One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 387 Jiguo Enichi’s gift! (2-in-1)

During Desolo's narration, Jiguo Yuanyi had already constructed the operating logic of this "huge treasure" in his mind.

And Desolo's "showy" operations on this island go far beyond that. When it comes to the management of this island, Desolo seems to be quite experienced:

"Lord God, in today's sea, nothing is more important than safety."

"The reason why I am able to attract more and more people here is not because of the so-called casino."

"No matter how well a casino operates, if it's not safe, it means nothing."

"Whether it's ordinary people, wealthy businessmen, or even the princes and nobles of those kingdoms, the most important thing they care about is safety!"

"I will not charge heavenly gold from ordinary people here!"

"Those who want to settle here only need to borrow money to buy a house here and they will be able to enjoy shelter!"

"And as long as you work hard, you can live a decent life."

"I won't blush if I say it. In fact, I'm doing good things!"

Desolo said this with a proud look on his face. And just as the two of them were talking, they had already reached the end of the corridor.

This is a gorgeously decorated hall. It is empty. In the hall, there is a huge statue that is almost as high as the roof and wearing a big cloak. At the entrance of the passage where Ji Guoyuan and the others walked out, this huge statue happened to be standing. directly behind.

Ji Guoyuan raised his eyes and saw the two characters "Justice" on the cloak of the statue.

Desolo saw Enichi Tsukuni's eyes focused on the statue directly in front of him.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he clenched his fists lightly, trying hard to restrain his excitement, and pretending to be calm, he led Ji Guoyuan around to the front of the statue, and at the same time he walked towards the statue 'carelessly' Zhu Jiguoyuan introduced:

"This statue is the person I admire most!"

"Without him, I wouldn't be where I am now!"

"He is the patron saint of this island! He is a totem!!"

While the two were talking, they had already reached the front of the huge statue. Ji Guoyuan looked up and found that the face of the statue was very familiar to him.

The gaze depicted in this statue is clearly that of Ji Guoyuan himself.


Ji Guoyuan looked at the statue and couldn't help but feel speechless for a moment. Combined with the chuunier-like words that Desolo just said in his mouth, Ji Guoyuan felt a strong sense of discomfort.

After living for so many years, Ji Guoyuan thought he had seen all kinds of scenes, but this scene in front of him was really the first time he had seen it.

There were many, many people who thanked him, but Enichi Tsukuni had never seen such an operation as erecting a statue for him.


Ji Guoyuan opened his mouth, then breathed out gently and shook his head.

This time, he did not let Desolo lead the way, but walked to the door himself, and then slowly opened the door of the hall.

At this moment, the dazzling sunlight shone in. Ji Guoyuan narrowed his eyes slightly. After a short period of adaptation, he could clearly see the scene in front of the main hall.

The location where he and Desolo are located is in the very center of the island. The main hall stands on a small hill. Directly in front of the main hall is a square, and in front of the square is a Stairs leading to the bottom of the mountain.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan stood at the door of the main hall, he could take in all the scenes due east of the island.

This is a super metropolis full of modern atmosphere.

Unlike other towns and villages on the sea, the city in the distance is lined with high-rise buildings, and the neat streets divide the city into "tofu blocks".

The bustling streets are filled with pedestrians and vehicles.

These people include local residents and foreign tourists. The whole city is full of vitality, giving it a feeling of being united with the country.

Although he is relatively far away, Jiguo Enichi's Haki can sense human emotions. He can sense the emotions of "tiredness", "happiness" and "surprise" in the city.

But I didn't feel any fear.

This is not the state of the people under the oppression of power.

The Chambord Islands are also so prosperous, but the people of the Chambord Islands are worried and uneasy in their hearts.

But Jiguo Yuanyi rarely felt such emotions.

Seeing this scene, Ji Guoyuan couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

The scene in front of him was too familiar to him, and it reminded him of his real "hometown".

The level of urban planning and infrastructure here is far ahead of other developed countries and regions in the sea.

"This is the city I built with my own hands!"

"The name is Gran Tesoro!"

"This is my home, the ideal place for people like me!"

Desolo's words came from Enichi's side. Desolo crossed Enichi's side. This was the first time that his back was turned to Enichi. Looking at the city street scene in the distance, Desolo suddenly grabbed his tie, pulled it gently, and slowly unbuttoned it.

"If it's you, you must know what I'm talking about!"

