One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch30- Get Out!

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Coby's figure blurred into the landscape, a mirage of speed and stealth as he darted away from the village. He already made a plan and was executing it perfectly. He knew he could quickly take out Chew, but taking down Kuroobi was a bonus. He now wanted to lure Arlong and his crew away from the innocents. Arlong, a seething mass of fury, gave chase, his Fishmen cohorts trailing behind like a menacing wave ready to crash down upon their prey. They were classic examples of bullies. Torturing weak with their numbers, while prostrating to strong.

As the pursuit continued, Coby's plan became clear for all to see, if they weren't blinded by rage. He kept just enough distance, a taunting shadow on the horizon that kept Arlong's rage boiling and his focus narrow, like leading a horse with noose and blinkers. The Fishman's chased after him, their feet thundering on the ground like drum wars, though it was just their funeral anthem.

Coby's moved through the island's dense foliage in a speed that could easily be followed, but not slow enough to be caught. Every so often, he glanced back, making sure Arlong and his crew were still behind him. His expression remained teasing, fueling and heating the anger of the Fishmen.

Then, with the subtle move akin to shadow in pitch darkness, Coby activated Stealth Foot technique. He vanished from the open path, leaving no trail behind. The Fishmen slowed their pace in confusion and rage, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of their elusive target.

In the heart of the jungle, Coby reappeared, a silent wraith poised to strike. His detached hands, armed with knives, floated at his sides, ready to be unleashed. He eyed the Fishmen, his gaze cold as he calculated best course of action. These were not the strongest of Arlong's crew, but they were dangerous enough in numbers.

One by one, he targeted the Fishmen, his hands darting out like vipers striking their prey. The first fell with a gurgled cry, a knife buried deep in his throat. The second, alerted by the sound, barely had time to turn before a second knife found its mark. The Fishmen's numbers dwindled rapidly, their confusion and fear mounting with each fallen comrade.

Coby moved through the jungle with a predator's grace, each step silent, each breath controlled. He was like a specter in the dense forest, a green snake that couldn't be seen until it was too late.

Coby struck without a stop, his detached hands launching forward with purpose of culling them, his attacks had no mercy. The Fishmen's cries echoed through the jungle, last of cries marked their demise. When silence finally settled, it was complete. This hunt, left only one victor, no survivor on opponent's team, except the leader.

Only Arlong remained, still searching the forest. But the more his men fell, the greater his rage grew. Lost in his wrath, he couldn't think straight. Smirking, Coby left the forest and returned to the village. Although Arlong was less intelligent while angry, his predatory instincts and power were surging. Coby decided to wait for him to calm down before hunting him again. He had long promised to make Arlong pay for his crimes against Nami. This was just the beginning. At the same time, he checked the System Messages that alerted his SP gains from his hunt.

[System Messages:

25 SP awarded for Fishman 1

25 SP awarded for Fishman 2

20 SP awarded for Fishman 3

20 SP awarded for Fishman 4



Total SP awaded: 543.

Current SP balance: 946.]

Returning to the still unconscious Nojiko, he held her in his arms and carried her back to her house, placing her gently on her bed. He then left the house and entered the tangerine field to search for Nami's stash. He was aware that soon, Marine Nezumi would come to steal it, and he intended to take it before that.

Coby moved through the tangerine groves trying to remember the location of hidden treasure, his eyes scanning the lush foliage for any sign of the hidden stash. He knew that Nami, being the clever and resourceful person she was, would have hidden it well.

As he searched, he couldn't help but admire the beauty of the grove. The tangerines hung like golden orbs from the trees, their sweet fragrance filling the air. It was a peaceful place, a treasure to Nami and Nojiko, and their mother Bellemere, taken away by Arlng.

Finally, after carefully searching through the groves, Coby found what he was looking for. Hidden beneath a loose panel at the base of a tree was a small, well-concealed compartment. Inside, stacks of Beli and small clusters of golds and treasures gleamed in the dim light, hard work of Nami's years of toil and sacrifice.

Taking everything, Coby shifted Nami's stash to a new location just outside her house. It was a temporary measure, but necessary. He wagered this treasure for a kiss after all, but now that he got the kiss, he would return the treasure back.

His task completed, Coby headed back to the village. The streets, usually somber under Arlong's latest cruel attack, now bustled with a new tension stirred by recent events. The villagers whispered amongst themselves, their eyes darting fearfully towards the direction of Arlong Park. The air was thick with anticipation and fear, a prelude to the inevitable storm that was brewing. An outsider killed more of Arlong's men, what would the tyrant do now?

Coby made his way through the village. As he walked, he spotted Nami, her eyes wide with surprise at his unexpected presence.

"Coby! What are you doing here?" Nami's voice carried a hint of astonishment.

Coby responded with a smirk, his confidence unwavering. "What else?"

Nami's expression shifted from surprise to anger, her gaze piercing through him as if trying to uncover his true intentions. "I didn't ask anyone to save me," she retorted, her words dripping with frustration.

Coby chuckled nonchalantly, his tone casual as if he were discussing a trivial matter. "I'm here for my dinner. Who's here to save you?"

The words hung in the air between them, only then Nami remembered their earlier bet. Nami's emotions churned within her, torn between her conflicting feelings. She couldn't help but notice the smirk on Coby's face, his actions, and his seemingly flippant excuse, all of which left her feeling a mixture of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

Part of Nami wanted to bury her face in Coby's chest and cry out all the grievances she had suffered, to ask for help. But another part dreaded the idea of putting him in danger. She had seen how strong his crew was, but Arlong was on another level. If Coby tried to help her, she feared he would die. Nami didn't want that. With every ounce of strength, she yelled, "Get out! Get the hell out of this island. I don't want to see you ever again."

Coby's gaze never wavered as he looked at her, his face serious but his posture straight. "Nami, it's okay, you know," he said calmly.

Nami, heaving with anger and fear, shot back, "What is?"

Coby stepped closer, his movements deliberate. He reached out and gently patted her head. "To ask for help," he said softly.

Nami's reaction was immediate. She swung her staff at him, but Coby dodged smoothly, his reflexes sharp. "GET OUT!" she screamed.

Yet, Coby remained undeterred. He stood there, like a pillar of calm amidst the storm of her emotions and fear. His eyes held a depth of understanding and compassion that seemed to reach out to her, offering solace and support.

"I can't do that, Nami," Coby replied, his voice firm. "I made a promise to bring you back, and I intend to keep it."

Nami's eyes filled with tears, her emotions a whirlwind of fear, anger, and a reluctant gratitude. She knew the risks Coby was taking by being here, and yet, part of her felt an undeniable relief at not being alone in her fight.

Coby watched her, his heart aching at the sight of her distress. He had seen the harsh reality Nami had suffered many times. He even cried a few first times when he watched how Nami had suffered. He was a true One Piece fan that was no afraid to admit he cried on several occasions while watching the show. And Nami's backstory was one of those. So, he was angry, and now that he had power, he was intended to fucking kill that fishy.


Read up to 100 chapters ahead!

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