One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 391 Oh! These little hands are so tender! (2-in-1)

East China Sea, Elegia.

Elegia, located in the East China Sea, is known as the "Land of Music". This country is extremely famous around the world. Singers from all over the world regard this place as a holy place. They can sing in Elegia Performance is the ultimate goal of singers and musicians.

Every year, nobles and wealthy people from all over the world come to this island to listen to live concerts held on this island.

No one knows whether those nobles and wealthy businessmen can really appreciate music, but this kind of thing that can show their "noble character" is the easiest thing for nobles and wealthy businessmen to feel their own superiority.

Therefore, all the time, people who come to Ailegia to watch performances are either rich or noble.

This is actually very easy to understand. We all know how difficult life is for ordinary people on this sea. Moreover, communication methods are quite limited around the world, and the channels and means of music dissemination are also very limited.

Those who can enjoy music leisurely must be those who can get out of work. Only a very small number of people really love it and come to this island called Elegia like a pilgrimage.

The Dreyfus of the red-haired pirates arrived at the coast of Elegia in the morning.

It was June and the sun was shining brightly.

The cool sea breeze blew gently, and Ji Guoyuan leaned against the side of the ship and looked at the bustling scene of the harbor in the distance with a faint smile on his face.

The difference between the East China Sea and several other sea areas is really huge. The maritime situation in the East China Sea is relatively stable. Although pirates often appear, the strength of those pirates is often not very strong.

Moreover, most of the navies in the East China Sea are more responsible and often spare no effort in pursuing pirates.

Of course there are such things as naval borers, but the number and the damage they cause are much better than those in the other four seas.

A stable maritime environment also lays the foundation for the economic development of those countries.

The people's lives are stable and prosperous, and the lives of the nobles are naturally more nourishing. At the same time, countries like Elegia can also rely on the "entertainment industry" to develop themselves and find a unique path to wealth.

There are many ships docked at the port of Ailegia. The ships vary in size, but almost all the ships have one thing in common, that is, the decoration on the ship is gorgeous, and the basic operation is to inlay gold and silver.

People who get off those boats are often wearing formal clothes and are hugged by others.

On the coast, there are also many "strong men" wearing light-colored linen blouses, who are shouted at and run around, carrying luggage and goods for the distinguished guests coming to the island.

Many of these "strong men" are young and strong locals in Ailegia. In this "land of music", those with the highest status are those "musicians" who can perform for nobles, wealthy businessmen and even the general public.

The people on Alegia Island have basically received music theory education, and they all regard becoming an outstanding "musician" as their life goal.

But the path of music really depends on talent. People with insufficient talent often have to succumb to reality in the end.

The most developed industry on the island is the "entertainment industry". With this industry as the core, it has driven other industries such as catering, hotels, etc.

Under such a general background, almost no one on the island cultivates land. The most common ways for residents to make money are by relying on these industries, working as chefs, waiters, porters, etc.

The country of Alejia is rich and its financial conditions are very good. King Gordon is a very pure "musician" who really has no concept of money, and his own material needs are also very low. Therefore, Alejia Ya's national welfare policy is very good.

People can enjoy a relatively good life even if they work at the lowest level.

Therefore, Enichi Jiguo also saw a strange scene in Elegia.

Although Jigoku Yuanichi could see some signs of fatigue on the workers at the Ailegia Pier, there was no expression of bitterness or hatred on the faces of the workers doing the work.

There is no confusion or numbness, just the smoothness of ordinary people's comfortable status quo.

It is a normal life for ordinary people, but this kind of life is a beautiful vision that only exists in dreams for most people in this world.

"Elegia, it's very different!"

"How wonderful it would be if all the countries in the world looked like this."

Coming to such a country, Ji Kunoyuan couldn't help but feel in a good mood. After sighing softly, he stretched his arms, took a deep breath, and enjoyed the summer sunshine and clear sea breeze.

"Have a good few days."

"I think this is also a rare free time for you."

Shanks walked up to Jiguo Enichi's side, leaned down with his hands on the railing, tilted his head and looked at the scene on the island, and said with a smile.

The island of Alegia is not very large. The entire country is built on the mountains. The residential houses on the island rise gradually along the main mountain range.

At the highest position, there is a cylindrical building complex. According to Shanks' introduction, the cylindrical building located in the center of the island is the largest concert hall on the island and the largest concert hall in the world.



"Is this the country of music?"

Just as Jikunoyunichi and Shanks were looking at the scene on the island in the distance, Uta, who was staying in the cabin, felt the speed of the boat slowing down and ran out of the cabin.

The child was also accustomed to life on the ship. Wearing a long dress and bare feet, he hurried to the deck, rushed to Shanks' side, held up the railing with both hands, and lay directly on the railing, facing towards He looked into the distance, his tone full of wonder.

