One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 115 Rayleigh

Chapter 115 Rayleigh
Entering the Devil's Triangle means that Li Wenjin is not far from the Chambord Islands, which makes him not in the mood to rob those pirates, and flies quickly towards the Chambord Islands.

The Chambord Islands are easy to find. After all, there are islands full of bubbles, which are very obvious. Li Wenjin is in the air, and he can see the Chambord Islands from a long distance.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and Li Wenjin was also a little excited. He landed on the coast of the Chambord Islands, regardless of other people's strange eyes, and quickly set off towards the No. 13 area.

The place where Li Wenjin landed is near the Soap Bubble Park in Area 30, and there is still a certain distance to Area 13. In fact, Li Wenjin wanted to fly directly to Area 13, but because of the obstruction of Bubbles, he could not even see it. Not knowing which tree was the 13th, he could only land on the coast and grope towards the 13th area.

Soap Bubble Park is indeed a very fantastic place. Looking at the humans riding around on Bubbles, Li Wenjin wanted to try it, but in his heart, he was still thinking about the Pluto Rayleigh, so there was no big deal Hobbies, play in the soap bubble park.

The most important thing is that Li Wenjin doesn't want to be known by too many people. He has already arrived in the Chambord Islands. He can walk in the Chambord Islands without being discovered because he is wearing a mask.

Li Wenjin went to the Chambord Islands this time to learn domineering from Pluto Rayleigh, but it was a very secret matter, and he didn't want everyone to know it. When the navy found out that he had something to do with Pluto Rayleigh, he would fall down. Big mold.

According to the number of the big tree, Li Wenjin quickly found the No. 13 area, and at the same time, he also successfully found Xia Qi's racketeering bar.

The rip-off bar was not opened in other bustling areas, but was opened in an area alone, and there were no other shops around, which made it very easy for Li Wenjin to find the rip-off bar.

Li Wenjin's mood became calmer and calmer as he got closer to the Rip-off Bar. It was probably because when he walked over just now, the very excited mood lasted too long, which made his mood automatically calm down due to excessive excitement.

This is also a good thing. After all, it is better not to be too excited when facing Pluto Leili, so as not to be seen by Pluto Leili. After all, Pluto Leili is different from Kulokas. He has high combat effectiveness. If Li Wenjin knows His secret, if he fights with Li Wenjin, Li Wenjin probably can only run away.

Pushing open the door and entering the rip-off bar, there was only one table of guests in the hall, the bar owner Xia Qi was smoking boredly, and didn't even say welcome to Li Wenjin when he came in.

Li Wenjin kept complaining in his heart, it deserves that there is no business here, and he doesn't mean to consider the customers at all...

With strange thoughts, Li Wenjin walked to the counter of the bar and asked Xia Qi, who was smoking, "Is the boss here?"

A man with a strange mask ran over to ask a question, but Xia Qi didn't care, she spoke slowly and answered at the same time: "I'm the boss you have anything to do...".

Li Wenjin said in a low voice: "I want to meet the real boss...".

Xia Qi was very surprised and glanced at Li Wenjin, but finally replied: "I am the real boss here...".

Li Wenjin was a little helpless. If it weren't for the fact that there were other guests in the tavern, Li Wenjin would have mentioned the name of Pluto Leili a long time ago. Now that Xia Qi didn't tell him about Pluto Leili, Li Wenjin could only take out the letter from Kulokas and put it on. Go to Xia Qi and say: "This is an old friend of the boss. I wrote a letter to the boss here. Please forward it to the boss here...".

Xia Qi saw the name of Kulocas on the outside of the envelope at a glance, and her eyes suddenly stopped being lazy and became a little sharp, but only for a moment, her eyes became lazy again, and she said to Li Wenjin : "I can read this letter... this kid with a mask...".

Li Wenjin knew that Xia Qi was the wife of Pluto Rayleigh, so she didn't mind Xia Qi's reading of the letter. After all, Kulocas didn't write anything important: "It doesn't matter, please feel free to watch...".

The masked man's answer made Xia Qi immediately understand that the masked man knew about her relationship with Pluto Leili, so Xia Qi was not polite......

Kulocas didn't write much. Xia Qi only spent 2 minutes reading the entire letter, and she now knows that the identity of the masked man is the new Qi Wuhai Li Wenjin.

Xia Qi is a smart person. She knew that Li Wenjin wore a mask because he didn't want to reveal his identity, so when she returned the letter to Li Wenjin, she said, "If you want to find him, just wait here. He will come back at night, but I can't confirm the time, if you want to find him, go to area 44... ".

Li Wenjin hesitated, but decided to stay at the bar and wait for Leili to come back. After all, if he went out to look for Leili, he might not be able to find him. It would be safest to wait for him at the bar.

He took out 500 million Baileys, put them in front of Xia Qi and said, "Then ask the boss to prepare a table of food for me...".

Xia Qi acted quickly, put away the 500 million Baileys, and then served Li Wenjin a few plates of cold dishes and a few glasses of wine, put them in front of Li Wenjin and said: "There are many seats in the living room, you can find a place to sit down yourself."

Li Wenjin looked at the food and wine on the bar, he was a little speechless, the 500 million Baileys he gave was only worth this little thing, it was indeed a rip-off of the bar, but Li Wenjin had expected this kind of result, he did not care too much, directly With the food and wine, I found an empty table, sat down and waited for Rayleigh to come back.

After waiting for two hours at the rip-off bar, Li Wenjin found that although the guests who came to eat were much more expensive than ordinary ones, they were not too expensive. This made Li Wenjin guess in his heart that Xia Qi would charge a higher price. When it comes to the amount, they should have informed others. Otherwise, if they charged such a high amount, the ripping off bar would have been beaten to pieces. After all, not all pirates are easy to talk to, there will always be some violent pirates.

Just like in the comics, the price of Luffy and the others coming to eat is so high, it should be that Xia Qi calculated the intelligence fee for Luffy, and the news of the intelligence is the Nova Pirates in the Chambord Islands.

The time was getting longer and longer, Li Wenjin had been waiting for four hours, and he still hadn't waited for Leili, the king of the underworld, to come back. This made Li Wenjin a little anxious, and wanted to ask Xia Qi when Leili would come back.

Looking back at the lazy Xia Qi, Li Wenjin could only sigh. With her appearance, even if she asked in the past, she might not get an answer. Li Wenjin could only force himself to calm down and continue to wait for Pluto Leili to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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