On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 193

Chapter 193, Solid evidence: Rabbits have nuclear bombs, and the whole country of Eagle Sauce is shocked! Eisenhower: Times have changed? Rabbits are hidden powers! (Please subscribe!)


Today is a historic day for Eagle Sauce.

The 34th President of Eagle Sauce, Eisenhower, officially announced his inauguration today and delivered an important speech.

On the podium.

Eisenhower began to briefly explain his experience.

I… Dwight Eisenhower, born in a poor family at the bottom of the Eagle Sauce, dropped out of school after graduating from high school to work to earn college tuition for his brother; at the age of 19, he entered the West Point Military Academy. In 1915, he graduated with the rank of second lieutenant and entered the army. In 1917, Eagle Sauce participated in World War I and Eisenhower was promoted to captain. In

1940, Eisenhower was first promoted to regimental commander, and then to division chief of staff at the end of the year. In 1941, his outstanding military talents were appreciated by General Marshall.

In 1942, Eisenhower was quickly promoted to General and served as the Allied Commander-in-Chief in North Africa. In July 1943, he became the Allied Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Theater and commanded Operation Husky. In

1944, Eisenhower became the Allied Commander-in-Chief of the European Theater. In June, he commanded the Normandy Landing and was in charge of the Western Front in Europe until the end of World War II.

After the war, he succeeded Marshall as the Army Chief of Staff of the 210th Army; in 1948, Eisenhower retired and entered politics……

“My friends……”

“Almighty God, as we stand here, I pray with my future colleagues in the executive branch of your government that we may devote ourselves wholeheartedly to serving all our fellow citizens here in this room, and their fellow citizens across this country… Amen.”

“The United States and the world have faced many challenges in this century, and the century is already halfway through… We can fully feel that the forces of justice and evil are accumulating strength, preparing for war, and confronting each other. This situation is extremely rare in history.”

“And this is the meaning of our gathering here today”

“It is not just to witness a citizen swear allegiance to his country before God in this solemn and epic ceremony.”

“God has called us together today so that the American nation can reaffirm to the world our faith that the future belongs to the free world.”

“Since the beginning of this century, a bloody storm has swept across the world.”

“The great power in the East of Asia has awakened and wants to break free from the shackles of history… and reach the top of the world……”

“The European powers also experienced an unprecedented bloody war……”

“The kingship was overthrown, the kingdom was destroyed……”

“New countries are springing up like mushrooms after rain……”

“For us, this century has been full of trials. Our national strength has greatly increased, and we have shouldered more responsibilities. We have overcome the tests of the Great Depression and the World War and have become the most powerful country in human history.”

“This is our pride……”

“Slavery is defiled the institutions of freedom…Darkness is encroaching upon light”


“Therefore, we free nations must unite together. Only in this way can we exert our true strength. If we fight alone, it will only increase the danger.”

“In order to unite free nations and meet the challenges of this era, the destiny of leading the free world has fallen to the Eagle Sauce.”

“We are the most powerful country in the world……”

“The great powers in the East cannot challenge or shake our position……”

“Today, we once again pledge to our friends that we, the Eagle Sauce people, will distinguish between the actions of world leaders and the actions of imperialism while receiving the mandate from heaven.……”

“We hope that our friends around the world will first understand that we must face challenges together – without fear, without doubt – with courage and determination.”

Little rabbits… not enough evidence

“We must recognize that the establishment of regional organizations among free nations is based on economic needs, military security and political considerations. We hope to help strengthen the special ties between countries around the world under the framework of the United Nations.……”

“We are actively united with our neighbors in the Western Hemisphere, and we are constantly improving the American community with brotherly confidence and common goals.”

“In Europe, we invite the leaders of Western European countries who are inspired by the Eagle Sauce to join us in achieving the unity of the Western world. Only when free Europe works together can they, with the help of the Eagle Sauce, protect their spiritual and cultural heritage.”

“As long as all countries can follow the above principles, world peace will be just around the corner.”

Finally, Eisenhower shouted loudly:”I hope all of us will take out courage and love to complete the cause… May the Almighty God bless us.”

Clap, clap, clap!

Thunderous applause broke out at the scene.

Throughout the speech, Eisenhower implied that the Eastern rabbits did not abide by the rules (set by the Eagle Sauce), provoked regional peace, and undermined relations between countries… In short, in one sentence, the rabbits challenged the hegemony and status of the Eagle Sauce.

It is necessary to call on capitalist countries around the world to unite against the rabbits.

It has to be said that Eisenhower’s speech was excellent, and the capital tycoons and officials below praised it frequently.

For the Eagle Sauce, a country with a military-industrial complex, they only have interests in their eyes. Whoever prevents them from making money will be strangled.

And the president is the puppet of these capital tycoons.

As the threat of the rabbits to the Eagle Sauce grows, especially in terms of interests: military industry, trade and so on.

