One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch35- Party!

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Luffy, always in the heart of the action, laughed and joked with the villagers, his infectious energy spreading like wildfire. Zoro accepted the villagers' thanks with a nod, focusing more on sake. Sanji basked in the adoration, especially from the women, while Usopp regaled anyone who would listen with exaggerated tales of his 'bravery' during his legendary battles.

As the night descended upon the village, a blanket of celebration enshrouded the once somber atmosphere. The streets were alive with villagers, their faces lit up with the kind of joy that only comes from a hard-won freedom. Laughter and music filled the air, creating a symphony of relief and happiness. In the midst of it all, Luffy and his crew were the guests of honor, swarmed by grateful villagers offering food, drink, and endless thanks.

Coby, sitting atop a roof, surveyed the scene below with a satisfied smile. The cloak he had wrapped around Nami still draped over her shoulders as she sat beside him. They both watched the celebration unfold, the light of bonfires dancing in their eyes.

Nami, her gaze soft and thoughtful, broke the silence. "They really adore you," she said, nodding towards the villagers who occasionally glanced up at them with smiles and waves.

Coby chuckled, "They're just grateful. We all played our part." His gaze lingered on the happy faces below, each one representing a life free from fear.

Nami leaned back, her eyes tracing the stars above. "It's strange," she mused, "to think that just this morning, I was ready to give up everything. And now..." Her voice trailed off, lost in the whirlwind of recent events.

Coby turned to her, his eyes serious yet kind. "You never have to face anything like that alone again, Nami. You're one of us now, and we look after our own."

Nami's eyes met his, filled with gratitude and something deeper reflected in them. She nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. "I know. Thank you, Coby."

Nami sighed, her emotions a whirlwind of relief and lingering concern. "I just wish I could have saved my money from those Marines." She lamented the potential loss of her hard-earned treasure, the symbol of her long struggle for freedom.

Coby, sitting beside her, smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Nami, I shifted your stash before the Marines arrived." His words were casual.

Nami's eyes widened, her expression shifting from despair to excitement in an instant. She searched Coby's face for any sign of a lie, but finding none, she was overcome with a burst of spontaneous joy. In a moment driven by pure elation, she jumped onto him, straddling his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I love you! I love you!" she chanted, her lips planting kisses on his face, each one an expression of her overwhelming gratitude.

Caught in the torrent of her affection, Coby's initial surprise melted into a warm, reassuring embrace. He held her waist, securing her close to him as he whispered in her ear, "Really now?" His voice was a low murmur, teasing yet sincere.

Nami, suddenly conscious of her actions, turned a deep shade of red. The reality of her impulsive display of affection washed over her, and she attempted to pull away, but Coby's firm yet gentle hold kept her in place. "Don't run away now," he said, a playful note in his tone.

Leaning over to her ear, Coby's chin rested gently on her shoulder, the sweet scent of tangerines from her hair filling his senses. In a whisper laced with a hint of mischief, he murmured, "Now that I remember, I won a bet." Nami, her emotions a mix of contentment and sudden recollection, leaned her head against his shoulder. She remembered the bet they had made; if Sanji joined the crew within two days, the loser would owe the winner a delicious dinner. She had known Coby would win, the bet more of a test on her part, secretly hoping he might ask for another kiss like their first wager. Instead, Coby had mirrored her terms, asking for dinner.

As the realization dawned on her, Nami's eyes narrowed playfully. "Fine, you won," she conceded, her tone carrying a light, teasing edge. "But don't expect anything fancy. I'm a thief, not a chef."

Coby laughed, the sound warm and genuine. "I'll take whatever you give me," he replied, his voice carrying a note of sincerity that made her heart flutter slightly.

The atmosphere around them was filled with the sounds of celebration, but in their small corner atop the roof, a comfortable silence settled between them. They both looked out over the village, watching the flickering lights and the silhouettes of people dancing and rejoicing.

After a moment, Nami slid off Coby's lap, standing beside him as they continued to watch the celebrations. Coby stood as well, stretching his limbs after the intense battle and the emotional aftermath. He glanced down at Nami, noticing the thoughtful look on her face.

"You're thinking about your treasure, aren't you?" he asked, his voice gentle, understanding the importance of the money to her.

Nami nodded, her gaze still fixed on the village. "It's more than just money. It's eight years of my life, my hopes, and my mother's memory," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Coby's expression softened. "I know," he said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "And you have it back now, all of it. You're free, Nami."

The word 'free' seemed to resonate with her, and a small smile graced her lips. "Yeah, I am," she agreed, turning to look up at him. "Thanks to you and the others."

Coby shook his head slightly. "We all did this together. It's what nakama do," he reminded her, the word nakama carrying a depth of meaning that extended far beyond simple friendship.

Holding her hand, Coby led Nami towards her house, where he had safely stashed her treasure. The walk was quiet. Nami's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. At first, her cheeks flushed with an embarrassed anticipation, thinking Coby might have other intentions in leading her away. But as they reached her house and he guided her towards where he had hidden her treasure, her embarrassment turned to a faint sense of disappointment, quickly overshadowed by the sight of her hard-earned money.

Outside of the house, Coby pulled back a loose rock, revealing the vast stash of Beli that represented eight years of Nami's life. Her eyes widened at the sight, a mix of disbelief and relief washing over her. She hesitated for a moment, then, with a joyful cry, she dove into the money, hugging it close. The Beli crinkled under her embrace, her face filled with pure happiness.

Coby watched with a satisfied smile, understanding the profound significance of this moment for her. "Seems everything is in order," he remarked, his tone casual but he enjoyed her childish act of swimming in Beli and gold.

Nami, still immersed in her treasure, looked up at him, her eyes shining. "Coby, I... I don't know how to thank you," she stammered, overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude.

Coby shook his head, dismissing her thanks with a wave of his hand. "No need for that, Nami. Seeing you like this is more than enough for me," he replied, really meaning it. Only thing that could top it was seeing her naked.

Returning to the village, they joined the celebrations already in full swing. Luffy, with his infectious energy and constant hunger, was immediately surrounded by children and adults alike, all eager to feed the heroes who had helped liberate them. His laughter rang out over the crowd as he eagerly accepted every offered dish, his appetite seemingly endless. The villagers watched in amazement and amusement as Luffy devoured plate after plate, his spirits as high as the piles of empty dishes around him.

Zoro, leaning against a wall with a calm and cool demeanor, sipped quietly from a bottle of sake offered by a grateful elder. His cool presence and the visible scars of battle drew a respectful and slightly awe-inspired crowd. They asked him about his adventures, and while he answered in his typically brief manner, there was a sense gladness in his tone as well. After his lose to Mihawk, he was in doubt, but he knew the path was long, and he had much to learn and experience.

Usopp, with his knack for storytelling, had gathered a group of wide-eyed children and adults around him. He regaled them with exaggerated tales of his bravery, his voice rising and falling dramatically with each adventure. The villagers listened, captivated and entertained, occasionally bursting into laughter or gasps at the most outrageous parts of his stories. Usopp basked in the attention, his chest puffed out proudly as he spun his tales.

Sanji found himself surrounded by a group of admiring women, charmed by his suave manners and good looks. He flirted and joked, his cigarette hanging casually from his lips as he prepared food for his new admirers. Sanji's culinary skills were on full display as he whipped up dish after dish, each one met with praise and delight from the crowd.


Read up to 100 chapters ahead!

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