One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 390 Destiny! (2-in-1)

After all, the two children, Luffy and Uta, are still young and cannot fully understand the meaning of Stepkuni Enichi.

But these people in the Iron Wall Pirates are all adults who have been through thick and thin. When others speak, they don’t just listen to the content of the other person’s words.

Knowing how to be obedient and listen to music is the sign of maturity.

Shanks' eyes fell on the side of Jiguo Enichi's face, gently shaking the bottle in his hand, looking a little dazed.

His understanding of Jiguo Enichi has always been relatively superficial.

Although the two of them can be considered to have known each other since they were teenagers, there has been no exchange of thoughts between them.

Shanks' impression of Stepkuni Enichi is actually not much different from Uta's impression of Stepkuni Enichi.

Powerful and gentle. On this basis, Shanks also knew that Tsukuni Enichi was a person who was cruel to pirates.

But what Jiguo Enichi said at this moment was really inconsistent with his status as a "navy". Until now, Shanks can finally understand why people like Enichi Tsukuni have problems with the Navy and the World Government.

"Want to see this world with your own eyes?"

"This is not an easy thing!"

"There are always some people and some things that cannot be exposed to the sun."

"They just want you to see what they want you to see."

"They just want you to do what they want you to do."

"When you have your own ideas and want to do something meaningful according to your own wishes, you will be labeled as a pirate."

"In this case, if you go to sea as a pirate from the very beginning, wouldn't there be some intermediate steps missing!?"

"Just like you, going round and round, didn't you eventually become a criminal?"

Shanks sighed with some regret. Enichi Tsukuni's words reminded him of many things in the past. When he was a child, he would sometimes wonder why the Roger Pirates were called pirates.

Obviously, they are completely different from those pirates.

They just wanted to sail freely and were forced to repel the navies that came to pursue them.

But as he grew older, Shanks became more sensible, and he understood why the Roger Pirates were called pirates, and why they were wanted and hunted by the government and the navy.

Simply because they want to explore something that others don't want them to explore.

Shanks saw a familiar figure in Enichi Tsukuni.

"I think I know why you caught Captain."

"Thank you! Jiguo Enichi."

Shanks had a slight smile on his face and raised his wine glass towards Tsukikuni Enichi. Ji Guoyuan glanced at Shanks, touched the barrel cup and the wine bottle, took a sip, and started eating his dinner.

Uta and Luffy, after saying hello to Ji Kunoyuan, ran out to play. Children of their age are interested in everything. It is still unknown how long Jiguo Enichi's words will stay in their minds.

In the tavern, the atmosphere gradually became warm.

The arrival of Jiguo Yuan did not seem to affect the interest of the crew members of the Iron Wall Pirates.

Shanks and Ji Guoyuan sat at the bar, one drinking wine and the other eating, and they didn't say much to each other.

"Don't you have any news about that devil fruit?"

Jiguo Yuanyi's eating speed is not slow. Although others may think that Jiguo Yuanyi eats slowly and politely, his eating speed is still quite fast.

In the Navy, he had developed this habit.

After eating, Ji Guoyuan asked again about the whereabouts of the rubber fruit. The main purpose of his coming to Windmill Village was the rubber fruit.

"It appeared at the auction, but now, its whereabouts are unknown."

“An unexpected fire broke out at the auction house where rubber fruits were successfully auctioned.”

"The fire destroyed the auction's customer information, and even the relevant personnel who handled the Devil Fruit were killed in the flames."

"So right now, there's no new news coming in."

Shanks suppressed the smile on his face and said seriously. He had no intention of hiding this kind of information from Jiguo Enichi. It was not something very confidential. If Jiguo Enichi wanted to investigate, he would be able to find it out very quickly.

"Accidental fire?"

"Is it such a coincidence?!"

As soon as Ji Guoyuan heard this, a sneer appeared on his lips, and he already had a direction to investigate in his heart.

coincide? Accident?

Ji Guoyuan didn't believe that this kind of thing happened by chance. Let's not talk about how the fire prevention work of a normal auction house was done. Let's just talk about the people and things that disappeared in the fire, and let's talk about the rubber fruits. It has nothing to do with the World Government, so he won't believe it anyway.