“From that day on, I was cut off from who I was.”

As he spoke, Desolo took off his suit and shirt, leaving him shirtless.

Turning his head slightly, Desolo pointed to the star-shaped scar on his back shoulder blade and said to Enichi Tsukuni.

At this moment, Desolo's eyes no longer had the momentary enthusiasm when he first met Jiguoyuan, and only clarity remained in his eyes.

Ji Guoyuan only stayed on Desolo's body for a short time, and he knew where the scar came from. The original mark on Desolo's back should be the "Celestial Dragon Hoof" of the Celestial Dragon, and that The star-shaped mark was probably re-branded after he escaped from the Holy Land to cover up the original scar.


Has Desolo really broken with his past self? It doesn't seem to be the case. The mark he chose when covering up the "Hoof of the Celestial Dragon" is actually a microcosm of the first half of his life.

What does Desolo desire in his heart?

Become a dazzling "ster" and stand on the big stage you dream of? Or with his beloved "Stella"?

It's both, right?

But now, Desolo seems to have a different idea about his life and future goals. The "star" mark on his body already has a different interpretation in Desolo's mind.

"Lord God!"

"A general who does not follow the fate of the country!"

"I'm sorry, it actually took me a long time to investigate you."

"But please believe that my original purpose was just to know who saved me!"

"While investigating your identity, I also learned about the New Navy you founded and what the New Navy does. I also have some guesses about your goals!"

"I'm sure you are my sun!"

"Please, please let me join the new navy! As long as I am by your side, I can emit light, smooth out the darkness, and illuminate the path forward for more people!"

Desolo turned around and walked in front of Enichi Tsukuni. As he spoke, he planned to kneel down and pray to Enichi Tsukuni. In front of Enichi Tsukuni, Desolo dropped his gesture and All self-esteem.

"Those who follow me are all friends, and there are no kowtowing bugs among them."

"Let's talk about this later."

"I'm somewhat interested in your Utopia. Can you show me around?"

Ji Guoyuan's tone was calm. He really wanted to see how Desolo built such a city in just a few years. He couldn't do such a thing.

Over the years, the development of the New Navy has been limited by financial problems, and its expansion has not been fast. His control over the first half of the New World is far from strong enough.

But the problems faced by Jiguo Yuanyi do not exist on Desolo's side. If Desolo really did not use some shameful means, then there is no need for the other party to join the new navy. Ask yourself?

"Okay!" Although Desolo didn't get a clear answer from Jiguoyuan, the joy on his face couldn't be hidden at all.

After a heavy response, Desolo led Jiguoyuan down the mountain.

Under the leadership of Desolo, Jiguo Yuanyi and the two of them walked around the city. Jiguo Yuanyi did not let Desolo take him to the casino. Instead, he let Desolo lead him to walk around the streets casually. Yuanyi even walked into some street shops to buy some food from time to time.

Ji Guoyuan looked like an ordinary tourist like most people here while eating and shopping.

While shopping, Jiguo Enichi's domineering attitude was always carefully investigating everyone who came into contact with them.

Whether it is the owner of a shop or a pedestrian on the road.

The emotional feedback I received was pretty good. Although ordinary people experienced huge emotional fluctuations after recognizing Desolo, the emotion was...exciting.

Hmm. It’s like female fans meeting their idols and male fans meeting the stars.

Along the way, the relationship between Desolo and Jiguo Yuanyi became more normal, not as crazy as when they first met.

Apparently, Jiguo Yuanyi's words were heard by him.

However, in some details, one can still detect Desolo's "respectful" attitude towards Ji Guoyuan.

In the evening, at Jiguo Yuanyi's request, Desolo led Jiguo Yuanyi to the casino.

This is also one of the liveliest places on the island.

After Ji Guoyuan came to the casino, he just wandered around. Sometimes he would stop for a while when he encountered a novel gambling method, and at the same time secretly calculate the banker's winning logic in his mind.

Under his transparent world, all the facilities of the casino were clearly exposed in front of Jiguo Yuanyi. Whether the banker was a cheater or whether he had tampered with the gaming tables and turntables before was all hidden. But Jiguo Enichi's eyes.

After walking around for a long time, Desolo's mood has always been stable and his expression is calm. What Ji Guoyuan observed also made him secretly frightened.

A huge casino, well managed

It was so good that Ji Guoyuan felt a little unreal.

