One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 386 Talent! (2-in-1)

"Lord God?!"

The strange title made Jiguo Yuanyi frown involuntarily. He held the long knife in one hand and looked at Desolo quietly.

Regarding this "Golden Emperor", the memory in Jiguoyuan's mind is already quite blurry. The ability to recognize Desolo was also due to the golden fruit that Desolo used when fighting the enemy. ability.

As for him and Desolo having met on the Holy Land.

At that time, Jiguo Yuanyi's attention was focused on the three generals and the five old stars. For him, saving the slaves could only be said to be a casual matter. It was impossible for him to remember the appearance of all the slaves in his mind.

He didn't expect how these people would repay him after escaping from the Holy Land and remember what those people did.

Looking at the cold expression on Ji Guoyuan's face, Desolo also realized that the other party seemed not to recognize him, and patted his chest gently. Desolo explained hurriedly:

"My name is Desolo."

"You saved me!"

"Holy Land Marinjoa! Celestial Dragons!"

Desolo lowered his voice and kept saying. He didn't speak thoroughly, he just gave a little bit of information, but through this information, a hint of understanding flashed in Jiguo Yuanyi's eyes.

At the same time, Desolo's words reminded Ji Guoyuan of something.

The Golden Emperor Desolo seems to have really had a "slave" experience.

Just the person who rescued Desolo changed from the Sun Pirates to Enichi Tsukuni.

Jiguo Enichi's eyes fell on Desolo, he looked at Desolo carefully, and then gently shook his head:

"I am not what you call a god."

"You don't need to be grateful for my kindness."

"I'm just doing what I want to do."

As soon as Ji Guoyuan spoke, he looked around the cave, and his domineering aura quickly spread out, covering the entire island in the blink of an eye.

Under the domineering power of his knowledge, he had already explored everything on the island.

As Tsukikuni Enichi said before, this island can be said to be a collection of "sin" in a lifetime.

Huge Treasure, Ship of Gold Gran Tesoro's core industry is gambling.

With gambling as the core, a variety of different industries have been derived. In addition to various gambling mechanisms, there are also various loan businesses on the island, specifically providing "services" to those who have lost all their property.

At the same time, various shops and entertainment facilities are also available. This bustling island is completely a sales treasury.

Moreover, according to the situation detected by Enichi Jiguo's information, there is also a large area of ​​farmland on this island. At this time, when the "concert" was going on in the cave, there were also farmers farming on the farmland.

But those farmers had weak auras, even weaker than ordinary adults. If Jiguo Yuanyi guessed correctly, those farmers should be in a state of food shortage, and those people were most likely slaves.

At the same time, Jiguo Enichi also sensed the auras of many people underground on the island. Judging from their condition, those people must have been locked up. Judging from the aura, those people must have been hungry for many days.

This island is a cage, trapping everyone who comes to the island!

Ji Guoyuan carefully sensed the situation on the island, gently raised the long knife in his hand, and placed it on Desolo's shoulder.

"Lord God!"

"I'm in serious business!"

"Ever since I left the Holy Land and became a person with abilities by chance, I have been running my business conscientiously and have never done anything messy!"

Desolo read the murderous intention from Jiguo Yuanyi's calm face. The reason why Jiguo Yuanyi did not immediately use the knife was simply because he continued to explore more things on the island with his knowledge.

Hearing Desolo's words at this time, Jiguo Enichi also looked at Desolo attentively, remained silent for a while, and said:

"The slaves, prisoners, and pirates on the island."

"Do these things have nothing to do with you?"

"Or do you call these things serious business?"

Hearing Desolo's words, Ji Guoyuan couldn't help but feel a little funny. This young man's definition of "serious business" seemed to be somewhat different from his own.

"Slaves?! No, no, no, there are no slaves on my island, only workers!"

"There is an employment relationship between those people and me! I am paying!"

"As for the prisoners you mentioned, they are all those who violated the rules of the island! They are all lawless criminals. When dealing with those people, I did not kill them directly, I just imprisoned them,"

"And those pirates you mentioned on the island."

"I'm just an ordinary citizen. To me, anyone who comes to this island is a guest!"

