One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch34- You Are Mine!

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As the dust settled and the last of Arlong Park crumbled away, the villagers, Nami, and Nojiko emerged from their hiding places. They looked at the scene in awe, their eyes wide with disbelief and hope. Coby, standing tall amidst the wreckage, turned to face them.

A small boat cut through the sea, carrying Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji, who witnessed the fall of Arlong Park from a distance. As they neared the island, their eyes fixed on the sight of the towering structure now reduced to rubble. Each of them carried an expression of surprise and curiosity, but none more so than Nami, who stood among the villagers on the gates of Arlong Park.

Coby, amidst the ruins of Arlong Park, his breathing heavy from the battle. His eyes met Nami's, and in a moment filled with emotion and resolve, he shouted across the distance, "NAMI! YOU ARE MINE! MY NAKAMA AND MINE!"

The statement echoed over the waters, reaching the ears of his crewmates. Luffy's face broke into a wide grin, Zoro nodded with a smirk, Usopp's eyes widened in awe, and Sanji lit a cigarette, a smile playing on his lips. They knew the weight of those words in their world, the bond it signified.

Nami, her heart still racing from the recent events, looked back at Coby, her eyes wide with a tumultuous mix of emotions. Nojiko, standing beside her, placed a hand on her shoulder, offering silent support. The villagers around them murmured, their faces of shock, gratitude, and newfound hope.

As Coby stood there, the system chimed in his mind, recognizing the innovative combination of skills he had just unleashed:

[Innovative Skill Usage Detected: 'Bara Bara Storm Barrage'. Bonus 800 SP awarded for creative application. Current SP: 1201.]

Ignoring the system message, Coby maintained his gaze on Nami, who stood at the village's entrance. Her eyes, filled with tears, locked with his, conveying a storm of emotions that words could not express. She nodded, a subtle but powerful acknowledgment of the bond they now shared as nakama.

The villagers, still in shock from the destruction of Arlong Park and the defeat of their long-time oppressor, began to stir. Whispers turned into conversations, and soon the air was filled with a mix of disbelief and joy. They had been liberated, and the man who had freed them stood before them, a hero in the truest sense.

The villagers erupted into cheers. They had been under Arlong's tyranny for so long that the idea of freedom seemed almost surreal. Now, with the symbol of their oppression lying in ruins, they could finally believe in a future without fear.

As the dust settled after his intense battle with Arlong, Coby, still catching his breath, finally turned his attention to the series of pings from the System that he had been too preoccupied to notice during the fight. He opened the notifications, each one cascading down the interface like a waterfall of digital messages. His eyes widened in shock as he scrolled through the tens of notifications, each one detailing the Skill Points (SP) he had earned.

The numbers were unlike anything he had seen before; battling a notorious character like Arlong had yielded an unprecedented bounty of SP. The realization dawned on him: fighting and defeating known, powerful characters didn't just increase his battle experience, it significantly boosted his SP earnings as well.

He had spent so much time dealing with lower-level threats, earning minimal points, that this revelation was a stark contrast. The risks of such high-stakes battles were great, but the rewards were evidently greater. As the gravity of the situation sank in, Coby's shock turned into a determined resolve. He understood now that if he wanted to grow stronger, faster, and become a force to be reckoned with, he couldn't shy away from these confrontations. He needed to take more decisive action in the future, engaging with formidable opponents, even if it meant putting his life on the line. The path to becoming truly powerful, it seemed, was paved with not just strategy and skill, but the courage to confront and, if necessary, kill those who stood in his way.

[System Messages:

30 SP awarded for successful evasion of Arlong's Shark On Tooth attack

35 SP awarded for strategic use of environment against Arlong

40 SP awarded for sustained combat against a superior opponent

50 SP awarded for first successful counter-attack on Arlong


45 SP awarded for adapting Basic Stealth technique under high-pressure combat

60 SP awarded for surviving Arlong's onslaught

50 SP awarded for innovative application of Basic Sword Handling against a Fishman

70 SP awarded for critical hit landed on Arlong utilizing improvised Sword Style technique


80 SP awarded for enduring Arlong's brutal assault and continuing to fight

100 SP awarded for developing a makeshift defense strategy against Arlong's Watery Saw

120 SP awarded for a strategic retreat to reassess and adapt battle tactics

150 SP awarded for significant damage inflicted on Arlong utilizing environment and acquired skills

200 SP awarded for overcoming a stronger opponent through strategy and perseverance

250 SP awarded for extraordinary resilience and determination in the face of overwhelming odds

Final System Message:

Battle Completion Bonus: 1500 SP awarded for defeating Arlong, a high-bounty Fishman pirate significantly stronger than host at the time. 

Killing a Major Character: 3000 SP awarded for killing a major character otherwise survived the ordeal.Total combat experience and strategic adaptation have significantly enhanced combat proficiency and tactical acumen.

Total SP Awarded for Battle with Arlong: 8,040 SP}

Jumping down from the ship, Luffy and the others hurried over to where Coby and Nami stood. Luffy, always exuberant, couldn't contain his excitement as he practically tackled them in a bear hug. Even though it hadn't been long since they parted ways, Luffy missed his Nakama terribly. As for Nami's unexpected departure and ship theft, it was a matter of indifference to him. That was just how Luffy was.

