Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 13 Lockhart and Snape

"Gee, few people remember that my favorite color is lilac, which I mentioned in "A Year with the Tibetan Snowman." Not many people remember that my secret ambition is to eliminate evil from the world, and to sell sales. My own line of Amulet Waters. Mr. Aaron Elf remembered my birthday and knew that my ideal birthday gift would be for all magicians and non-magics to live in harmony. But if you read more carefully "With Chapter 12 of "Werewolves Wandering Together", you'll know that I wouldn't turn down a large bottle of Ogden's Aged Fire Whiskey."

As he spoke, he winked at everyone playfully.A few people smiled lightly, and Aaron smiled politely.

"Okay, let's get down to business now." Lockhart put the test paper in his hand on the table. "My mission is to teach you to resist the most evil things in the world! In this classroom you will learn about the most evil things in the world. Knowledge of scary things. I will teach you how to protect yourself using methods I have used countless times. Today I will teach you how to deal with a brutal werewolf. If you have carefully read my "Wandering with Werewolves", You should know that I once helped a village subdue a werewolf named Wagga Wagga."

"Now I need an assistant." Lockhart looked around the classroom and finally set his eyes on Colin. "Ah, Mr. Creevey, it's nice to see you in this classroom. The photo is developed Are you ready? I can sign it for you at any time. Please come up, and you will be my assistant today."

Lockhart pulled Colin to the podium, and then said to everyone: "I will show you the process of subduing Wagga Wagga. Mr. Creevey will play the Wagga Wagga. In fact, I would rather Use a real werewolf to demonstrate, but as you know, it is too dangerous to let a werewolf enter the castle. Although I am here, you don't need to worry about getting any harm." As he said, he said playfully Everyone blinked.

"Okay, let's get started now!"

Lockhart then demonstrated with Colin his process of subduing Wagga Wagga.how to say?The whole process was like a theater performance.

Aaron watched Lockhart and Colin's performance dumbfounded, not knowing what to learn from such a performance.

Time passed quickly during Lockhart and Colin's performance. The time of a class passed in this way, while the performance on the podium continued.

"...Well done, Colin, it looks so similar..."

At this time, Colin was following Lockhart's instructions, imitating the cry of a werewolf.

"...and then, believe it or not, I swooped over and just, like, 'bang' knocked him down," Lockhart said, making corresponding movements. "I used one hand to knock him down. I pressed him to the ground and held the wand in my other hand against his throat. Then I slowed down and used the remaining strength to cast a very complicated humanoid restoration spell. He let out a miserable groan... Colin, keep calling."

Colin immediately shouted "Ahhh".

"It's still higher."

Colin shouted louder.

"Good... the fur on his body disappeared, the big canine teeth retracted, and he became a human again. Another village will always remember me as a hero. I saved them from the monthly fear of being attacked by werewolves. .”

Lockhart finally finished his performance, and the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Lockhart stood up and said, "Homework: Write a poem about my victory over Wagga Wagga. The person who writes the best poem will receive a copy of Magical Me signed by me."

Walking out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Colin said to Aaron: "This class is really terrible."

In the previous class, Colin was knocked down several times in order to cooperate with the performance. The last time, he was pushed to the ground by Lockhart with a wand pointed at his neck.This was undoubtedly a bad experience for Colin.

Aaron agreed: "That's true. I don't know the significance of such a class at all. I said, is he really as powerful as the legend says?"

"Of course!" Ginny Weasley, who was walking behind, heard the conversation between Aaron and Colin and stepped forward and said, "You have all read the books he wrote, right? Think about the amazing things he did. .”

"But how do you explain today's class?" Aaron retorted, "Think about how Professor McGonagall taught the class. That's how a powerful wizard should behave."

"Maybe he just wants to teach us something simple from the beginning." Ginny said, "We have just started, and we can't start with too difficult content. He will teach us more powerful things in the future."

Aaron shrugged and said, "I hope so."

Colin murmured in a low voice: "No matter what, as long as he doesn't let me be his assistant anymore."

The last class on the timetable was Potions, which was on Friday morning.This is a big class that is held together for two periods, and the Gryffindor students will be taking the class together with the Slytherin students.

