On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 194

The rabbit nuclear explosion was successful!

Just a few words, like a thunder, stunned Eisenhower and others.

The originally festive and joyful inauguration banquet suddenly fell into a depressing atmosphere.

Everyone was stunned.

The whole banquet seemed to have pressed the pause button.


“”Humph!” Eisenhower looked at Waters coldly, then walked quickly to a private room.

Waters, Stilwell, Kimble, Marshall and others followed quickly.

In the private room,

Eisenhower pointed at Waters’ nose and cursed:”Don’t you know what day it is today?”

“Such shocking news, you actually announced it in public, what do you want to do… destroy my place?”

Today is a very important moment for the Eagle Sauce, and it is a brand new beginning for Eisenhower’s life.

On such an important day, Waters announced a murderous news, which undoubtedly angered Eisenhower.

After a long time, Eisenhower calmed down and asked:”Tell me, what exactly happened?”

Waters:”Three days ago, the rabbit conducted a nuclear test in the northwest. At first we all thought it was fake, so we didn’t report it (mainly due to many factors such as the handover between Truman and Eisenhower)……”

“Unexpectedly, today the rabbits announced to the world that they had successfully developed a nuclear bomb. Here are the reports and related photos.……”

When Eisenhower saw the exact news, he blurted out:”Fuck… this damn rabbit… is simply living too comfortably, doing research and development every day.……”

Stilwell:”It’s unbelievable that the rabbits developed a nuclear bomb in just one year, but it took us three years.……”

Marshall:”The speed of the rabbits’ research and development is too amazing. It is hard to imagine what kind of technology they will have in a few years!”

Kimble:”If the rabbits have absolute resources, their ability to make atomic bombs will be amazing!”

The only advantage of the eagle sauce is quantity. If the rabbits’ military industry and industrial base are more mature, the advantage of quantity will be worn away.

Eisenhower suddenly thought:”If I remember correctly, President Truman deployed hundreds of nuclear bombs at the military base in Ji’nei,…, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne, Ji’ne”

“Perhaps, he should play a role!”

Eisenhower, on the other hand, did not face any pressure from Truman to use nuclear bombs. If something happened, he could put the blame on the former president.

Marshall:”This is a good idea. With hundreds of nuclear bombs, I want to see how many the Rabbit’s Sky Terminal Air Defense Missile System can intercept?”

Waters:”By the way, President, the Russian bear is developing a technology that combines nuclear bombs and missiles. Once successful, the nuclear deterrent will be even greater.……”

“Then we can’t fall behind, order the relevant departments to start research and development immediately……”

Since then, the arms race has moved forward one step.

Rabbit, bear, Eagle sauce… All three countries are developing two bombs. It depends on who can come out on top and take the lead.

According to the course of history, at the end of 1952, the Eagle Sauce Air Force Headquarters formally proposed the use of atomic weapons in air defense, especially the development of air-to-air missiles and surface-to-air missiles that can carry nuclear warheads. On

March 23, 1953, Eagle Sauce requested the development of a lightweight atomic warhead with the lowest possible cost and a power of 1-2 kilotons of TNT.

The purpose of this request is to provide air-to-air missiles and short-range and long-range surface-to-air missiles with nuclear warheads.

At the same time, this missile can be launched from F-102 and F-89D aircraft.

At the end of April 1954, Eagle Sauce formally requested the development of a low-power, aircraft-carryable fission warhead for an air-to-air rocket.

On June 4 of that year, this weapon was named XW-25 and entered service in August 1961.

The Army missile carrying the nuclear warhead is the SM-65 ballistic missile, also known as the Atlas/Atlas missile. It is the first liquid-fueled single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile in service in the United States. The missile has a single-stage rocket engine, a takeoff mass of 120.1 tons, a nuclear warhead with an explosive power of 3 to 5 million tons of TNT equivalent, and a maximum range of 12,070 kilometers. In

September 1959, it was finalized for production and equipped with the United States Air Force. Later, the missile was replaced by the LGM-30A/B ballistic missile. The”Atlas” carrier rocket, which was improved by its core propulsion rocket, undertook multiple spacecraft launch missions in the United States’ commercial space launches.

