Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson

"Come on, Mr. Creevey!" Lockhart said to Colin with a smile on his face. "It's a great deal for a double photo. Let's sign it for you together."

Colin picked up the camera with excitement on his face and pressed the shutter at the afternoon school bell.

Lockhart shouted to the crowd: "Come on, go to class." Then he walked towards the castle with Harry in his arms.

The other students in the courtyard also ran into the castle and started their afternoon classes.

In this way, Aaron began his study life at Hogwarts.

For a teenager who has just been exposed to the wizarding world, Hogwarts is undoubtedly a very interesting place.In addition to the amount of energy it takes to find your way to the classroom every day.

There are a total of 140 staircases in Hogwarts connecting various places in the castle.Some of them are wide and big; some are not only narrow and small, but also like to swing; some will lead to another different place every Friday; some will go up halfway, a step will Suddenly disappears, you must remember where to jump, otherwise you will miss the mark and fall down.There are many doors in the castle that will not open for you if you ask them politely or find the right way to open them.Some doors are not really doors at all, just solid walls that look like doors.It's not easy to remember what is where in the castle, because everything is constantly moving. Not only do the characters in the portraits visit each other and exchange places, but even the armor placed in the corridors walks on its own.

In addition, the ghosts' mischief is also very troublesome.Often when you are about to open a door, a ghost comes out of the door and scares you.Nearly Headless Nick is happy to guide the new Gryffindor students, and the Fat Friar is friendly to all students.But if you're already late for class and you run into Peeves, who likes to prank you, you'll be in trouble.This will be more difficult than encountering two locked doors and a staircase with many traps.He will put a wastebasket on your head, pull out the carpet from under your feet, throw pieces of chalk at you, or sneak up behind you and grab your nose when you are not paying attention and shout: " Grab your nose!"

If there was anyone in the castle that the students hated more than Peeves, it was the caretaker, Argus Filch.Filch is the caretaker of Hogwarts. He wanders around the castle all day long. Once he finds someone who violates the school rules, even if it is just the tip of a toe, he will immediately punish him excitedly.Filch knows the secret passages in the castle better than anyone else, so he often pops out like a ghost.Many people said that when Filch was okay, he would oil the chains and handcuffs in his office and look forward to the day when the school would return to the age-old punishment of hanging students from the ceiling.The students all hated him.

Filch also had a scrawny cat with dull fur and protruding eyes like lightbulbs, named Mrs. Norris.It often patrols the corridors alone. Once it sees a student breaking a rule, it will quickly run to find Filch.In less than 2 minutes, Filch would appear panting.This made many students want to kick Mrs. Norris hard when they saw her.

After getting rid of these troubles, you have to face the course itself.

To be honest, the first-year subjects at Hogwarts are not that heavy.There are only classes from Monday to Friday every week, and except for the astronomy class, the rest of the classes are during the day.There are up to four daytime classes per day, two in the morning and two in the afternoon.Classes will start as early as 9 a.m. in the morning and end at 3:[-] p.m. at the latest.Even so, the one-week course is still not enough.For example, Gryffindor House didn't have a single class on Friday afternoon.

First-year students at Hogwarts need to take a total of seven classes, namely Astronomy, Herbology, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Among them, the astronomy class only requires one class per week. Under the guidance of Professor Sinistra, students need to use their telescopes to observe the starry sky and learn the names of different stars and the trajectories of planets.Gryffindor's astronomy class is on Wednesday evening.

Herbal medicine classes are held three times a week and are held in the greenhouse behind the castle.Professor Sprout will teach them how to cultivate those exotic plants and fungi and understand their uses.Professor Sprout is a short witch. Perhaps because of taking care of herbs for a long time, her clothes are always stained with mud.At the same time, she is also the Head of Hufflepuff House.

The Transfiguration Class is a course dedicated to teaching Transfiguration. It has been introduced in detail before, so I won’t go into details here.

The Charms class is taught by Professor Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw.Legend has it that he has fairy blood, so he is surprisingly small.During class, he had to stand on a stack of books to reach the podium.