"As long as the pirates don't cause trouble on my island, it's impossible for me, an ordinary person, to be an enemy of those pirates!"

After hearing what Enichi Jiguo said, Desolo hurriedly defended himself. After listening to Desolo's words, Ji Guoyuan lowered his eyebrows slightly and shook his head slightly:

"Let me guess what your methods are."

"Casino, I guess it is the core industry on your island."

"With just a little trick, the gamblers who walk into your casino will lose everything in a short time, right?"

"Then what"

"As a casino owner, you should provide loans with high interest rates."

"Those who have lost all their wealth and are unwilling to leave will continue to borrow money from you."

"Ending up bankrupt and a deeply indebted person."

"If you want these people to pay off their debts, it seems there is no other way but to sell yourself, right?"

"What you call workers should refer to these people, right?"

"The thoughts and methods are a little smarter than ordinary pirates, but that's all."

The routines of casinos are basically similar operations. In this chaotic sea, all walks of life are growing barbarically. The darkness behind gambling is not something Jiguoyuan has never seen before.

If Desolo thought that changing his name and rhetoric would keep him alive, he would be too naive!


"I am a serious operator, how could I do those things?!"

"In my casino, there is absolutely no such thing as a banker cheating!"

"Lord God!"

"If you want to kill me, I will never resist!"

"But you can't accuse me wrongly!"

"I invite you to see it with your own eyes on my island, and I will prove it to myself with facts!"

Desolo said with sincerity on his face, raising his head slightly and looking into Tsukuni Enichi's eyes, acting very magnanimously.

"." Looking at Deroso's expression, Ji Guoyuan fell silent.

After a while, Ji Guoyuan put the knife into its sheath: "Then let's take a look."

Ji Guoyuan showed some interest in Desolo. If it is true as Desolo said, then this guy can really be regarded as a talent.

If used on the right path, it will also be of great use to Jiguoyuanyi.

Jiguo Yuanyi could tell that Desolo seemed to be grateful to him for saving him in the Holy Land, and he seemed to admire him very much.

If Desolo is really a white lotus as he said in his own words, Yuan Yi will throw an olive branch to Desolo.

Thinking of this, Ji Guoyuan suddenly laughed and shook his head, feeling funny at his own thoughts.

What kind of white lotus is it that expects a guy to be able to open a casino on this sea? That's too naive!

"Lord God, let me show you around!"

Desolo stood up slowly, walked quickly to Jiguo Yuanyi, stretched out his hand towards the center of the stage, and then took the lead to walk towards the center of the stage.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan was about to follow, he stopped and turned his head to look at the warships on the lake.

Desolo had just walked a few steps when he suddenly noticed that Jiguo Yuanyi had stopped and turned to look at the lake. He immediately connected with his soul and returned to Jiguo Yuanyi's side and whispered:

"Don't worry, I will let people settle the people on those ships!"

Desolo guessed Jiguo Yuanyi's thoughts and immediately took care of him.

After saying that, regardless of whether Ji Guoyuan agreed or not, he immediately took out his phone and made a call.

"Lord Desolo, do you have any orders?"

There was a crisp female voice on the other end of the phone. When the call was connected, Desolo ordered: "Bring people to Colorful House, tow the ship on the sea to our own port, and get the people on board off. , arrange food and accommodation.”

"You go in person and your subordinates select the women."

On the other end of the phone, he was quite surprised that Desolo didn't give a brainless order, but he didn't waste any more nonsense. He said "yes" and hung up the phone.

After making this call, Desolo bowed slightly towards Ji Guoyuan and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it will be handled well."

"After all, my life is in your hands. You don't have to worry about me playing tricks."

"I am a person who cherishes life!"

Desolo's current expression of respect and caution is completely different from the one he saw before when Ji Guoyuan saw him. Before, he was almost beaten to death by pirates without even frowning. Now he looks so flattering. The dog-legged appearance made Jiguo Yuanyi a little uncomfortable.

"De Soro, you don't have to be like this, just recover."

Jiguo Enichi's words did not make Desolo change his state.

