One Piece: The Matter-Human

Chapter 5: 5: The Oykot Kingdom

 It was the next day and the newly formed Straw Hats were sitting in the cabin of their ship. Luffy and Zoro were sitting at a table in the middle of the room. "Where are we going anyway?" Zoro asked as he propped his feet up on the table.

"The Grand Line!" Luffy shouted excitedly with a wide smile.

Zoro's eyes widened. "We're going straight to the Grand Line?!" He exclaimed. "With just the three of us?" Zoro asked as he rubbed the bridge of his nose exasperatedly.

At that moment, Orion entered the cabin of the ship. "We're not going to the Grand Line. We're making our way to the Oykot Kingdom on Sakura Island. We need to stock up on supplies and buy a chart of the Grand Line." Orion said as he sat at the table. 

"What!? Why aren't we going straight into the Grand Line?!" Luffy dramatically stood and shouted in suprise. 

Orion placed a hand on Luffy's shoulder and gently pushed him back into his seat. "We're not going straight to the Grand Line because without a chart, we wouldn't know where to go." Orion explained with a smile. 

"That's the point! This is an adventure, we're supposed to not know where to go." Luffy rebutted.

"Alright then." Orion raised his hands in defeat. "Tell me where the entrance to the Grand Line is. Tell me where to go and we'll change direction immediately."

Luffy shot up and opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He tilted his head slightly grimaced in thought. He then placed his hands on his head as he thought harder. Soon enough, steam was coming out of his head and his face was a bright tomato red. His face was growing redder and redder until....he just stopped. He stood straight up and turned to Orion with a smile. "....Looks like we're going to the Oykot Kingdom." Luffy said with a thumbs up and a head nod. 

The rest of the trip went smoothly and they arrived on Sakura island. The Straw Hats docked at the port and the trio walked through the capital. The capital definitely reflected the name of the island, Sakura tree's were always in bloom on this island. The islands architecture was also reminiscent of traditional Japan. On the streets were stalls of people selling various things, and civilians walked the streets with smiles. In the middle of the jovial atmosphere was the Straw Hats walking around.

The trio stopped at a crossroad and Orion gave each of them a slip of paper with a list written on it. "We're going to split up, I don't want our supply run to take too long." Orion said as he turned to face them. 

Orion then pointed to Luffy. "You'll get the food and stuff we need. Don't just get anything, buy only the things on the list." After he finished speaking, he then pointed to Zoro. "And You'll get our tools and other miscellaneous supplies. Everything you need to get is also written down."

Luffy and Zoro nodded in affirmation. "So, what are you going to do?" Luffy asked curiously.

A smirk formed on Orions lips and he spoke. "I'm going to go do another kind of shopping." Luffy tilted his head questioningly, but Zoro seemed to know what he was talking about. With a few more parting words and a quick "Don't get lost", the trio broke up and went their seperate ways.

(Orion, POV)

After a few minutes of walking, Orion ended up at an emptier part of the city. He looked around at all the stalls until one caught his eye.

Orion stopped by a stall that was selling masks. The stall owner was a man wearing purple clothes with gold accessories on his wrists and neck. When he noticed Orion a strange and uncanny wide smile formed on his face. "Ah! Welcome to the Happy Mask Shop!" The salesman raised his hands and motioned at the wall behind him. Along the walls were various types of masks, but the one that caught his attention was a smiling fox mask.

Noticing Orion's gaze, the Happy Mask Salesman quickly grabbed the mask and sat it on the counter. "This mask is based off of the tale of the 'Grinning Demon'." The salesman placed his hand over the mask, covering its face. He then moved his hand away and the smile that was once there was replaced with a frown. "Legend's say that when the mask stops smiling, the one who touched it last is close to death."

Orion listened, but he didn't really care about any legend, he just thought it looked good for where he was going. "How much for it?" He asked. The masked salesman suddenly raised the mask and placed it in Orion's hands. "Take it, it's on me. A gift for listening to my rambling." He said with a smile.

"Oh? Thanks then." Orion said and began to walk away. He looked down at the mask and he noticed that it was smiling again. The words from the Happy Mask Salesman then re-entered his mind. He quickly turned back, only to see the stall was no longer there. "Close to death...." He whispered. He then looked back down at the smiling fox mask and continued to walk away.

(Luffy, POV)

At this moment, Luffy was walking through the city excitedly. In his hands were meat kebob's and a bunch of other meat snacks he saw while walking. "Meat!~ Meat!~ I love meat!~" Luffy jovially sang as he gulped down the meat without chewing.

Suddenly, something caught Luffy's attention. He turned and in front of him was a juicy steak that was as big as he was, hanging from a hook.

The stall owner was an old man with red hair and a white bandana wrapped around his forehead. "Hey old man!" Luffy shouted as he ran to the stall. The stall owner looked up, and a gentle smile formed on his face. "Well, young man. What a way with words...The name's Soma." The old man cooed at Luffy.

Luffy just ignored him and continued speaking. "How much for the steak!?" Luffy shouted with his drool practically watering the ground. Old man Soma laughed at Luffy's face. "Jihihihi! Usually, I would have you pay 1000 belly, but you're pretty entertaining. So it's on the house!"

Luffy ripped the steak from the hook and got ready to chow down. He opened his mouth wide, and I mean WIDE. He chomped down only to find a pair of chopsticks keeping his mouth open. "Not yet, young man. It's not finished." The old man took his chopsticks back and pointed Luffy toward a rack full of spices and sauces. Luffy practically cried, knowing just how good his food was about to be. The last thing on this young man's mind was the list Orion gave him. 

(Zoro, POV)

"What is going on!" Zoro shouted as he stared at the map some old lady gave him of the city. "I FOLLOWED THE PATH PERFECTLY!!!" He groaned in annoyance. He was currently looking for a nearby pharmacy where he could buy medical supplies from his list.

"This map is useless! It must be old or something." Zoro sighed and threw the map into the nearest trash can. He rubbed his head annoyingly and continued walking through the city.....Behind him was the pharmacy he was looking for, but this young man was so utterly directional challenged that he missed it.

To Be Continued.....

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