Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 95 Weasley’s Magic Trick

Aaron followed the others into Ron's room, the sloping ceiling almost touching his head.The walls and ceiling of the room were covered with posters. On all the posters were the same seven witches and wizards, dressed in bright orange robes, flying around on broomsticks, and kept happily. Waving, it made everything in Ron's room look shrouded in a dazzling orange.

Ron's magic textbooks were piled randomly in the corner of the room, next to some comic books, all of which seemed to be "The Adventures of Crazy Muggle Martin Miggs".Ron's wand rested on a large fish tank on the windowsill, which contained a terrifyingly large frog.There is a small cage next to the fish tank, and a little gray owl is jumping up and down in it, chirping non-stop.

"Shut up, little piggy." Ron said, squeezing his way between the two beds. There were a total of five beds in the room, which was very crowded.

"Fred and George are staying here with us because Bill and Charlie have their room," Ron said to Aaron and Harry. "Percy insisted on having a room to himself because he wanted Work."

"Is this your new pet, Ron?" Aaron said, looking at the little owl.

"Oh, you don't know this yet, do you?" said Ron. "The piglet was given to me by Black to compensate him for the loss of the mouse."

"By the way, why do you call that owl a piggy?" Harry asked Ron.

"Because he's silly," said Ginny. "His official name is Vicky Joan."

"Yeah, that name is not stupid at all." Ron said sarcastically, "Ginny gave it to her. Ginny thought the name was very cute. I wanted to change it, but it was too late. The owl just It doesn't matter if you call it this name or anything else. So now it's just a piggy. Errol and Hermes hate it, so I have to keep it here. To be honest, I hate it too. of."

Zhu Weiqiong happily jumped up and down in the cage and made a piercing cry.

"Where's Crookshanks?" Harry asked Hermione again.

"Probably out in the garden," she said. "He likes chasing goblins. He's never seen one before."

"It seems that Percy likes to work, right?" Aaron sat down on a bed and looked at the Quidditch players flying around on the poster on the ceiling.

"Like?" Ron said sadly, "If dad doesn't force him back, he won't go home at all. He is a workaholic. You must not get him talking about their boss. Mr. Crouch thinks... That's what I told Mr Crouch...that's what Mr Crouch thought...Mr Crouch told me...that they would announce their engagement any day now."

"How was your summer vacation?" Hermione asked. "Harry, did you receive the delicious food and other things we sent you?"

"Got it, thank you so much." Harry said, "Thanks to those cakes, I escaped death."

"By the way, have you received..." Ron was just mid-sentence when Hermione glared at him and he stopped talking.

Aaron, Harry and Hermione all knew that Ron wanted to find out about Sirius.All four of them had actively participated in helping Sirius escape from the Ministry of Magic, so they wanted to know his current situation.However, it would be unwise to talk about him in front of Ginny.Only they and Professor Dumbledore knew how Sirius escaped and believed he was innocent.

"I think they're done arguing." Hermione saw Ginny looking curiously at Ron and then at Harry.To cover up her momentary embarrassment, she said, "Let's go down and help your mother prepare dinner, okay?"

"Okay, okay," Ron said.

The five people left Ron's room and returned downstairs to find Mrs. Weasley busy in the kitchen alone, in an extremely bad mood.

"We're eating outside in the garden. There's no room for eleven people here." Mrs. Weasley said. "Girls, can you take these plates out? Bill and Charlie are setting the table. You three, Please bring the knife and fork." She ordered Aaron, Ron and Harry, and used her wand to tap a pile of potatoes in the sink, but she didn't expect that she used a little too much force, and the potatoes automatically peeled too quickly. , one by one jumped up to the walls and ceiling.

"Oh, my God," she said angrily, tapping her wand against a sideways dustpan again.The dustpan jumped up immediately, slid around on the floor, and picked up the potatoes one by one.

