Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 96 "The Burrow"

At seven o'clock in the evening, the two tables were groaning with fatigue under the weight of the delicious dishes prepared by Mrs. Weasley's masterful hand.The nine Weasleys, as well as Aaron, Harry and Hermione, all sat down to eat under the clear, dark blue night sky.

Across the table, Percy was telling his father about his report on the thickness of the crucible bottom.

"I told Mr. Crouch that I could finish it on Tuesday," Percy said proudly. "It's a little faster than he expected, but I want to take the initiative in everything. If I finish it on time, he will be very satisfied." Yes, because our department is currently very busy with preparations for the World Cup. We cannot get the support we need from the Department of Magical Sports and Sports. Ludo Bagman..."

"I like Ludo," Mr. Weasley said gently. "Thanks to him for getting us such good tickets to the World Cup. I did him a small favor: his brother Odo had something wrong." Trouble, you made a lawnmower do a lot of special things. I fixed the whole thing."

"Yes, of course, Bagman is quite cute." Percy said disapprovingly, "But comparing him with Mr. Crouch, I really don't understand how he became the director! If Crouch Sir, when he discovers that someone in our department is missing, he will definitely start an investigation and will not let it go unchecked. You know, Bertha Jorkins has been missing for more than a month! She went on vacation in Albania and never came back."

"Yes, I asked Ludo about it." Mr. Weasley frowned and said, "He said that Bertha had disappeared many times before this. But to be honest, if it was someone in our company Man, I would be worried.”

"Well, Bertha is a very troublesome person indeed," said Percy. "I heard that over the years she has been driven from one department to another, causing more trouble than she has done... But no matter Anyway, Bagman should still find a way to find her. Mr. Crouch has always been very concerned about this matter personally. You know, Bertha worked in our company for a period of time before. I think Mr. Crouch still likes her very much. Yes, but Bagman always laughed and said that Bertha must have read the map wrong and did not end up in Albania, but in Australia. But..." Percy sighed with dignity and took a deep sip of elder bone. Muhuajiu, "Our International Magic Cooperation Department has too many things to do, and we don't have time to find people for other departments. You know, after the World Cup, we have to organize a large-scale event."

Percy cleared his throat in a serious manner, turned his head and looked at the side of the table where Aaron, Harry, and Hermione were sitting.He raised his voice slightly: "You know what I'm talking about, Dad. This is top secret."

Ron rolled his eyes and whispered to Aaron, Harry and Hermione: "Ever since he started working he's been trying to tease us into asking him what it is. A Thick Crucible exhibition, maybe."

In the middle of the table, Mrs. Weasley was arguing with Bill about the earring, which appeared to be recently worn.

"...and it has a big scary tusk on it. Really, Bill, what did the people in the bank say?"

"Mom, the people in the bank don't care what clothes I wear, as long as I find a lot of treasure." Bill said patiently.

"Your hair is terribly ugly, dear," Mrs. Weasley said, stroking her wand lovingly. "I wish you would let me trim it..."

"I like it," said Ginny, who was sitting next to Bill. "Mom, you are so out of date. Besides, compared with Professor Dumbledore's hair, this is not long at all..."

Next to Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George and Charlie were animatedly discussing the World Cup.

"The Irish team must have won." Charlie muttered, his mouth full of potatoes. "They defeated the Peruvian team in the semifinals."

"But the Bulgarian team has Viktor Krum," Fred said.

"Krum is good, but he is just one person. Ireland has seven good players." Charlie said impatiently, "However, I really hope that the England team can qualify. It's really embarrassing."

"What's going on?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Losed to Transylvania, 390 to [-]." Charlie said with a frown. "The performance was terrible. Wales lost to Uganda, and Scotland was beaten by Luxembourg."

Mr. Weasley conjured some candles to light up the darkening garden, and then everyone began to enjoy their home-made strawberry ice cream.When everyone had finished eating, moths fluttered low on the table, and the warm air was filled with the scent of grass and honeysuckle.Aaron felt very full.He sat and watched several goblins being chased by Crookshanks, laughing maniacally as they flew through the rose bushes.

Ron looked up carefully around the table to see if everyone in the family was busy chatting, and then said to Harry in a very soft voice: "Have you received a letter from Sirius recently?"

Aaron and Hermione looked up and listened carefully.