As for the Russian bear, it was not until June 21, 1956 that it was equipped with the first ballistic missile equipped with a nuclear warhead with a yield of one million tons.——R-5M.

The total length is 20.75 meters, the diameter is 1.65 meters, the maximum range is 1200 kilometers (750 miles), the take-off weight is 28.4, and the throw weight is 1300 kilograms.

The warhead equivalent can carry 60.80 kt.300 kt.1 Mt (or more) thermonuclear warheads, and the guidance method is inertial guidance plus radio command guidance.

Excluding experimental samples, the Russian Bear has produced a total of 48 missiles of this type, which are deployed in Kaliningrad, Estonia, the Transcarpathian Mountains, Crimea, the Kola Peninsula and near Vladivostok (Vladivostok).

It is now the end of January 1953.

The Russian Bear and the Eagle Sauce still have a long way to go in this regard

“President, Churchill is here!”Austin from the Foreign Ministry walked in quickly and said,”It seems like there is something urgent!!”

“He won’t come to congratulate me! Quick, let him in……”

Soon, Churchill walked in quickly and said,”Congratulations, Mr. Eisenhower, on becoming the 34th president.”

After a few words of greeting, Churchill got straight to the point.

“President Eisenhower, bad news! The rabbits have successfully developed a nuclear bomb.……”

“I know this……”

“Then what? Let it develop?”

Eisenhower looked at Churchill’s unwilling expression and said:”Don’t worry, I have thought of a way to deal with the Eastern power. I will launch political marginal activities around it, incite the Philippines, the bald head, the chicken in the basin, and the white elephant… to harass it comprehensively!”

These countries have contradictions and conflicts with the rabbit.

Needless to say, the bald head wants to return all the time, and he will definitely go all out if he is given a little sweetness.

The Philippines has an island dispute with the Eastern power…

The chicken in the basin has many historical contradictions with the Eastern power…

The white elephant also has a marginal dispute with the Eastern power…

It has to be said that Eisenhower’s plan is really vicious, using the political margin to consume the Eastern power.

Then he can free up his hands to lay out Europe, fight against the bear, and dominate the world.

Churchill was still a little worried:”These are not opponents of the Eastern power. Can this method work?”

“Churchill, do you prefer to fight with someone openly and honestly? Or do you prefer your enemy to be sneaky and hide a knife behind his smile?”

“Of course, it’s fair and square, and the winner is decided in person. It’s hard to guard against sneaky tricks behind the scenes.……”

“So, the reason is simple, these countries will not fight with rabbits……”

“We provide some weapons and let others fight for us……”(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this point, Eisenhower showed a smug smile:”We don’t need to worry about the Asia-Pacific region. Next, we should focus on Western Europe and the Middle East.……”

“I plan to establish a rapid deployment joint task force in Bahrain (which was later the central command of the five major commands)!”

This command covers the global”center” area between Europe, Africa and the Pacific, but the focus is on the Middle East.

The Middle East is of great strategic significance to the Eagle Sauce, especially the Persian Gulf and its surrounding areas, which have rich oil reserves and are known as the world’s energy warehouse, which has a far-reaching impact on the overall economic structure.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce has always regarded the Persian Gulf as an important part of its global strategy and has continuously increased its influence in the region.

In order to strengthen its military presence in the Middle East, the Eagle Sauce plans to deploy multiple military bases in the Middle East and use these bases to carry out counter-terrorism, maintain regional stability and other tasks.

For example, the Eagle Sauce in Bahrain An air force base and a naval base were established, so that the headquarters of the Eagle Sauce Navy Central Command and the Fifth Fleet headquarters are both located here. In addition, the Eagle Sauce also planned to establish the largest air force base in the Arab region-Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar.

These measures show the Eagle Sauce’s military deployment and influence in the Middle East.

In addition, the Eagle Sauce Central Command can also adjust its mission objectives according to changes in the regional security situation, safeguarding the Eagle Sauce’s global interests and responding to regional emergencies.