Under Desolo's guidance, the two walked to the center of the stone platform. Then Desolo pressed a mechanism on the ground, and the ground beneath their feet began to slowly decline.

In the center of the stage, there is actually an elevator. At the bottom of the elevator is a huge dressing room. There is a diagonal upward corridor leading directly to the island.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. When I was a child, my dream was to become an excellent singer and be able to hold my own concert."

"With your help, I was able to fulfill my own dream."

"The person I am most grateful to in my life is you!"

As the elevator descended, De Soro noticed that Enichi Tsukuni was looking at his dressing room, and said with some emotion. Seeing that Eunichi Tsukuni had no intention of opening the door, De Soro didn't care, and led him to As soon as I walked onto the corridor leading to the island, I talked about things on the island:

"Let me take you to the casino first."

"That is one of the core industries on my island. After you see it with your own eyes, you will know that I am not the kind of person you imagined!"

"In all the projects in my casino, there will never be any cheating by the banker."

"Our casino only provides some services, and some of the projects are based on 'probability'. There is no need to do things that have a bad reputation."

"It is true that there are many people who have lost all their wealth on the island over the years, but there are also many, many 'players' who can take away large sums of wealth from the casino."

"As long as they don't spend thousands and rely on their own skills to make money, then it's all theirs!"

"The name of the huge treasure can spread in the North Sea, and it is also spread by those who win money."

In the long corridor, the footsteps of Desolo and Ji Guoyuan echoed.

Seeing that Jiguo Enichi was still silent, Desolo didn't care and continued to talk to himself:

"When you lose money in the casino, it is arranged by God, and the people who win their money are the gamblers at the same table."

"The way my casino makes money is actually just handling fees and service fees in addition to drinks and food."

"What you said before about lending money to gamblers, I admit that this situation exists."

"This is also one of my money-making projects, but I have never let go of so-called loan sharks!"

“The ‘fee’ I charge is only 2% of the principal every month.”

"If the loan is less than one month, it will be paid in full. The borrower only needs to pay me back before leaving the island or within the contract period."

"Actually, many people only get their money back at the gambling table after borrowing money!"

"Those who won money were very grateful to us when they left the island!"

As he spoke, Desolo turned his head slightly and glanced at Jiguo Enichi's expression. Seeing that Jiguo Enichi still looked indifferent, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"Those who lose money can work on the island to pay off their debts."

"The island has developed commerce and there are many shops. There is no shortage of customers here, so there are actually many job opportunities. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will be able to pay off your debt one day."

"I am a businessman, not a philanthropist, and it is only natural to pay back debts."

"This is how my casino works, and you'll know after I show you it."

"Moreover, these things are actually small amounts of money. What really makes money is other projects on my island."

"Hotels, tourism industry, shopping malls, hospitals and even real estate, these are the big ones!"

"You also know how harsh the maritime environment in the North Sea is. My place is prosperous and safe. In fact, many, many people want to settle on the island."

"These industries of mine are the industries that bring in the fastest money!"

"And I also accept ordinary people. As long as they can buy a house on the island, they can become residents of this island."

"It doesn't matter if you are short of money and can't come up with money for a while. You can borrow money to buy it and then work to pay off the debt."

"And I also treat them very favorably. I allow them to repay the money they borrow over 30 years."

Desolo told Tsukikuni Enichi a lot along the way, and he had no intention of hiding anything from him. He gave him a general introduction to the operating mode of his island.

The more Ji Guoyuan listened, the more he felt something was wrong. When he heard "it will be completed in 30 years", he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and his eyes fell on Desolo.


What a fucking talent.

From Desolo's words, Ji Guoyuan was able to piece together the operating model of this island.

Use the entertainment city as the anchor point to develop various industries. Slightly lower-level industries can consume a large amount of labor, and many sources of labor come from entertainment cities. At the same time, entertainment cities can also siphon population and wealth, and grass-roots industries can also feed back to entertainment cities.

It is conceivable that Desolo's "huge treasure" can catch all the wealthy people in the North Sea.

What do rich people lack most?

Feel safe and spend money!

Desolo's money-making methods are already many levels higher than those of those pirates.

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