One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 116 Domineering

Chapter 116 Domineering
At ten o'clock in the evening, Rayleigh, who was slightly drunk, finally returned to the Rip-off bar.

At this time, the rip-off bar was already empty, so Li Wenjin simply walked up to Pluto Leili and said to Pluto Leili who was sitting in front of the counter: "Mr. Pluto Leili, this is Li Wenjin, I have something to do Need Mr. Raleigh's help...".

Li Wenjin was going to say that he was introduced by Kulokas, but before he could finish his sentence, Pluto Rayleigh replied directly to Li Wenjin: "I know what you are here for, but I don't have time to teach you, see Since you were introduced by Kurokas, you can take this thing..."

Li Wenjin, who was rejected, felt very helpless. He looked at Lei Li, the king of the underworld, and handed over a small notebook. He still reached out to take the small notebook and said, "Mr. Lei Li, can't you help me?"

Pluto Raleigh shook his head with a smile: "You are not the kind of person I need to wait for, so I will not teach you anything. For the sake of Kulocas writing you a letter of introduction, I have already given you some Help, you'd better let it go...".

Although Pluto Leili was smiling, Li Wenjin could tell that Pluto Leili was distant from him, which made Li Wenjin at a loss for what to say...

Pluto Leili was powerful and refused Li Wenjin's request, and Li Wenjin had nothing to do with him. Li Wenjin was silent for a while, and then said to Pluto Leili, "In that case, I will take my leave...".

Pluto Leili is unwilling to teach, and Li Wenjin will not force it. After all, if he wants to learn domineering, he has other methods. It doesn't matter if he is Rayleigh, the king of the underworld.

Walking out of the rip-off bar, Li Wenjin looked at the small notebook in his hand. After opening it, Li Wenjin's mood immediately improved. Although Leili the Hades was unwilling to teach him, for the sake of Kulocas, Leili the Hades still Li Wenjin was given the training methods of armed domineering and knowledge-colored domineering.

Although he is learning by himself, the speed may be a little slow, but as long as he can learn domineering, Li Wenjin doesn't care about the long time, because he still has a lot of time, and he can slowly increase his strength.

Ripping off the bar, Xia Qi lightly smoked a cigarette and asked Lei Li, "Is there anything wrong with you rejecting him like this? I don't think that brat is the kind of person to let it go...".

Lei Li smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about him coming back here. I can tell that he won't bow his head to anyone. Since I've rejected him once, he won't come back to beg me..." .

"I have given him the domineering cultivation method, which can be regarded as an explanation to him, and he will not cause us any trouble."

Pluto Leili had heard about Li Wenjin a long time ago. He knew that Li Wenjin was on a completely different path from the pirates, so Pluto Leili was unwilling to have too much relationship with Li Wenjin, and he Those waiting in Chambord Islands are not people like Li Wenjin.

Xia Qi had heard the explanation from Pluto Rayleigh, so she didn't ask any more questions. She just closed the bar and went back to rest.

In the Chambord Islands, Li Wenjin found a hotel to rest, and was studying the domineering learning method carefully in the room until four o'clock in the morning before he finally figured out a little bit of the way.

Armed-colored domineering and knowledge-colored domineering have different ways of cultivation, so when most people practice, they will choose to learn one of them first, so as to improve their strength as soon as possible.

Li Wenjin's idea is to learn the arrogance of the armed color first, so as not to be like when dealing with Crocodile, he will not be able to hit the natural or superhuman body at all, and waste a lot of his time in vain. So much equipment durability.

Thinking about how to train and how to be armed and domineering, Li Wenjin's eyes gradually became sharper.

Now that he came to the Chambord Islands this time, Li Wenjin decided to use the pirates from the Chambord Islands to train his armed domineering and earn a bounty by the way.

Thinking of carrying out the execution, Li Wenjin immediately began to rest, preparing to go to No. 1 to No. 30 of the Chambord Islands at dawn, and sweep all the places where pirates gathered.

After resting for three hours, Li Wenjin left the hotel directly, and began to inquire carefully in restaurants, taverns, and hotels where pirates gathered. The Chambord Islands are now haunted by those powerful bounty hunters.

With more than 100 million Baileys and five hours, Li Wenjin finally got the news of the pirates in the Chambord Islands from the owners of hotels, taverns, and restaurants, and at the same time got another piece of news that interested him.

The news of the bounty hunters is that there are now six pirates with a bounty of more than 5000 million Baileys in the Chambord Islands. As for the bounties of 20 million to [-] million Baileys, there are more than [-] pirates.

In the end, it was less than 5000 million, because the number of people was too large, Li Wenjin couldn't remember at all, so many names, in the end he could only spend money, bought a bunch of wanted warrants from a hotel owner, and put them on his body, so as not to let those wanted The criminal slipped from his grasp.

The six bounty criminals with a bounty of over [-] million:
Iron Dragon Pirates: Captain Iron Dragon, offering a reward of 1 million Baileys.

Spinning Pirates: Captain Puluo, offering a reward of 1 million Baileys.

Bess Pirates: Bess, the leader, has a bounty of 4000 million.

Panda Pirates: Leader Zhuqing, offering a bounty of 2000 million Baileys.

Iron Dragon Pirates: Vice-head Iron Tiger, offering a reward of [-] million Baileys.

Green Bamboo Pirates: Captain Green Bamboo, offering a bounty of [-] million Baileys.

These six bounty criminals are the six strongest pirates in the Chambord Islands. As for whether there are any hidden characters, it is beyond Li Wenjin's ability to find out.

On the Chambord Islands, another piece of news that interests him is that in the morning of the day after tomorrow, the auction venue on Island No. [-] will start the auction, and Li Wenjin is also going to join in the fun.

It’s just that if you want to participate in the auction, when you go to catch pirates these two days, you must keep a low profile, so as not to cause a big incident. If you are besieged by pirates from the Chambord Islands before participating in the auction, then Li Wenjin probably will There is no way to properly participate in the auction.

Thinking of such a situation, Li Wenjin immediately changed his battle plan, and decided to cover his face first to catch the wanted pirates, lest the pirates find out his identity and run away, or simply come and besiege him.

As for the order of catching the wanted criminals, Li Wenjin decided to start with the lowest ones. Anyway, there is a naval branch in the Chambord Islands, and the captured wanted criminals can quickly receive bounties, and with his identity as Shichibukai, Nor did the Navy Division dare to withhold his bounty.

(End of this chapter)

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