Children are like this, they are very interested in all novel things.

Coming to the holy land of music that I have always longed for, it is no wonder that Uta behaved like this.

"Hey, Uta, go put on your shoes."

"You'll catch a cold if you go barefoot."

"Put on some clothes too, we need to cool down later."

Young Shanks, like almost all "old fathers", gave instructions. Seeing Uta's excitement, Shanks couldn't help but smile, but behind the smile, there was still a hint of helplessness.


Uta answered with a long voice, and watched for a few more minutes. After the boat came to a stop on the shore, he hurried back to the cabin. Not two minutes later, Uta stepped on his sandals. , returned to the deck with a small shawl in his hand.

Shanks saw the "clothes" held in Uta's hands and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh and whispered: "Alas——"

"Follow her"

Enichi Tsukuni saw this scene in his eyes, and from the interaction between Shanks and Uta, he could see the deep friendship between this "father and daughter".

"It's hard to tell. A great pirate like you is still a daughter slave."

"If other pirates knew that the red-haired one of the Shichibukai was such a person, they would probably be shocked."

Ji Guoyuan smiled and joked that others would have no way of imagining that the future Four Emperors would be such a person.

"To each other."

"If those people knew that the top criminal with a bounty of more than 5 billion was an easy-to-get-together person like you, they would probably doubt their lives."

Shanks said casually, and the two looked at each other, and both saw a deep smile in the other's eyes.

"Crash, lala, lala -"

The Dreyfus seemed to have found the docking port. Under the guidance of the people on the shore, it moved its position slightly and then lowered the anchor.

When Shanks saw that the ship had stopped, he also greeted the crew, lowered the wooden ladder and prepared to land on the island.

There seemed to be some kind of "special passage" where the Dreyfus docked, and the nearest ship to them was more than ten meters away.

At the same time as the wooden ladder was lowered, a group of people also came to the shore.

The leader was a tall, bald man with slender limbs and a "rough" face.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan noticed the person coming on the deck, his eyes fell on him.

The bald man wore a pair of shiny black leather shoes. In this weather, he also wore a dark green suit. He looked very "gentle" in his attire.

But that person's face was too "rough" and gave people the impression that he was really gangster.

Many outsiders also saw this group of people on the coast, and when they saw the fierce "bandit" in the lead, they immediately retreated.


After a muffled sound, the wooden ladder was lowered, and Shanks led Uta quickly off the ship. At the same time, Enichi Tsukuni also blended in with the crew and got off the ship.

Before landing on the island, Ji Guoyuan put on a simple disguise, simply wearing a white red maple shirt, blue and white pants, and a pair of sunglasses before blending into the crowd.

Although the long red hair is still dazzling, there are not many people with red hair in this world, and others will not think of Enichi Tsukuni just because of his red hair.

"long time no see!"


Shanks stepped off the boat and immediately faced the burly fierce man on the shore.

The man who looked like a gangster turned out to be the current king of Aleciya, the legendary great artist Gordon who devoted his whole life to music.


Gordon and Shanks seemed to have known each other for a long time, and they opened their arms to greet each other, and the two hugged each other.

When Ji Guoyuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but pull up his sunglasses and was quite surprised.

This time, he was also confused by Gordon's appearance. He originally thought that the gangster was an unknown "younger brother" of the red-haired pirates, but he really didn't connect Gordon with the "artist".

Reality gave Ji Guoyuan a deep understanding of the saying "a person cannot be judged by his appearance".

"I actually bothered you to come here to pick us up. This will make me feel bad!"

"I feel a little uncomfortable when you suddenly become so polite!"

Shanks and Gordon seemed like old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. They met now and reminisced about the past.

"Pick you up? Just by the way."

"I'm here to meet the musical genius!"

"Is this child the Uta mentioned in your letter?!"

As he spoke, Gordon slowly lowered his head, looked at Uta, showed what he thought was a "kind" smile, slowly knelt down and spoke.

Facing the ferocious Gordon, Uta showed no fear on his face. Instead, he looked at Gordon with curiosity.

At this time, when he saw Gordon squatting down, he raised his hand and said hello generously:

"Hello, Mr. Gordon!"

"I am Uta, the daughter of Shanks."

Uta introduced himself crisply. Seeing Uta reaching out to him, Gordon was a little surprised, and then laughed happily:



"Hello, little girl Uta, welcome to Ailegia."

"I am the King of Elegia, Gordon."

Gordon's appearance had frightened many children into tears, and Uta's attitude at this moment also made him feel doubly happy.

All I can say is that the children trained by Shanks are indeed different from ordinary children!

"Everyone, I have prepared afternoon tea for you. Take a short rest first, and then I will personally take you to visit Ailegia."

"There will be a performance at the concert hall later, you can listen to it."

"After the show, if you are interested, I will take you backstage."