"Yes," Harry whispered, "twice. He seems to be doing well. I wrote him a letter yesterday. He will reply to me while I'm here."

"Look at the time." Mrs. Weasley suddenly looked at her watch and said, "You should go to bed. You all have to get up early tomorrow morning to watch the game. Harry, Aaron, you put your school supplies Leave your purchase list and I’ll go to Diagon Alley to buy it for you tomorrow. I want to buy it for other people anyway.”

"Oh, I've already bought it." Aaron said quickly.

"Is that so? Then Harry, give me your shopping list." Mrs. Weasley said. "It will probably be too late to buy it after the World Cup. The last game lasted for five full days."

"Wow - I really hope it's the same this time!" Harry said excitedly.

"Oh, I don't want to," Percy said seriously, "I'd be away for five days at a time, and my folder wouldn't be full of papers. It makes me shudder to think of that."

"Yeah, maybe someone stuffed dragon dung in an envelope and mailed it to you again, Percy." Fred said.

"That's a fertilizer sample sent from Norway!" Percy's face flushed, "It's not for private individuals!"

"Actually," Fred whispered to Aaron, Harry, and Ron as everyone stood up and left the table, "that's what we sent him."

Aaron felt that he had just laid down in Ron's room and had not slept for a while when Mrs. Weasley shook him awake.

"It's time to go, Aaron, darling," she whispered, walking over to wake Harry again.

Aaron sat up in bed.It was still dark outside.Harry was woken up by Mrs. Weasley and was reaching for his glasses.Aaron saw two irregular black shapes emerging from under the messy blanket at the foot of the bed.

"What, is it already time?" Fred asked sleepily.

Everyone got dressed in silence, too sleepy to speak.Then the five of them went downstairs and into the kitchen, still yawning and stretching.

Mrs. Weasley was stirring the contents of a large pot on the stove, and Mr. Weasley sat at the table, checking a large bundle of parchment tickets.As the boys entered the kitchen, he raised his head and spread his arms so they could see what he was wearing.He wore a top that looked like a golf shirt and a pair of very old jeans. The pants were a bit too big for him, so he tied them up with a wide cowhide belt.

"How about it?" he asked eagerly. "We should hide our identity when we go. Do I look like a Muggle, Harry?"

"Like." Harry said with a smile, "Very good."

"Why don't you see Bill, Charlie and Percy...Percy?" George couldn't help but yawned again.

"Aren't they Apparating?" Mrs. Weasley put the cauldron on the table and started ladling porridge into bowls, "so they can take a nap."

"So, they're still sound asleep?" Fred asked angrily, "Why can't we also Apparate?"

"Because you are not old enough and have not passed the exam yet." Mrs. Weasley said back to him, "Where are those two girls?"

She turned and stormed out of the kitchen, and they heard her coming upstairs.

"Do you still need to pass the Apparition test?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, yes." Mr. Weasley carefully stuffed the ticket into the back pocket of his jeans. "One day, the Department of Magical Transport fined two people for apparating without a certificate. This is not a It’s an easy thing, but if you don’t do it right, you’ll get into trouble, which is very annoying. The two people I’m talking about are separated.”

"Split body?" Aaron asked in surprise.

"They left half of themselves." Mr. Weasley said as he scooped up a lot of syrup and mixed it into his porridge. "So, naturally they were nailed there, unable to move on either side. . I have to wait for the Reversal of Contingency Team to deal with this matter. Let me tell you, this means preparing a lot of documents. Those Muggles saw the broken bodies they left behind..."

"Are they okay?" Harry asked in horror.

"Oh, it's okay," Mr. Weasley said flatly, "but they were fined severely. I think they won't act hastily anymore. You must not take Apparition as a joke. Many adults Wizards don't want to get into this trouble. They prefer to use brooms, which are slower but safer."

"But Bill, Charlie and Percy can, right?" Harry asked.

"Charlie took the test twice before he passed." Fred chuckled. "He failed the first time and appeared five miles south of his original target. He fell into a poor old man who was shopping. On top of my wife’s head, remember?”

"Yes, but he passed on the second try." Mrs. Weasley strode back to the kitchen amid happy laughter.

"Percy just passed two weeks ago," George said. "Since then, he has apparated downstairs every morning just to prove that he has this ability."

There were footsteps in the corridor, and Hermione and Ginny walked into the kitchen. Both of their faces looked very pale, as if they had not woken up.

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