One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch31- Help Me!

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Crying, Nami dashed away towards her house, her heart heavy with a mix of emotions. "It's your funeral!" she cried out, the words carrying her reluctance to leave in silence. As she arrived at her house, she saw Nojiko standing at the door, her face a canvas of confusion and fear. Spotting Nami, Nojiko's expression softened into one of relief. "Nami!" she exclaimed, she was really worried but also felt relief seeing her sister.

Nami approached her, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears. Nojiko, noticing her distress, asked, "What happened?" Nami didn't answer as she entered the house, her mind preoccupied with the recent events. "Genzo-san! Arlong was going to kill Genzo-san," Nojiko remembered aloud, but Nami stopped her with a shake of her head. "He's fine. Everyone in the village is too," Nami assured her, her voice barely above a whisper.

Nojiko's mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle. "How? Arlong thinks Genzo-san killed his men," she inquired, her brow furrowed in confusion. Nami grimaced, knowing the truth was equally tragic in outcome. "The killer revealed himself," she said, her voice tinged with a bitterness she couldn't hide.

Nojiko gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. The implications were clear: Coby had intervened, and now, he was likely dead. The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

As they were absorbed in their conversation, the sound of approaching footsteps caught their attention. They walked outside to see a Marine Captain and his men approaching. The captain was a short man with a sneer permanently etched on his face. His uniform was impeccable, but the corruption in his eyes was evident. He was the type of man who thrived on power and used it to bend others to his will. His men, a ragtag group of soldiers, followed him with an air of resignation and fear.

Nezumi stood before Nami and Nojiko, his smirk mocking and confident. "I am the Captain of Navy base 16, Captain Nezumi. Are you the criminal Nami, the thief?" His voice oozed with contempt and self-assured authority.

Nami, her face set in a defiant smirk, responded, "Criminal? I am indeed. I am a Pirate, in Arlong's Crew. As an officer, you should know, you cannot lay a finger on me." Her stance was bold, challenging the captain's authority. She had seen her fair share of Marine coming to bow before Arlong and take bribe. Her village, the whole island was damned because of these bastards.

Nezumi's sneer didn't falter. "Pirate? I didn't hear anything about it. I won't lay a finger on you, but I heard you are a thief. My sources say you rob pirates of their treasures. Since you only steal from pirates, that doesn't make you a criminal. But a thief is a thief. That loot belongs to the people it was stolen from originally."

Nami's eyes hollowed, her expression turning cold as Nojiko stepped closer in anger. "You can't do that," Nojiko protested, her voice tense with anger and frustration.

Nezumi laughed, a sound that echoed with disdain and superiority. "Let me make it clear, hand over the treasure. It belongs to the World Government!" His declaration was final, leaving no room for argument.

Without waiting for a response, Nezumi ordered his men, "Find the loot!" The soldiers moved quickly, their actions efficient and unhesitating as they started to uproot the trees.

Nami and Nojiko tried to intercept them, they were so angry but also desperate, that treasure was Nami's hard work of a decade. She suffered all to free her village. How could she allow others take her money? But they were stopped by Nezumi, his presence a barrier they couldn't overcome.

"Is this how the Navy does its business? Arlong enslaved this island for eight years. You have never shown up to help the innocents," Nojiko accused, her voice sharp and accusing.

Nezumi's smirk widened. "Watch your mouth, lowlife." He then turned to his men, his voice carrying clear and authoritative. "Ignore her, search it. There should be 100 million worth of money."

Nami and Nojiko exchanged shocked glances. "How do you know?" they questioned in unison, their voices laced with disbelief and suspicion.

Nezumi's eyes glinted with a cunning that belied his jovial appearance. He didn't bother to answer, his attention focused on his men as they scoured the house and surrounding area.

The tension in the air was palpable, the fear and anger of the sisters clashing with the cold efficiency of the Marines. As the soldiers searched, Nami's mind raced, her thoughts a whirlwind of strategy and concern. She knew the location of the stash, and the realization that Nezumi was aware of the exact amount was unsettling.

Nojiko, standing beside her sister, felt a surge of protectiveness and rage. The injustice of the situation, the years of suffering under Arlong's rule, and now the threat of losing everything to the Marines, fueled her defiance. But she knew that direct confrontation would be futile against the armed and trained soldiers.

As the Marines continued their search, Nezumi watched, his expression one of smug satisfaction. He seemed to relish the power he held, the ability to disrupt and control the lives of those before him.

Nami clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. The frustration and helplessness were overwhelming, but she refused to show any weakness. She glanced at Nojiko, both sharing same sentiment. Helplessness, utter hate and disgust.

Both Nami and Nojiko realized the bitter truth — Arlong must have informed Nezumi. The fishman had no intention of keeping his promise. Rage boiled within Nami as she grasped the reality of her situation. She had spent eight long, grueling years gathering every single Beli, and now it was all about to be confiscated by the Navy. With nothing left to lose and no hope remaining, she decided to put her life on the line. What more could she lose?

Nami dashed towards the village, determination and desperation driving her every step. The villagers, too, soon realized the gravity of the situation. They had all been aware of Nami's 'secret' mission, maintaining a respectful silence about it, but now that Arlong had played dirty, they were ready to fight to the death. What more they had to lose anyway?

As they reached Arlong Park, however, they were met with an unexpected sight. Coby stood blocking the path, his presence imposing and unyielding. "Get out!" Nami commanded, her voice a mix of anger and despair. But Coby stood firm, not moving an inch.

The villagers, who had witnessed the earlier battle, dared not move. They knew of Coby's strength and the seriousness of the situation. Nami's voice softened, breaking the tense air. "Coby," she said, her voice trembling as she fell to the ground, tears streaming down her face. "Help me," she cried out, her plea filled with the pain of years of suffering.

Coby, without a word, walked over to Nami. He took off his cloak and gently wrapped it around her, offering warmth and comfort. "Of course!" he declared, his voice resolute and strong. He then turned towards the path leading to Arlong Park, with genuine mask of anger on his face. He walked alone.

This was his battle, his revenge. He couldn't leave it to anyone else, as much as he wished he could witness the legendary walk of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp as they charged towards Arlong Park. But this was his moment, his responsibility.

As Coby advanced, the villagers and Nami watched him, a mix of awe and hope in their eyes. His figure became smaller as he moved further away, but his resolve seemed to fill the space around him, leaving a lasting impression on those who watched. As he reached the door of Arlong Park, Coby paused, taking in the sight of the foreboding structure. He could feel the malevolence emanating from it, the years of fear and suffering it represented. But he also felt a surge of determination, a burning desire to end Arlong's reign and free the villagers from their torment.

The place was quiet, too quiet. Coby had already eliminated most of Arlong's men, and only a few remained. At this point, it was an all-out war. Standing in front of the door, Coby used his fist and punched it, blasting the door towards the end of the courtyard.


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