Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 154: Lin Chen

The frivolous wastrel that Meng Zhi and the rest ran into on the street was definitely the Lin Chen gege whom Fei Liu refused to mention. After he left to chase the beautiful young lady, there was no sight of him even after the sky turned dark, but when Mei Changsu saw Fei Liu sitting in the corner of the room with a frightened expression on his face, he understood and said to Li Gang, “Lin Chen has probably arrived….”

So the manager of the Su Residence quickly went to prepare a room, while Zhen Ping grumbled beside him, “He knows fully well that Chief is waiting for him. Why doesn’t he come here directly?”

“Because Chief is always here, but if I don’t chase after the beautiful young lady, she will get away……” A voice seemed to fly in from the sky outside. The shadows cast by the candle flickered, and a tall and slender backlit silhouette appeared at the window, casually waving a folding fan.

“Chief is with the patient in the southern house. Hurry and make your way over,” said Zhen Ping through the window.

“Help me ask Aunt Ji to prepare a bowl of glutinous rice eggs and bring it over. I haven’t had my dinner…..” The last few words were faint, drifting from the southern direction.

Mei Changsu was sitting in front of Nie Feng’s bed, with Wei Zheng by his side. As soon as Lin Chen entered, he smiled and said, without looking back, “Nie dage, the Mongolian doctor* is here. Let him feel your pulse and listen to his nonsense.”

*Literal translation – basically, MCS jokingly refers to LC as a quack doctor

“You’re too much. One letter from you and I broke my leg rushing here from Nanchu, and this is what I get?” Lin Chen’s shoulders slumped and he shook his head as he sighed, “When I was passing through Yunnan, Nie Duo cried and begged to come with me. Do you think it was easy for me to manage him for you? And today, all my hardwork till now has made me so hungry.”

“Are you still hungry?” said Mei Changsu with a smile. “That’s great. Quickly feel his pulse. If you don’t, you won’t be allowed to eat.”

“Ruthless, you are ruthless.” Lin Chen stepped forward exasperatedly, grabbed a wrist, and was immediately pushed away before he could feel the pulse.

“I asked you to feel his pulse, not mine.”

“I think it’s about time for me to check yours too.” Lin Chen leaned down and looked at him. “I can tell Physician Yan has been having a difficult time this year.”

Mei Changsu extended his hand and pulled Lin Chen to the front of the bed. Forcing him to sit down, he said, “Master Lin, stop cracking jokes and quickly attend to the patient.”

Lin Chen smiled broadly. He extended his hand and smoothened Nie Feng’s sleeves, then pressed down on his left wrist. After a short examination, he carefully inspected his fingernails, the back of his ears, the white of his eyes and the coating on his tongue. When he had done this, he softly exhaled and signaled Mei Changsu to go outside with him.

“How is it?”

“Although his appearance is frightening, the poison has only penetrated to the third layer, which is not very serious.”

Mei Changsu looked at him from the corner of his eyes. “You’ve never really dealt with this kind of poison. Can you do it?”

“Ha.” Lin Chen raised his eyebrows. “If you don’t have faith in me, why did you call me to come?”

“If I could find the old pavilion master, who would be willing to call you to come?” retorted Mei Changsu. “Fei Liu, would you be willing?”

The youth who was sitting in the corner of the room shook his head vigorously.

Lin Chen laughed. “Alright, I concede that if the level of toxicity was as bad as yours back then, I would really not be able to dispel it, but that isn’t an issue with this person. But…you should already know….the choice of treatment, you need to explain clearly and let him make the decision.”

Mei Changsu closed his eyes tiredly, his eyelids heavy. Speaking quietly, he said, “If that’s the case, then let’s talk about it tomorrow. His wife will be coming here tomorrow, so it will be good for them to discuss this with each other.”

Lin Chen looked at him intensely, as if he had something to say, but he finally shrugged his shoulders and laughed, changing the subject. “I’ve brought you a present this time, did Fei Liu tell you?”

Mei Changsu slowly opened his eyes, his feathered eyebrows raised in question. “It would seem that he didn’t mention it…..Fei Liu, you’ve been a naughty boy. Chen gege is going to wrap you up in castor-oil leaves from head to toe, put you into a barrel and roll you down from the top of the hillside…..”

“Alright,” Mei Changsu hit him impatiently on the elbow. “Stop teasing him already. What treasure did you bring?”

“Hehe,” Lin Chen made a gesture of offering with both hands, “A beauty!”

Mei Changsu turned around and walked towards the courtyard. Lin Chen chased after him saying, “This is no ordinary beauty. You know her!” As soon as he said this, he noticed Gong Yu from the corner of his eye. She was walking quietly out of the house, as if carefully combing the ground for something. Lin Chen couldn’t help laughing boisterously as he said, “Gong Yu, you don’t have to worry. No matter how beautiful she is, she cannot compare to you. Even if Changsu cares about this beauty, it’s for other reasons….”