Gordon had known for a long time that Shanks and others were coming, and had already made a lot of preparations in advance. The standard for receiving Shanks is even higher than the standard for receiving many "kings".

Although I don't know what kind of relationship Shanks and Gordon had before, Ji Guoyuan knew that the relationship between the two was not as simple as "pen pals".

"It's up to you."

"It just so happens that I also have something I want to talk to you about." When Gordon heard what Shanks said, he didn't even ask what it was. He immediately patted his chest and promised, "Something?! No matter what you have to do, I will help whatever I can."

"Don't worry, if Uta is really talented, I will do my best to train Uta!"

Seeing Gordon's attitude, Shanks smiled and patted Gordon's arm gently, and then explained: "It's not a child's matter."

"I have a friend. I have something to ask of you. This is not the place to talk. Get out of here first."

Hearing Shanks' words, Gordon nodded slightly in sudden realization. He briefly looked at the pirates behind Shanks, and then saw a slightly unfamiliar figure in the crowd.

Sensing Gordon's gaze, Ji Guoyuan felt no embarrassment at all and calmly adjusted his sunglasses without saying a word.

Gordon seemed to be aware of it, and looked away without asking any more questions. He immediately asked the accompanying guards to clear the way and walked towards the comprehensive concert hall in the center of the island.

The place where Shanks and the others were entertained was right there.

Under the leadership of Gordon, Shanks, Ji Guoyuan and others went to the center of the island. The group of people arrived at an open-air lawn venue, where a small cocktail party was being held.

There were a lot of people attending the meeting. Men and women were all dressed dignifiedly. They were scattered in groups in different places of the venue, drinking, eating and chatting in low voices.

In the center of the venue is a large round platform. In the center of the round platform, a young man is singing loudly. His voice is extremely penetrating and can penetrate the entire venue.

The arrival of Shanks, Jiguoyuan and others also attracted the attention of some people. However, when those people saw Shanks and others dressed casually, they all showed a little contempt and disdain and quickly took it back. His eyes seemed to be seeing something dirty.

Shanks and others were also aware of this, but they didn't care.

"Shanks, just let your friends be free."

"You can just sit wherever you want, and you can get whatever you want to eat and drink."

"Uta, there is cake over there. If you want to eat it, you can just take it."

Gordon acted very casually and said to Shanks' crew. At the end of the sentence, Gordon couldn't help but reached out and touched Uta's little head, and said gently.

After walking for so long, everyone in the red-haired pirate group was already hungry. When they heard this, they didn't mean to "ask for instructions" from the captain Shanks, and immediately dispersed after "coaxing" them.

Except for Beckman, Jiguo Enichi and Uta, the other three people had disappeared without a trace.

Uta also slowly turned his head and looked at Shanks, with a look of solicitation in his eyes.

"go Go."

"But don't make too much noise, eat as much as you can, and don't disturb others."

After getting Shanks's permission, Uta trotted away. Her eyes were bright. She quickly ran to a dining table with cakes and grabbed the small plate on the side to pick up food for herself.

Shanks glanced at Uta's position, then withdrew his gaze, looked at Enichi Tsukuni behind him, and formally introduced:

"Gordon, this is my friend."

"Following the fate of the country."

"Yuanyi, this is Gordon. If you need anything, just tell him directly. I don't think he will refuse."

While Shanks was talking, Enichi Tsukuni slowly walked up to Gordon, pulled up his sunglasses, said "Hello", smiled and extended his hand.

"Jiji Kunichi?!"

Hearing the name from Shanks, Gordon was obviously shocked. Looking at the exposed half of Ji Guoyuan's face and the red streaks on his forehead, his pupils suddenly trembled.

Just as he was about to reach out to hold Tsukuni Enichi's hand, his movement was interrupted by an exclamation:

"let me go!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw in front of the dining car not far away, a thin old man wearing a red crown and a gorgeous dress was squatting in front of Uta, holding Uta's little hand with one hand, smiling with a red face. :

"Little girl, don't be nervous, uncle is not a bad person."

"Which family are you a child of? How come you are here?"

"Are you lost? Can uncle take you home?"

"Hey, these little hands are so tender!"

In front of the old man, Uta tried hard to swing her arms, trying to break away, but her strength was ultimately incomparable to that of an adult.

This scene was also seen by Shanks, Ji Guoyuan and others. The crew members of the red-haired pirates who had been dispersed not long ago also heard Uta's exclamation, and their eyes focused on the old man who felt it.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan saw this scene, he slowly withdrew his hand and inserted it into his trouser pocket. Gordon's hand froze in the air, looking at the scene in the distance with shock and confusion on his face.

Behind Shanks, Beckman had already put one hand into his arms, and half a short gun appeared from his chest.

"What is that crazy old man doing?!"

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