Professor Binns, who teaches History of Magic, is a ghost.It is said that when Professor Binns was still alive, he fell asleep in front of the fireplace in the staff room one day. He stood up to go to class the next morning, but accidentally left his body in the armchair in front of the fireplace.Professor Binns's classes were very monotonous. He just read his notes dryly in class, and his low tone made people sleepy.This also makes History of Magic the most boring course.

Among all the courses, the one that everyone is looking forward to the most is the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.This is not only because the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is the only class where junior students can learn some spells to deal with enemies, but also because Professor Lockhart, who teaches this class, is a famous wizard.Anyone who has read the books he wrote will know what an amazing wizard he was.Everyone hopes to learn some special skills from him, including Aaron.However, when the class actually started, Aaron realized that the class taught by Professor Lockhart seemed to be a little different from what he thought.

Gryffindor takes Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Hufflepuff.Because everyone was looking forward to this course, they all came to the classroom early before class.Aaron also deliberately found a seat near the front to sit down.

As the class bell rang, Professor Lockhart strode into the classroom.He wore a pointed wizard head playfully tilted to one side.The turquoise robe flowed behind him, looking extremely chic.

Standing in the center of the podium, Lockhart cleared his throat loudly to silence the students who were still chattering.Then he reached for Aaron's copy of "Walking with Trolls" and held it in his hand, showing the photo of himself winking on the cover.

He pointed at his photo and winked and said: "I, Gilderoy Lockhart, a third-class recipient of the Order of Merlin, an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts Alliance, and a five-time winner of the Wizarding Weekly Most Charming Smile Award. But I never talk about that, I don’t drive away Wan Lun’s female ghosts by smiling!”

He waited for everyone to laugh, but apparently no one thought it was funny.

Lockhart was not embarrassed and continued: "I saw that you all bought a complete set of my works, which is good. I think we will take a small test today. (Many students heard that there was a test. Showing fear) Don't be afraid, I just want to see how well you read and how much you understand."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of papers and distributed them to every student in the class.

After handing out the papers, he returned to the podium and said, "I'll give you three 10 minutes. Start now."

Aaron looked at the paper and read:

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

2. What was Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

3. What do you think is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?




54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday?What's his ideal birthday present?

There are three pages and 54 questions, all of which are about Gilderoy Lockhart's personal information.

【What are these? 】

Aaron looked at the questions on the paper and couldn't help but have a lot of question marks in his mind.

[Who knows what Gilderoy Lockhart’s favorite color is?What do you like to eat the most? 】

Although Aaron has read a complete set of Gilderoy Lockhart's books, when he read the books, he focused on how to deal with those dark creatures and monsters. Where did he pay attention to what colors Gilderoy Lockhart liked?

Although Aaron felt that the questions on this test paper were meaningless questions, since this was a test, he still had to answer it seriously.But for some questions that you don’t know the answer to, you can only rely on guessing.

Question [-]: What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s favorite color?

Aaron thought about what Lockhart was wearing when he saw him several times, then looked at the robe Lockhart was wearing now, and wrote on the test paper: turquoise. (Lockhart has been wearing this robe all week.)

Question [-]: What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s secret ambition?

Aaron looked at the pile of Gilderoy Lockhart's writings on the table and wrote his answer: to become a great writer.

Question [-]: What do you think is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?

Aaron thought about Lockhart's previous deeds and began to write on the paper: Obtained the third-class medal of Sir Merlin.




For more than 50 questions, Aaron answered like this until the last question:

When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday?What's his ideal birthday present?

Seeing this question, Aaron couldn't help but feel happy.Because this was the only question to which he had an accurate answer so far.

On the title page of every book published by Gilderoy Lockhart, there is a brief introduction to his life, which clearly states that his birthday is January 1th.As for his ideal birthday gift, Aaron forgot which book he read it in. His ideal birthday gift is for all magic people and non-magic people to live in harmony.When Aaron saw this passage, he was very moved by his great sentiment.

Half an hour after the test began, Gilderoy Lockhart collected the papers and read them in front of the class.

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