Hearing what he said, something stirred in Mei Changsu. He stopped and turned around. “Did you capture Qin Banruo?”

“How can you use the word capture on a beauty?” replied Lin Chen disapprovingly. “I had just left Yunnan, and she only happened to walk into my net coincidentally. Then, I conveniently and gently swept the net to invite and bring her here.”

“Does she know Xia Jiang’s whereabouts?”

“She had originally fled with Xia Jiang, but midway, Xia Jiang found her a burden and abandoned her, leaving her on her own. Wherever she ended up, she had only a rough idea which direction to head next. But now that all the borders are sealed, even Xia Jiang with all his abilities, wouldn’t be able to escape. I’ve already found some clues so I’m keeping my head down and following them closely.”

Mei Changsu was lost in thought, muttering to himself, and after a long while, he softly responded with an “Ng”.

“Changsu,” Lin Chen leaned forward, half laughing half asking, “I would like to ask, after Prince Jing comes to power, how do you intend to handle the Hua nation? After all, Qin Banruo is just an intermediary. It’s undeniable that the Hua nation still has people who long to restore their country. From their perspective, that’s their right, isn’t it?”

Mei Changsu sneered, his tone so cold as if it would penetrate deep into the bone, “I admire their aspirations to restore their country, but I won’t be lenient just because of this. When Father Commander eliminated Hua back then, it was based on the circumstances at that time. I won’t dispute with the people of the Hua nation on who was in the right or wrong. It’s just that… that I’m in Da Liang, just like the Hua nation, wiped out and swallowed up. Just like Yeqin, a vassal state, or like several large nations in neighbouring Zhou which are facing similar issues. Just this year, Nanchu suppressed the people of the Mian nation. Wasn’t it also to reclaim it and suppress their rebellion? After Prince Jing takes power, this is also an obstacle he would need to suppress and overcome in order to become the ruler and Emperor. I’m afraid it won’t be an easy path.”

“Your heart, it keeps trying to see so far ahead,” Lin Chen shook his head as he said, “It seems you didn’t take to heart what my father had advised you repeatedly back then. I won’t bother about you anymore. I’m going to eat. I’m starving to death. Where are Aunt Ji’s glutinous rice eggs? Why haven’t they brought them?”

His last sentence was shouted out especially loudly, so a clear voice immediately sounded in reply, “I’ve put it in the main room. Go over yourself and eat!” Hearing this, Lin Chen’s face lit up and he happily made his way over. Just at this moment, Gong Yu was slowly approaching, saying in a low voice, “Commander General has already made the arrangements. Tomorrow, Gong Yu will leave temporarily. Once in the prison, Gong Yu will always be cautious and not make any mistakes, so Chief should not worry.”

Mei Changsu nodded and replied impassively, “I’ve never had to worry about you. Have an early rest.” With these brief words, he immediately turned around and returned to Nie Feng’s room.

Gong Yu stood alone in the courtyard for a long time, in a daze, the wind and dew that gradually rose in the evening almost soaking through the hair piled on her head. She remained motionless. The satiated Lin Chen walked over from the veranda and looked at her silently for a while before saying, “Gong Yu, why don’t you play a tune.”

The beautiful woman’s soft eyes that were like stars turned towards him, as if glimmering with moistness. In the shadow of the moon, she lowered her head and slowly walked back to her room. Not long after, the sound of a stringed instrument could be heard.

In the quiet night, the tune was natural and melancholic. Although it was clear, simple and unhurried, it made one feel lost in life, like fallen flowers being carried away by flowing water, evoking an infinite yearning for love.

But the tightly closed doors and windows of Nie Feng’s room remained unopened. Early the next morning, following Meng Zhi’s plan, Gong Yu pretended to head out. Whether those in the Su Residence waited anxiously or leisurely, it was approximately the 5th segment of the day* when a chariot entered the side gate. As soon as it came to a stop, Meng Zhi alighted first, extending his hand into the carriage but Xia Dong didn’t need his assistance and jumped out without even the support of the wooden side of the carriage, her visage still as upright and proud as before, with no sign of being subdued.

*approx. 11am to 1pm

Li Gang led them into the main courtyard and first asked Xia Dong to wash off her camouflage. Then Mei Changsu came out personally to accompany her into the southern room.

Nie Feng was sitting on a chair beside the window, basking in the sunlight. When Xia Dong entered, he quickly covered his head with his arms, not daring to look at her. Wei Zheng leaned forward and supported him by the shoulders, quietly urging him but failed to persuade him to move, and finally had no choice but to smile wryly at Xia Dong.