"These two guys!" she said viciously, while pulling out many large pots and small pots from the storage room, "I really don't know what they will become. They don't have any ambition, they just know how to change things all day long. Getting into trouble..."

Mrs. Weasley slammed a large brass saucepan on the kitchen table, stuck her wand in and swirled it around.As she stirred, a stream of creamy sauce spurted out from the wand head.

"It's not that they are unintelligent," she continued angrily as she put the stewpot on the stove, poked it with her wand, lit the fire, "but those clevernesses have no place unless they cheer up soon." , change their evil ways, otherwise they will be in bad luck. More owls fly from Hogwarts to complain to them than everyone else combined. If they continue like this, they will eventually be sent to the Abuse of Magic Office."

Mrs. Weasley poked the knife drawer with her wand again, and it popped open.Aaron, Harry and Ron jumped away quickly, and saw several knives jumping out of the drawer, flying across the kitchen, and starting to cut potatoes.The dustpan had just poured the potatoes into the pool again.

"I really don't understand where our education is wrong." Mrs. Weasley put down her wand and pulled out a few more stew pots. "It's been like this for many years. There's one mess after another, and we don't listen at all... Oh , not right again!”

She picked up her wand from the table, only for it to let out a piercing screech and transform into a giant rubber mouse.

"It's another fake wand they made!" she shouted. "How many times have I told them not to leave these things lying around!"

She grabbed the real wand, turned around, and saw that the cream sauce was smoking on the stove.

"Let's go." Ron grabbed a handful of cutlery from the open drawer and said hurriedly to Aaron and Harry, "Let's go help Bill and Charlie."

They left Mrs. Weasley out the back door and into the back garden.

The garden was large and overgrown, with many tangled trees surrounding the walls. Various plants that Aaron had never seen before grew out of every flower bed. There was also a large green pond with many frogs in it.

They had only taken a few steps when they spotted Crookshanks, Hermione's ginger, bow-legged cat.It hurriedly ran around the garden, its bottlebrush-like tail raised high, and it was chasing something.The thing was covered in mud and looked like a potato with legs.That's a goblin.

The gnome was only ten inches tall, but it ran very fast on its little horn-like feet. It crossed the garden and burrowed into a Wellington boot scattered by the door.Crookshanks put a paw into his boot, trying to catch the goblin.Aaron heard the goblins cackle maniacally inside.

Just then, there was a deafening crash from the other side of the house.They entered the garden and discovered what had caused the commotion.They saw Bill and Charlie both pulling out their wands and moving two tattered old tables flying across the lawn, hitting each other, each trying to knock the other out of the air.Fred and George cheered, Ginny laughed, and Hermione wandered by the fence, looking amused and nervous at the same time, not knowing what to do.

With a bang, Bill's table hit Charlie's table, knocking off one of its legs.At this time, there was a crisp crashing sound above the head.They both looked up at the same time and saw Percy's head poking out of the third floor window.He yelled, "Can you please keep your voice down?"

"I'm sorry, Percy," Bill said with a smile. "How's the bottom of the cauldron?"

"That's bad," Percy said grumpily, slamming the window shut.

Bill and Charlie chuckled and used their wands to guide the table down steadily to the grass.Then, Bill used his wand to reattach the table legs, and the tablecloth appeared out of thin air.

After setting the tableware, and taking advantage of a little time before the meal, Aaron walked around the Weasley house. Only then did he see the full picture of the Weasley house - "The Burrow".

The entire burrow seemed to be a large stone pigsty, with rooms later added to it.The house was several stories high and crooked, as if it had been built by magic (which was probably true).There are four or five chimneys on the roof of the red house, and a sign is inserted diagonally in front of the house that reads "Burrow".Beside the gate were some high-top leather boots and a rusty cauldron.Several fat brown chickens were pecking in the yard.

It can be seen that the Weasley family is not wealthy, and the house is very crudely built.But here I feel the fresh breath of life, a warm feeling of family, which is particularly attractive to an orphan like Aaron who grew up alone.

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