Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 74 Quidditch Finals

The game started with commentary by Lee Jordan.

"Now the Quaffle is on Gryffindor's side, and Gryffindor's Arya Spinnet is driving the ball straight towards the Slytherin goal. It looks good, Arya! Ah, no - ghost The flying ball was intercepted by Warrington. Slytherin's Warrington quickly advanced on the pitch - wow! A beautiful Bludger. This was done by George Weasley and Warrington lost it. The Quaffle, taken by - Johnson, the Quaffle is on Gryffindor's side again, quick, Angelina - a nice turn beside Montague - down, Angelina , it worked - she scored! Ten to zero Gryffindor ahead!"

Angelina flew around one end of the pitch, fists pumping in the air as the Gryffindor supporters in the stands screamed with glee.

But just then, Marcus Flint rushed towards Angelina.Angelina was nearly knocked off the broom.There were loud boos in the stands.

After a while, Fred Weasley hit Flint lightly on the back of the head with his bat.Flint's nose hits the broomstick and begins to bleed.

"Okay!" Mrs. Hooch screamed, rising sharply between them. "Penalty points for Gryffindors for unprovoked attacks on Chasers! Penalty points for Slytherins for intentionally hurting Chasers!"

Under the command of Mrs. Huo Qi, Angelina started to shoot free throws first.

"Good job, Angelina!" Lee shouted in the silence of the crowd, "Yes! She got past the goalkeeper! Twenty to zero, Gryffindor is ahead!"

Afterwards, Flint, who had a nosebleed, flew in front and started shooting free throws.Wood hovered in front of the Gryffindor goal, jaw clenched.

"Of course, Wood is a great goalie!" Lee Jordan told the crowd, as Flint waited for Mrs. Hooch to blow the whistle. "It's great! It's hard to get over - yeah! It's unbelievable! He put it The Quaffle is saved!"

The game continues.

"The Quaffle is in Gryffindor's side. No, it's in Slytherin's - no! The ball is in Gryffindor's side again. It's Katie Bell, Katie Bell of Gryffindor." When it came to the Quaffle, she was galloping around the field – that was on purpose!”

Slytherin's chaser Montague moved in front of Katie, and instead of catching the Quaffle, he went to catch Katie's head.Katie was forced to flip through the air, still firmly on her broomstick, but the ball fell.Mrs. Hooch's whistle sounded again, and she ascended to Montague and began shouting at him. One minute later, Katie passed the Slytherin goalkeeper and allowed them to take another penalty point.

"Thirty to zero! Bear with it, you dirty, lying people..."

"Jordan, if you can't comment fairly..."

"That's exactly what I commented on, Professor!"

At this time, people saw Harry suddenly change direction and fly quickly towards the Slytherin half.He seemed to have discovered the Golden Snitch.Malfoy was hot on his heels.

A Bludger whizzed past Harry's right ear, hit by Derek, Slytherin's tall beater.Then another Bludger grazed Harry's elbow and another batter, Bol, was approaching.Derek and Bor were rising rapidly towards him, both raising their sticks... At the last second, Harry rose sharply with the Firebolt, and Bor and Derek collided hard.

"Haha!" Lee Jordan yelled, and at this time the two Slytherin players separated with their heads held on each other, "Too bad. Kids! If you want to defeat the Firebolt, you have to get up earlier. ! Now the Quaffle is on the Gryffindor side again, and Johnson is holding the ball... Flint is next to her... poke him in the eye, Angelina! Just kidding, Professor, it's a joke... Oh, no... ... Flint has the ball, and Flint flies towards the Gryffindor goal. Come on, hey, Wood, save the ball...!"

But Flint scored, and there was a cheer from the Slytherin side.Lee Jordan cursed fiercely, and Professor McGonagall tried to snatch the microphone from Jordan's hand.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I'm sorry! It won't happen again! In this way, Gryffindor is ahead, thirty to ten, and the ball is in Gryffindor's court..."

The ball game quickly turned into a dirty game.The Slytherin team was furious at Gryffindor's lead and began to grab the ball by any means possible.Bol hits Alia with a stick and says he thought she was a Bludger.George Weasley retaliated by elbowing Bol in the face.Mrs. Hooch gave both teams penalty points.Wood made another successful save, and the score became forty to ten, with Gryffindor in the lead.

Then, Jidi scored, fifty to ten.Fred and George circled around her, sticks raised, in case anyone on the Slytherin team retaliated.Bol and Derek took advantage of Fred and George's absence to both aim their sticks at Wood. They hit Wood in the stomach one after another. Wood grabbed the broom and rolled in the air, completely bending his body.