Although Enichi Jiguo's emotions were not shown, Desolo could guess what Enichi was thinking right now. In order to dispel Enichi Jiguo's doubts, Desolo took Enichi Jiguo for a visit. The city's "prison."

Yes, on this island, there is its own judicial system!

"I won't hide anything from you. In such a big city, it's impossible for everyone to abide by the law."

"For those people, I naturally cannot let them run wild on my territory."

"Those who committed the crime were locked up."

"Use forced labor to atone for their actions."

"This island can be built so well, it is inseparable from the hard work and dedication of the pirates."

While chatting with Jiguoyuan, Desolo led Jiguoyuan to the underground prison on the island.

Desolo did not lie to Enichi Tsukuni. The prison he took Enichi to see was the same place where many people were imprisoned that Enichi had previously discovered.

The person who received Jiguo Enichi and Desolo was a middle-aged man named Mal, who was the chief responsible for the city's security.

Marr was once a minister of a certain country in the North Sea, but he encountered a fatuous master. Not only was his daughter kidnapped and brought into the palace, but he himself was also persecuted by the jealous kingdom and exiled overseas.

By chance, he was bumped into by a pirate and became the pirate's trophy.

The pirates who captured Marr lost all their money gambling on the island, mortgaged the entire ship's contents, borrowed tens of millions of beli, and then "donated" it to Gran Tesoro.

The pirate, who had lost all his money and owed a large amount of debt, naturally had no intention of giving up. He got angry while in the casino, planning to default on his debts, and even wanted to take advantage of other gamblers.

The result? Naturally, he was subdued by Desolo, and then became the "fruit farmer" on the island.

As for Marr, he was valued by Desolo for his administrative experience and became his right-hand man.

Marr's management of the prison is very methodical. Not only the prisoners are held in different grades, he actually has a complete prison file in his hand.

After being led into the file room, looking at the cabinets full of numbered files, even Jiguo Enichi couldn't help but be shocked.

The prisoners had serial numbers, and all the files were arranged with semicolons. Ji Guoyuan casually pulled out a file from the shelf. Just by looking at the information on the file, he could easily know why the corresponding prisoner came in.

Marr even "performed" a unique skill for Jiguoyuan, letting Jiguoyuan choose the files at will, and he went to the prison to interrogate the prisoners on the spot.

Jiguo Yuanyi can judge the authenticity from the criminal's clothes and the depreciation of the paper in the file, eliminating the possibility of being deceived.

But after looking through it carefully, Ji Guoyuan had to sigh in admiration.

Although there were several discrepancies between the contents of the files and the prisoners' oral statements during random inspections, they were generally similar.

In terms of prison review, Marr did an excellent job.

If we had to look for a problem in the prison's operating model, I'm afraid it would be the treatment of criminals.

The food was very poor, and the prison obviously deliberately reduced the food supply, but this kind of thing was simply innocuous.

If you let criminals eat their fill, isn't that causing trouble for yourself?

Not many of those prisoners were ordinary people.

In Mar's office, Desolo personally made tea for Tsukuni Enichi and brought it to him.

Then he and Mal sat on either side of Jiguo Enichi, waiting quietly.

After spending most of the day together, Mal also knew who Jiguo Yuanyi was and what his benefactor Desolo was thinking.

Both of them looked at Jiguoyuan with hopeful eyes, waiting for Jiguoyuan to speak.

Jiguo Enichi didn't touch the tea that Desolo made for himself. He sat on the sofa and thought for a long time. Then Jiguo Enichi slowly stood up, took off the first generation ghost tied around his waist, and put it on Desolo. In front of Luo:

"De Soro, you are the talent I long for."

"I welcome you to the new Navy."

"I have nothing, so this knife is my gift to you."

"There's something I have to tell you. I only give my gift to my own people, and this sword is a demon sword, and its last owner was a Tianlong!"

"This is my trophy!"

"Whether you want it or not, or whether you dare to ask for it, is up to you!"

Desolo watched with his own eyes as Ji Guoyuan took off his saber and put it in front of him, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Hearing Jiguo Enichi's words, Desolo trembled slightly, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Trophies obtained from the Celestial Dragons!


Lord Kami gave me his sword! ! ! !

There was only one thought in Desolo's mind, and then he slowly stretched out his hand and gently touched the sword of the first-generation Ghost.


"General Ji Guoyuan, I will definitely cherish your gift!"

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