Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 75 Exam

For a long time after the game between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the Gryffindor students were immersed in joy.Neither the Dementors nor Black appeared again, and everything seemed to be getting better.

As June approaches, the days become sultry and cloudless, and everyone wants to take a walk outside, throw down on the grass with a few pints of ice-cold pumpkin juice, play a game of pebbles or just watch. Giant squids move dreamily across the lake.But they can't do that because the exam is approaching.

Instead of lazily passing the time outdoors, the students had to stay in the castle, enduring the temptation of the summer breeze blowing in from the windows and forcing their brains to work hard.Even Fred and George are working hard, they are about to take the 0.W.Ls (Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination).Percy is preparing to pass the NEWTs (Ultimate Wizarding Tests), the highest academic qualifications Hogwarts can offer.Percy wanted to work for the Ministry of Magic, so he had to have the highest academic qualifications.He became increasingly irritable and irritable, severely punishing anyone who disturbed the tranquility of the common room at night.The only person more anxious than Percy was Hermione.

In fact, Aaron saw the exam timetable that Hermione had drawn up for herself.The first column of this table reads:


9 o'clock, arithmetic divination

9 o'clock, transformation


1 o'clock, spell

1 o'clock, ancient runes

Harry and Ron also saw this timeline.

"Hermione?" Ron asked cautiously, because these days she was easily irritated when disturbed. "Oh - are you sure you didn't copy the times wrong?"

"What?" Hermione snapped, picking up the timetable and looking at it carefully, "Yes, of course I copied it correctly."

"How can you sit in two exam rooms at the same time?" Aaron said.

"Of course I can't sit in two examination rooms at the same time." Hermione said briefly, "Has any of you seen my Divination and Shapes?"

"Oh, by the way, I borrowed it and looked at it while I was lying on the bed." Ron said calmly.

Hermione began moving the piles of parchment around her desk, looking for the book.At this moment, there was a noise at the window, and Harry's owl Hedwig flew in with a note in her mouth.

Harry tore the note open, looked at it and said, "It's from Hagrid. Buckbeak's appeal is scheduled for the sixth."

"That was the day our exams ended," said Hermione, still looking for her Arithmancy book.

"They are here to hear an appeal," Harry was still reading the note, "someone from the Ministry of Magic and... an executioner."

Hermione looked up, panicked: "They brought the executioner to hear the appeal! It sounds like they have already made up their mind!"

"Yes, that's right." Harry said slowly.

"They can't do this!" Ron roared, "I spent so much time reading materials for him, they can't ignore it all!"

"Of course they don't take it seriously." Aaron said, "Doesn't Malfoy's performance prove this?"

Malfoy has obviously calmed down a lot since Gryffindor won the Quidditch final, but in recent days, he has returned to his former arrogance.Aaron could often hear Malfoy's derisive comments, and he seemed certain that Buckbeak was dead, and was overjoyed that he had caused it.

"Obviously, our Mr. Malfoy has made up his mind on behalf of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures." Aaron continued, "If you ask me, the best way now is for Buckbeak to secretly escape and then contact the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. Some people said it escaped on its own."

"We can't do this," Hermione shouted. "It's illegal. And it only reinforces the Dangerous Creatures Committee's decision that Buckbeak is dangerous."

"Obviously, the Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures has now determined that Buckbeak is dangerous. Even if it becomes more dangerous, the situation will not be worse." Aaron said unconcernedly.

"But what about Hagrid?" Harry said at this time, "Buckbeak is now under Hagrid's care. If it runs away, Hagrid will be investigated."

"Well, that's a problem." Aaron frowned, "But if Buckbeak is a dangerous creature, isn't it normal that Hagrid can't stand it?"

"But the people on the Dangerous Creatures Committee don't think so." Harry said, "I dare say that if Buckbeak really ran away, Malfoy's father would definitely make trouble for Hagrid."

"Then there's nothing we can do." Aaron shrugged.

"Hey, guys, it's not time to despair yet." Ron said, "I've been fully prepared these days. We must convince the committee that the Hippogriff is not dangerous."