Shanks noticed the look on Enichi Tsukuni's face, and after taking a sip of wine, he said in a deep voice:

"I know what's going on in your head right now."

"You should think that the fire was man-made, right?"

"I can tell you clearly, no!"

"I have already gone to the site to investigate. The fire was really an accident."

"It was caused by improper management of the auction house itself. Those who died were unfortunately trapped in the fire scene by the collapsed building while rescuing supplies."

"Many people involved in fighting the fire saw it with their own eyes."

Shanks said solemnly, looking a little gloomy.

When Ji Guoyuan heard this, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"Yuanyi, I am different from you. I believe in fate!"

"And not just me, my former captain also believes in fate."

"He didn't believe in fate at first, but he had to believe it later."

"It still needs time. I can feel it. It should still take some time!" Shanks' words sounded more or less lackluster to others.

But after hearing what Shanks said, Ji Kunoyuan quickly understood the meaning of Shanks' words.

According to legend, the Nika fruit has its own consciousness and can manipulate things like "destiny" to avoid tracing and recycling by the world government.

A Nika Fruit with consciousness will choose its owner in the future. If the Nika Fruit "doesn't want to", no one can become a Nika Fruit esper.

The destined one has not yet been identified.

Ravdrew has not been opened yet.

The person who can beat the drum of liberation has not yet appeared in front of the public.

Ji Guoyuan thought of a lot at this moment, and he didn't know why, but he felt a little irritable.

This feeling of having a traceable destiny and being determined by others made Jiguo Yuanyi very uncomfortable.

If all this will ultimately be fate, then what is the meaning of everything he has done so far?

Only Joeyboy can save the world, so don’t the efforts of ordinary people seem very ridiculous?

Not to mention ordinary people, even powerful men like Jiguo Yuanyi have become a little ridiculous.


"Is it a coincidence?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ji Guoyuan murmured a few words to himself, and then couldn't help laughing.

Shanks may not be able to empathize with Tsukuni. He has long accepted his "fate". All he has to do is find the Devil Fruit and deliver it to the right person.

Once upon a time, Shanks believed that the destined person was Enichi Tsukuni, but when he heard the news that Enichi Tsukuni had become an esper, he knew that his initial judgment was wrong.

In Shanks' mind, he already has a new candidate.

Shanks believes that his captain's son, Ace, is the one who was born with destiny!

At this age, Ace has awakened his domineering aura and possesses the qualifications of a king.

And what's more important is the power that Ace represents.

Ace is the son of Roger, the Pirate King, and he also has close ties with "new" and old marines such as Enichi Tsukuni and Garp.

Behind Ace, there are many forces represented. When Ace reaches adulthood and goes to sea, he will be able to exert some influence to unite these forces around him.

If all this is accomplished, Ace will indeed have the power to liberate the entire world!

The current Shanks would never have thought that the destined protagonist was not his captain's son, but Luffy, who was playing around with his adopted daughter at this time!

He wouldn't risk his arm just for Luffy, but for Luffy who ate the Nika Fruit, he would risk his arm!

Thoughts were flying in Jiguo Yuanyi's mind. After a long time, Jiguo Yuanyi's face returned to its usual calmness.

Shanks glanced at Enichi Tsukuni quietly and said with some concern: "Don't think too much."

"The captain once said that everyone has his or her chance to play."

"Your impact on this world has been very, very great."

"Even if someone gets that devil fruit in the future, they may not necessarily be able to do better than you."

"In the long 800-year history, countless people have eaten that Devil Fruit, but those people have all failed, right?"

Shanks said with relief while drinking wine.

The more powerful a person is, the more paranoid he may be in a certain aspect, and the same is true for people like Jiguo Yuanyi.

"What Roger said is not wrong."

"Everyone has their own opportunity to appear, but the time and occasion are different."

"I don't care if the legend is true or not, I will do what I want."

"I'll see with my own eyes whether everyone else except Joeyboy is worth mentioning!"

Ji Guoyuan looked confused, and a new plan was hatched in his mind.

Speaking of which, since the bear used his ability to mark the location of the holy land, their new navy has never been to the holy land again.

Compared with himself back then, Jiguo Yuanyi's strength has been greatly improved.

This time, he planned to kill Im and her men directly!