The military-industrial complex, also known as the military-industrial iron triangle (abbreviated as the iron triangle), is a group consisting of the Eagle Sauce military, the Ministry of Defense, arms manufacturers, members of Congress, and national defense research institutions. The military-industrial complex is a huge interest group composed of defense agencies, think tanks, and public opinion circles, forming a secret super interest group alliance.

This complex includes not only pure defense contracting companies, such as Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, which mainly produce military aircraft, missiles and other military equipment, but also semi-defense contracting companies, such as Boeing, which mainly produces civilian aircraft but also accepts orders from the US Department of Defense.

The influence of the military-industrial complex penetrates into all levels of American society, including military, economic, political and social aspects, forming an extremely powerful interest group, which has a profound impact on the domestic and foreign policies of the United States.

It can be said that the formation and development of the military-industrial complex in the United States is closely related to the military-industrial policy after World War II.

In the words of President Eisenhower:”It is used to describe specific interest groups that benefit from aggressive diplomatic or military policies.”?”

This complex is composed of military agencies of the executive branch, industry and commerce, Congress, academic and scientific groups, etc., forming a network of interests that are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.

In other words, as the rabbits become stronger, they have gradually affected the foundation of the Eagle Sauce.

The Eagle Sauce is absolutely intolerable!

After Eisenhower delivered his speech, there was a series of inaugural declarations, announcements of new appointments, new policies and other procedures.

For example: the establishment of the Information Agency, the announcement of the abolition of racial segregation on campus, the signing of Public Law No. 480 on food, as well as the Supply Control Act and the Housing Act, and the announcement of the development of the world’s first nuclear submarine”Nautilus”, etc…….

New officials take office with three fires.

Eisenhower implemented a number of systems as soon as he came up, and the satisfaction was very high.

At this time, Eisenhower was very proud. Since the announcement of the successful development of the hydrogen bomb, Eagle Sauce has become the most powerful country in the world.

For this reason, many Western capitalist countries have been attracted to Eagle Sauce, and more and more countries have joined NATO.

The full name of Beiyang is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. After World War II, Eagle Sauce formally established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on April 4, 1949 in order to contain the bear and maintain its dominant position in Europe. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The headquarters is located in Brussels, Belgium.

This is a symbol of the realization of strategic alliance in the military of the capitalist camp after World War II. It is an extension and development of the Marshall Plan in the military field, which enables Eagle Sauce to control the defense system of the European Union and is also a symbol of Eagle Sauce’s leadership of the world superpower.


Looking at the whole world, except for the continuous war on the peninsula, other regions are”peaceful” and developing steadily under the leadership of Eagle Sauce!

Obviously, Eisenhower and Eagle Sauce have regarded themselves as world bosses.

At the inauguration banquet.

Marshall came to Eisenhower with a glass of red wine and said,”Congratulations… Mr. President, I hope that under your leadership, the Eagle Sauce will achieve another glory!”

Eisenhower said,”General Marshall, without you I would not be where I am today. I hope you will continue to assist me, and let us witness the power of the Eagle Sauce together!”

“Lack of death!!!”

The two of them bumped into each other.���

Afterwards, Stilwell, Kimble and other bigwigs from the Eagle Sauce congratulated Eisenhower.

Politicians came together and began to discuss politics.

“At present, our main opponent is the rabbit. Mr. President, how do you plan to deal with the rabbit? ?”

Eisenhower showed a confident smile:”Rabbit? Humph… a big agricultural country, not a big threat. I have already thought of a countermeasure, but we should evacuate from the peninsula first.……”

“The peninsula has consumed too many of our resources. We cannot continue to waste resources internally and let the Russian bear reap the benefits.……”

“Remember, our opponent is the bear, not the rabbit.……”

Kimble:”But, the rapid increase of the rabbit’s national defense strength by 4.6 in recent years should not cause our attention?”

“No, no, no!” Eisenhower shook his head:”The rabbit is just a flash in the pan. You just wait and see how I deal with the rabbit.……”

“On the other hand, the Russian bear is preparing to launch missiles and nuclear weapons very quickly. According to reliable information, they are developing hydrogen bombs… This is a worthy opponent.……”

Apparently, in Eisenhower’s eyes, rabbits were not worth mentioning[]

In his eyes, the Rabbit has no nuclear weapons, no hydrogen bombs, and no navy. The only highlight is the army.

A country with a strong army cannot affect the United States’ dominance of the world.

In Eisenhower’s view, the Rabbit can only dominate the Asia-Pacific region at most. For this reason, he has already thought of a countermeasure.

Seeing Eisenhower so confident, everyone also showed a satisfied smile.

However, the slap in the face came quickly.

Waters walked quickly to Eisenhower with the”Rabbit Nuclear Explosion Announcement” and whispered:”President, the Rabbit nuclear explosion was successful!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expression froze!

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