"If they have made up their minds beforehand, then no matter what you say, it will be useless." Aaron retorted.

"We can do this. We first find a way to convince the people on the committee. When there is no other way, we can secretly let Buckbeak go." Harry finally said.

In the days that followed, Aaron, Harry, Hermione and Ron reviewed and prepared for the exam while searching for information for Buckbeak's appeal.Soon, exam week arrived, and the castle suddenly fell into an unusual silence.

Last year, the final exam was canceled because of the basilisk.So this is Aaron's first exam at Hogwarts.The weather was very hot, and the large classroom where they answered questions was even more uncomfortably hot.The teacher gave them new quills specifically for exams, all with spells to prevent cheating.There are also practical exams.

Professor Flitwick asked them to go into the classroom one by one and see if they could tap dance a pineapple across a desk.Professor McGonagall watched as they turned a mouse into a snuff box. The more elaborate the box, the higher the score.If there are still mouse whiskers on the box, points will be deducted.During the Potions exam, they struggled to recall the procedures for mixing the Forgetting Potion.Snape stood watching closely from behind, and they could feel his breathing on the back of their necks, which made them very nervous.

For the astronomy test at midnight, everyone has to go to the highest building.During the Herbology class exam, we had to stay in the hothouse under the scorching sun. When we returned to the common room, the backs of our necks were sunburned, and we were all looking forward to the next day, when the exam would be over. it's over.

Defense Against the Dark Arts is their penultimate exam.The test proposed by Professor Lupine was one that none of them had ever taken, and it was the most unusual: it was an obstacle course-like test outdoors, in the sun, and the students had to wade across a section of ground where there was Grindy. Lo's Pond, through a series of potholes filled with red caps, squeaking through a swamp, ignoring the wrong instructions from a hinkpunk, and then climbing into an old box with a new bog Gert fights.

Aaron completed it all with ease.

"Excellent, Aaron, full marks." When Lupine said this, Aaron was climbing out of the box with a smile.

At noon, on the way to the Great Hall for lunch, Aaron saw Harry, Ron and Hermione talking to a stout little wizard wearing a pinstriped cloak in the front room.But before Aaron could get close, the little wizard was called away by the other two wizards.

"Who is that?" Aaron walked up to the three Harrys and asked.

"Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge," Harry replied.

"Minister of Magic?" Aaron looked at Fudge who was walking out of the castle gate, "What is he here for?"

"The Dangerous Creatures Committee needs a witness to be present when Buckbeak is executed," Harry said. "Fudge is here to be that witness."

"So the appeal failed?" Aaron didn't expect the appeal to end so quickly.

"No! The appeal hasn't started yet." Ron said angrily, "But they have even prepared the ax! This is not fair!"

Aaron recalled that one of the two wizards who called Fudge away did have an ax in his hand.

"It seems that Hagrid is sure to lose the case." Aaron said.

"Don't say that, we still have a chance." Hermione said, "As long as Hagrid has a clear mind and speaks appropriately for this case, they won't kill Buckbeak..."

But Aaron could tell that Hermione didn't really believe what he was saying.

At this time they entered the restaurant and prepared to eat.Around them, people were talking excitedly and happily predicting the results of the afternoon exams, but Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all worried about Hagrid and Buckbeak and did not participate in such discussions.

After lunch, they walked out of the auditorium together, preparing to take the last exam in the afternoon.Harry and Ron's last exam was Divination, Hermione's was Muggle Studies, and Aaron's was History of Magic.Harry and Ron took their exams on the eighth floor, while Hermione and Aaron took their exams on the second floor, just in different classrooms.They walked up the marble stairs together and parted ways with each other on the second floor.

The History of Magic exam is a written test only, and the test time is one hour.Aaron and other second graders need to answer which eccentric old wizards invented the self-stirring cauldron.When the ghost of Professor Binns told them to put down their quills and roll up their answer parchments, Aaron couldn't help but cheer along with the other students.Now they were free and could easily play for a whole week until the results were announced.

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