After breakfast on Friday morning, Aaron and Colin rushed to the Potions classroom.

Walking on the road, Colin said to Aaron: "I heard that Professor Snape in the Potions class is the dean of Slytherin, so he always prefers students from his own house. As long as he has the opportunity, he will give advice to other houses. Points will be deducted from students, but points will never be deducted from Slytherin students."

"Really?" Aaron said noncommittally.

"Don't you believe it?" Colin heard the doubt in Aaron's tone.

"I just want to be able to verify it myself." Aaron said cautiously, "You know, sometimes rumors can be exaggerated."

"But that's what everyone says," Colin said.

"Then we will know soon whether this is really the case." Aaron said.

The Potions classroom is an underground classroom.It's much colder here than the main castle building above.There are some glass jars placed along the walls around the classroom, with many specimens of strange creatures soaked in them, which makes people feel creepy.

As soon as class started, Snape picked up the register and started calling the names.After calling the names, he raised his dark eyes and looked at the whole class.His eyes were cold and empty, like two deep tunnels.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and rigorous art of making potions." Snape's voice was low, almost a whisper, but everyone could hear every word clearly.

Like Professor McGonagall, Snape had an intimidating power that instantly brought order to the classroom.

"Since there's no silly waving of a wand, many people think it's not magic. I don't expect you to appreciate the beauty of the white smoke and fragrant aroma coming from the simmering cauldron. Nor do I expect you to. Truly understand the mind-blowing, mind-blurring magical power of the liquid flowing into the blood vessels. I can teach you how to improve your reputation, create honor, and even prevent death. But there is a premise, that is, you must not be someone I often encounter. That’s the kind of thing that only a fool can do.”

After the opening remarks, the course officially started.Snape divided the students into pairs and instructed them to prepare a simple potion to treat scabies.Then Snape dragged his long black cloak around the classroom and watched them drying nettles and crushing viper's teeth.As long as anyone handles any step incorrectly, he will inevitably attract criticism from Snape.Whether they are Gryffindor students or Slytherin students, there is no exception.However, Gryffindor students are usually criticized very harshly, and points are deducted from Snape.Slytherin students not only receive lighter criticism, but also will not have any points deducted.

It didn't take long for everyone to see Snape's partiality.The Slytherin students were naturally very happy to see this, but in contrast, the Gryffindor students were extremely worried.It was just because of Snape's aura that everyone dared to be angry but dared not speak out.Many Gryffindor students were affected by their emotions and made more mistakes when handling medicinal materials.

Aaron, unaffected by his emotions, was cooking a slug with tentacles.Suddenly, there was a loud hissing sound, and a thick, acidic green smoke erupted from the side.The two Slytherins next to Aaron had somehow exposed their cauldrons.The potion in the pot spilled out and flowed all over the floor.Many students had holes burned into their shoes by the potion, which frightened everyone and quickly stood on the stools.The two Slytherin students had the potion sprinkled on their bodies, causing red and swollen scabies and making them scream in pain.

"Idiot!" Snape roared, waving his wand and sweeping away the potion on the ground. "I think you put the porcupine quills in the pot without taking it off the fire, right?"

Then, without waiting for the two Slytherin students to answer, he ordered the other two Slytherin students: "Send them to the hospital above."

Seeing the Slytherin students making mistakes and getting hurt, the Gryffindors who had been suppressed for a long time in this class couldn't help but feel happy in their hearts.Many people, including Colin who was in the same group as Aaron, laughed secretly with joy.

After Snape finished dealing with the two Slytherin students, he turned around and saw Colin covering his mouth and snickering.

He immediately walked to Aaron and Colin's table and said: "Crevi, Elf, why didn't you tell them not to add porcupine quills? Do you think that you can show your fault if they make a mistake?" Okay? One point each, and Gryffindor will lose two points for you."

The person who made the mistake was not deducted points, but the two people who made no mistakes were deducted one point each?This is so unfair.

Colin opened his mouth to defend.Aaron gave him a gentle kick behind the desk and whispered, "Don't be ridiculous. You'll just give him an excuse to deduct more points."

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, Aaron prepared the first potion in his life.

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