Mrs. Hooch was furious.

"You can't attack the goalkeeper unless the Quaffle is in the scoring area!" she screamed at Bol and Derek. "Gryffindor takes the penalty!"

Angelina scores, sixty to ten.A moment later, Fred Weasley swatted the Bludger at Warrington, knocking the Quaffle out of his hand.Arya grabbed the ball and sent it into the Slytherin goal, seventy to ten.

The Gryffindor audience in the stands screamed until their throats went hoarse - Gryffindor was sixty points ahead, and if Harry caught the Golden Snitch now, the trophy would be Gryffindor's.

Now, hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring at Harry in the stands, following him around the pitch.Malfoy followed closely behind him.

At this moment, Harry saw the Golden Snitch again, and he began to accelerate forward.The speed of the Firebolt was unparalleled, and Malfoy's Nimbus 2001 was gradually unable to keep up.Seeing that Malfoy was about to be thrown away by Harry, he suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the tail of the Firebolt, and pulled it back.The firebolt immediately stopped flying.Harry was so angry that he wanted to hit Malfoy, but he couldn't reach him.

"Penalty kick! Gryffindor takes the penalty kick! I've never seen this tactic!" Mrs. Hooch screamed and flew straight up towards Malfoy.As Malfoy slid back into his Nimbus 2001, the Snitch was gone, and he had his wish.

"You filthy, lying bastard!" Lee Jordan screamed into the microphone, jumping out of Professor McGonagall's reach. "You filthy, lying bastard..."

Professor McGonagall didn't even bother to stop him.She shook her fist in Malfoy's direction and screamed so furiously that she even dropped her hat.

Arya took a free throw for Gryffindor, but she was so angry that the ball flew several feet away from the goal and the Gryffindors were distracted.The Slytherin team was delighted by Malfoy's plot against Harry, and the team was inspired to fly higher.

"Slytherin got the Quaffle, Slytherin attacked...Montague scored..." Lee groaned, "Seventy to twenty, Gryffindor is ahead..."

Because if Gryffindor wanted to win the trophy, it had to be more than fifty points ahead of Slytherin to end the game, so Harry kept an eye on Malfoy very closely, and their knees often touched each other.Harry prevented Malfoy from approaching the Golden Snitch from any direction...

"Angelina Johnson got the ball for Gryffindor, come on, Angelina, come on!"

Every member of the Slytherin team except Malfoy.Even the goalkeepers were speeding towards Angelina - they all wanted to block her...

But at this moment, a figure rushed towards the Slytherin team like a bullet.It was Harry who used the Firebolt to disperse the surrounding Slytherins and clear the way for Angelina.

"She scored! She scored! Gryffindor leads eighty to twenty!"

Harry almost hit the stands, slid to a stop in mid-air, turned around and rose sharply back to the center of the stadium.

But taking advantage of Harry's plan to rescue Angelina, Malfoy also got rid of Harry's entanglement.He was hurtling down, and a few feet above the lawn in front of him, a small golden ball shone.Harry saw Malfoy rushing towards the Golden Snitch, and hurriedly activated the Firebolt to fly downward.

Harry urged the Firebolt to give chase.He gradually caught up with Malfoy... Bol hit the Bludger at him, and Harry leaned on the broomstick to hide... He had reached Malfoy's ankle... parallel to him... Harry's whole body He threw himself forward and took both hands off the broomstick.He slapped Malfoy's arm away... Then, he stopped his downward thrust and raised his hand high, a small golden ball flapping hopelessly between his fingers.

The stands exploded instantly.

The Gryffindor players flew to Harry's side, shouting excitedly: "We've won the trophy! We've won the trophy!"

The Gryffindors hugged each other and descended, shouting until their voices were hoarse, and then returned to the ground.Wave after wave of the scarlet crowd supporting them broke through the barriers and onto the field.Countless hands rained down on their backs.They were then lifted overhead by the crowd.

Hagrid waved the scarlet wreath and said, "You beat them, Harry, you beat them! Wait, I'm going to tell Buckbeak!"

There Percy was jumping up and down like a madman, all dignity forgotten.Professor McGonagall was crying hard, wiping her tears with a huge Gryffindor flag.

"We won the trophy! We won the trophy!" The Gryffindor players hugged each other and descended, shouting until their voices became hoarse, and then returned to the ground.Wood sobbed and walked towards the stands, where Dumbledore stood waiting with the huge Quidditch trophy in his hand...

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