Zoro, on the other hand, was less effusive in his display of emotions, but his guarded smile and the light in his eyes spoke volumes about his happiness. Coby couldn't help but notice the slash across Zoro's chest, evidence of his fierce battle with Mihawk. It seemed that their encounter had played out similarly to what Coby had seen in the anime. He couldn't help but feel relieved that Zoro had come out of it alive. Despite knowing the plot, he couldn't shake the idea that this was reality, a new life with unpredictable future. But at the time, his immediate concern was Nami, and he couldn't stand idly by.

Before they could delve deeper into their reunion and celebration, a Marine ship appeared on the horizon, entering Arlong Park with determination. Nezumi stood on the deck, his face twisted in anger as he confronted the group.

"What have you done?" Nezumi's voice was sharp and accusatory, his frustration evident. Not only had he failed to locate Nami's buried treasure, but he had also lost his partner, Arlong. It was important to understand that over the eight years, Arlong had captured numerous pirates and handed them over to Nezumi, ultimately paving the way for his rise to the rank of Captain. Now, with Arlong gone, Nezumi's power had taken a significant hit, and his mind raced with thoughts of how to regain his status.

As Nezumi contemplated his next moves, a sinister plan began to take shape in his mind. He would eliminate everyone present and then craft a heroic story where Arlong had gone insane, forcing him to step in as the heroic savior who had slain the rogue fish-man. It was a twisted scheme, but it offered Nezumi a chance to reclaim his authority and reputation.

Then, Nezumi's mind whirled with the possibilities of his future. He envisioned himself requesting a transfer to a desk job where he could live in luxury. And there was Arlong's treasure, yet to be found, which he planned to claim as his own. Yes, this plan would work perfectly. Meanwhile, Zoro, feeling Nezumi's gaze, casually touched the hilt of his remaining sword, the other two having been broken by Mihawk. Sanji, cool and composed, lit a cigarette, ready for whatever might come. It was Luffy who seemed most aware of the Marine's evil intentions.

Unaware of the silent defiance and readiness of the group, Nezumi looked over the crew and civilians. With a voice oozing authority, he declared, "Arlong was a partner to the Marines. By attacking him, you've attacked the Marines. This will cost you dearly. By the order of the Marines, I sentence all of you to death." Villagers exclaimed in fear, and even some Marines were taken aback. Over the years, they had turned a blind eye to many atrocities under Nezumi's command, but now he was ordering them to kill civilians, adults, and children alike.

"GO! KILL THEM!" Nezumi ordered. The Marines, clenching their swords, moved forward. Although hesitant, they felt they had no other choice.

As the Marines advanced, the villagers' fear turned into a determination to protect their newfound freedom. They grabbed whatever they could find as weapons, ready to defend themselves and their saviors. The atmosphere was tense, a standoff between the villagers and the Marines, with Nezumi's corrupt power looming over them all.

Luffy stepped forward, his usual carefree demeanor gone, replaced by a serious and protective stance. "You heard him," Luffy said, his voice steady, "they want to fight." Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Coby all took positions beside Luffy, ready to stand against Nezumi and his men.

Nezumi, seeing the defiance in the eyes of Luffy and his crew, felt a surge of anger. He needed to regain control of the situation and assert his authority. "What are you waiting for? I gave you an order!" he bellowed to his men. The Marines, caught between their duty and their conscience, reluctantly prepared to engage.

Just as the tension reached its peak and the first clash seemed inevitable, a voice called out from the crowd of villagers. It was Genzo, the village leader, his face determined and his voice carrying an authority born of years of suffering and leadership. "We've had enough of being pushed around by the likes of Arlong and corrupt Marines like you, Nezumi," Genzo declared, standing tall. "We won't stand by and watch our heroes be slaughtered."

The villagers rallied around Genzo's words, their fear turning into a collective resolve. They stood shoulder to shoulder with Luffy and his crew, ready to fight for their freedom and for the people who had risked everything to save them. Well at least Coby did and Coby was their Nakama.

In response, Nezumi laughed, a cold and mocking sound. "You think you can stand against the might of the Marines? You're all just pitiful civilians," he taunted. But beneath his words, there was a hint of uncertainty, a fear that he had underestimated the spirit of the villagers and the strength of Luffy's crew.

Luffy, his hat pulled low over his eyes, cracked his knuckles. "I've had enough of your blabbering," he said, a grin spreading across his face. "Let's go, guys!" With that, he charged forward, followed closely by Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Coby.

The battle ended not long after it started. With Coby, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji present, the Marines stood no chance at all. Before the villagers could even approach the ship, every Marine was on the ground, crawling in pain. Nezumi, who had thought Luffy and the others would be easy targets, now found himself under the cold gaze of Coby, a sword at his neck.

Coby pondered over Nezumi's fate. The Marine had played a significant role in the suffering of Nami and many others. Part of him wanted to see Nezumi pay with his life, but another part wanted him to face a future of suffering without Arlong's support. As a Captain, Nezumi's downfall was set in stone. Coby also considered the bounties; if Nezumi managed to escape, he would undoubtedly work to increase theirs. The thought was oddly satisfying to Coby.

With a decision made, Coby withdrew his sword and delivered a powerful kick to Nezumi's face. "Fucker," he cursed, turning away as Nezumi and the other Marines scrambled to escape. The villagers, witnessing the quick defeat of their oppressors, burst into celebrations, their cheers and laughter filling the air.

The cheers of celebration followed soon enough. Villagers embraced each other, their faces alight with joy and relief. They gathered around Coby and his crew, thanking them, their words a chorus of gratitude and admiration. Children ran around in excitement, their laughter a stark contrast to the fear that had once dominated their lives.


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