Churchill:”I was just about to tell you about this… The big dogs in the Middle East are now too arrogant and have actually taken measures to cut off our oil supply. At present, I have formed a joint force to arrive in the Persian Gulf to fight against the big dogs.……”

Eisenhower:”Didn’t this idiot sign the US-Saudi Treaty with us? How dare he unilaterally tear up the treaty? This is outrageous.……”

Churchill:”Don’t worry, the warships of the British Empire have already sailed into the Persian Gulf. In less than a week, they will make the big dog beg for mercy!”

John Bull’s navy has a glorious past. It took more than 100 years to defeat the Spanish, Dutch, and Gallic navies, master the maritime hegemony, and sit on the throne of the”British Empire”.

In World War I, the Royal Navy had masts like a forest. The battleships such as”Malaya”,”Emperor of India”,”Canada”,”Ireland”, and”New Zealand” showed the world the capital of this huge empire spanning the globe to suppress the great powers.

Before the outbreak of World War II, John Bull still had a large number of overseas colonies and 15 battleships, 7 aircraft carriers, 66 cruisers, 184 destroyers, 45 frigates and 60 submarines, with naval bases spread across the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Indian Ocean, and Southeast Asia.

The strength was far superior to the Eagle Sauce Navy at that time.

After the end of World War II, John Bull suffered a serious blow in both economic strength and ruling prestige, and could not support the original fleet size.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Churchill believed that it was more than enough to deal with the dog owners, not to mention that there were allies such as the Gallic chickens.[]

However, at this moment, Churchill’s entourage walked in quickly, looking nervous and as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.

“What happened?”

The secretary leaned over and whispered in Churchill’s ear.

“What?” Churchill’s face changed drastically when he heard this. He grabbed his secretary’s hand and said,”Say it again!”……”

Secretary:”Our joint fleet was sunk by the missiles and rockets of the dog big family after entering the Arabian Sea.……”

“Falk……”Churchill didn’t care about his image or Eisenhower’s face, and he cursed loudly.

They didn’t even enter the Persian Gulf, but were directly defeated by the big dog in the Arabian Sea.

This kind of humiliation was simply intolerable for John Bull, the former empire on which the sun never set.

Eisenhower:”When did the big dog become so tough? No, where did the big dog get the missiles and rocket launchers? Was it the Russian bear?”

Currently, the Russian bear and the Eagle Sauce are playing a game in the Middle East, and the only thing Eisenhower can think of is the Russian bear.

Churchill:”I don’t think it’s the Russian bear, it should be the Eastern power… Recently, the big dog and the rabbit have been getting close… Who knows, the Eastern power is behind it.”

“You mean the rabbit?” Eisenhower was instantly furious like an erupting volcano, his face flushed and his eyes filled with anger.

“Waters, investigate the situation immediately. I want to make sure whether the rabbit is behind this!”

“At the same time, the Fifth Carrier Fleet was ordered to go to the Middle East immediately.……”

At this time, the Eagle Sauce has already felt the threat of the Rabbit to its global status, and it must nip this trend in the bud.

Moreover, the Eagle Sauce Fifth Carrier Fleet is responsible for the Middle East, specifically covering the vast sea area from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea.

This area not only includes a long coastline and many choke points, such as the Strait of Hormuz and the Suez Canal, but also has complex sea conditions and diverse routes.

Only the Fifth Carrier Fleet can attack.

The Eagle Sauce dispatching the Fifth Fleet to attack is enough to show its determination to defend its interests in the Middle East.



��The commander saw the good news from the Middle East and showed a satisfied expression on his face.

“I didn’t expect that our expired weapon, the Dongfeng 1, could still be used… sinking the Combined Fleet was so satisfying, haha……”

Mr. Hu:”Jiang Chen is right. We can make a lot of money by selling our obsolete products to them…killing two birds with one stone… In addition, our military advisory group played a key role in the bombardment of the John Bull Combined Fleet.……”

The commander-in-chief was overjoyed when he heard this.

However, at this moment, a piece of intelligence reached the commander-in-chief, causing his face to change drastically.

“What, the Eagle Sauce has deployed hundreds of nuclear bombs in the foot basin chicken?”


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