He wanted to see if there was anyone on the Holy Land who could stop him and the new navy.

The Navy's crusade against the Big Mom Pirates is also an excellent opportunity for Enichi Tsukuni!

Ji Guoyuan's eyes flashed with divine light, and the plan in his mind began to be quickly perfected.

Shanks didn't know what was going on in Enichi Tsukuni's mind right now. Seeing Enichi Tsukoku remained silent, he also drank in silence. Suddenly, Shanks thought of something and asked excitedly:

"Hey, Enichi Tsukuni, are you interested in 'devil'?"

"It is said that on the island of Elegia in the East China Sea, there are legends about demons."

"I actually don't know whether the legend is true or false, but I know that there are many ancient books preserved on Elegia."

"Since the destruction of O'Hara, there have been very few countries with recorded 'history'."

"I plan to go and have a look later."

"Elegia is called the Kingdom of Song. Uta has been interested in singing since he was a child. I am planning to take Uta to see the world and learn."

"By the way, let's also explore the history of the island. Maybe there are historical texts stored on the island!"

Shanks invited Enichi Jiguo enthusiastically, he felt that Enichi Jikun would be interested in these things.


I don't know if there is any connection between the so-called devil and the Devil Fruit. If you explore the history of Elegia, you might be able to find some useful information related to the Nika Fruit.

After all, Joey Boy is a legend to everyone, and it would be beneficial to know more about the so-called "Joy Boy".



Sure enough, Enichi Tsukuni was attracted by the content of Shanks' words. He really planned to explore what the Devil Fruit was and whether the Devil Fruit really had a will of its own.

In this regard, although Jiguo Enichi has some speculations in his mind, it would be a good thing if there is a "faithful history" that confirms Jiguo Enichi's judgment.

More importantly, Jiguo Yuanyi wants to find relevant information about the abilities possessed by the Five Old Stars.


Could that kind of thing be related to the Five Old Stars and Im? !

With this thought in mind, Ji Guoyuan nodded slightly and said with a smile: "There are legends about demons."

"Sounds interesting."

"Let me go and take a look too! When do you plan to set off?"

Ji Guoyuan asked, turning his head to look at Shanks.

"I have been corresponding with King Gordon of Alegia recently. He even invited us to attend Alegia's concert a few days ago."

"It's just that we went to sea some time ago and missed it."

"Elegia holds concerts basically every month, so let's go there near the end of the month."

"Calculate the time, we will go out to sea the day after tomorrow and sail to Elegia, and we will almost be able to catch up!"

Shanks calculated the time and said with a smile.

"Is it the end of the month?"


Jiguo Enichi nodded slightly and agreed. He was very interested in the history of demons recorded by Elegia. Maybe in Elegia, he could explore the true secret of the devil fruit.

Holy place.

Pangu City.

In the solemn hall, sunlight shines through the windows.

Beside the window sill, Saint Jaygolucia Satan held his crutch in one hand and looked through the window at the Draconian town in the distance.

In the Holy Land, the prosperity of the past has long been restored.

If there is any difference from the past, it is that the Tianlong people living in the Holy Land have restrained their temperament and have many fewer slaves than in the past.

And many Tianlong people have also begun to develop other hobbies, and many people have become keen on collecting weapons, firearms and devil fruits.

The Celestial Dragons, who were imprisoned in the Holy Land like pigs, now appear more like humans.

"Jiguo Yuanyi appeared in the East China Sea!"

"Contact with Shanks."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the palace.

Sartan slowly turned around and saw a middle-aged man wearing silver armor, a long sword on his waist, and a white beard and white hair standing in the hall.

The middle-aged man's hairstyle and beard are very distinctive. From a distance, the middle-aged man's beard and hair form a curved moon.

The man who appeared in the temple was named Fegaland Galin Saint, and he was the leader of the Knights of God.

"East China Sea?"

"As long as it doesn't affect us, let him go wherever he goes!"

"Don't worry that he will take action against red-haired Shanks. The events that happened in Goa Kingdom have Enichi Tsukuni behind him."

"You should be worried about whether he will hang out with that guy Enichi Tsukuni!"

Upon hearing Saint Satan's words, Saint Fegalande Garin showed no sign, turned his head and walked towards the outside of the temple.

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