But Xia Dong did not see his wry smile. From the moment she entered, her vision never left that person seated on that chair, even though he could hardly be called a person.

The white fur that covered his face and body, the swollen deformed body, the trembling and curled up posture. There was nothing that reminded her of that heroic and soldierly husband who was able to take on the wind and clouds.

But he was still alive.

Compared to the remains that were laid at her feet those thirteen years ago, the one standing before her was at least still alive.

Tears fell from Xia Dong’s eyes, but a smile emerged on her lips. She walked to Nie Feng’s side, crouched down and without a word, embraced him, holding him tightly to her.

In that moment, there was no doubt, nor did she inspect the silver bracelet on his wrist. Perhaps in the moment that Meng Zhi explained to her, she was anxious to believe the good news.

The silent hug, the hot tears, the pounding heart, the fear (and hope) of finding again that which was lost. All this made Xia Dong dizzy, so dizzy that she closed her eyes, not daring to open them again.

After a long while, someone could be heard coughing softly. “General Nie, Nie furen, it’s not that I want to be a wet blanket….the both of you will have plenty of time to slowly enjoy your reunion later, but for now, can you listen to this Mongolian doctor explain matters pertaining to the poison of the bitter flame?”

Xia Dong pulled herself together and slowly released her husband. Wei Zheng brought a stool over so both of them could sit together. Meng Zhi also found a seat nearby but Mei Changsu sat in a corner of the room.

“The poison of the bitter flame is the most unusual poison on earth. What is strange about it is that it can save a life, and at the same time take it away. It can also put someone through hell-like torture.” Lin Chen spoke animatedly in a normal tone of voice. “During that time, when General Nie suffered burns all over his body, the fire poison penetrated his heart, paralysing him. But fortunately, he fell into a snow nest and was bitten all over by snow beetles*, thus preserving his life. These beetles can only be found around Meiling. Some of them can also be found around the wall separating Juehun Valley from the northern valley of Meiling. They eat only burnt meat, and at the same time spitting out poison, which together with the cold air, suppresses the fire poison, thereby forming a new and unusual poison, the poison of the bitter flame.”

*toxicity due to excessive heat

**actually, more accurately translated as “cold scale insects”

Although he said it matter of factly, everyone could already tell what a terrible and unusual poison it was. It wasn’t just Xia Dong who trembled, but Meng Zhi’s face also lost all colour.

“The people who have been struck by the poison of the bitter flame have deformed bones and swollen bodies, and their entire body would be covered in white fur. The root of their tongues would also stiffen, removing their ability to speak. The poison’s toxicity would also flare up a few times everyday, and when that happens, only blood can suppress it, human blood being the most effective. Although this poison can linger throughout one’s life, as long as it doesn’t flare up, one’s physical strength would remain the same, but in the face of such torture, perhaps death may be cleaner.” Lin Chen looked sympathetically at Nie Feng. “For General Nie to have persevered all these years, your resolve is unrivalled, and you have my greatest admiration.”

“Can this poison be eliminated?” asked Xia Dong anxiously, as she gripped her husband’s hand.

“Somewhat,” said Lin Chen bluntly. “There are two methods. One is somewhat thorough, and the other not so thorough. You must choose one.”

“Of course we want the thorough one,” replied Xia Dong without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Chen looked intensely at her for a long time, then said with a soft sigh, “After I have explained the differences between these two methods, only then shall Nie furen choose, alright?”


The poison of the bitter flame is literally translated to “Fire (火) Cold (寒) Poison”. But as we know, Chinese characters hold more than one meaning. So in this case, “Fire” is also “Flame”. But the “Cold” isn’t quite “Bitter” so technically, it should be “Poison of the Cold Flame” but I guess maybe “Bitter” sounds better hence the translation. (Cos “Bitter cold” is a 2-character phrase). Just a non-native translator speculation, but thought you might find it interesting! Maybe someone better versed in the language might be able to shed some light.


I thought Lin Chen was funnier in the drama. His facial expressions and manner of speaking were priceless! But there was a deeper conversation here, between LC and MCS that attests to the depth of their friendship, for who other than a really intimate friend would call him out on the Hua nation? And for all his posturing, LC is a very sensitive and attentive man, and in that sense, I guess very much like the Lin Shu of the past.

The final scene of this chapter also feels a little like a reenactment of the WZ and XJY scene where MCS sits in the corner. How many times does he have to do that? 😦

AND, on a completely different topic, do you remember the scene where XJY brings Shen Zhui and Cai Quan to meet MCS, and then Shen Zhui tries to persuade MCS to officially join XJY’s team? I just stumbled upon the cut scene. Unfortunately there are no English subtitles and unfortunately I can’t copy and paste to translate, but I guess you can re-read the chapter and just watch their facial expressions. Quite funny (even the blog comments are funny!).

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