


Guang Taichong snorted coldly, and said directly: Don't think you are guaranteed to win! You have just been reborn, and your strength is definitely not as good as at your peak! I swallowed the elixir and then took the blood of the real dragon, you may not be my opponent!

Haha! You're right! But... old man, don't forget that your strength is only temporary. I just need to avoid the edge for the time being, and wait until your strength is exhausted before making a move. What can you do to me?

Upon hearing this, Venerable Bone smiled lightly: So, you'd better not be reckless, and obediently offer your source of life and the blood of the real dragon, among other things, if I want to protect you and these people under your command, why not? I'm somewhat sure.

This deal is a good deal. It's not worth sacrificing yourself for the trash who are injured behind you. And... even if you die, can they really live? Don't think too far.

Venerable Bone said word by word.

With his strength, there is absolutely no need to head-to-head with the crazy Guang Taichong. His speed is not slow, as long as he slows down the opponent's rhythm, when the effect of the medicine wears off, the opponent is a dead dog, and he can't make any big waves at all.

From the very beginning, he didn't pay much attention to Guang Tai Chong.

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