Naruto: New Begining

Chapter 43: Chapter 43: I am Legend!

In the middle of a clearing, a figure squatted next to a corpse, weaving hand signs before the corpse caught on fire. The figure kept watch on the corpse until it turned to ash before she turned around and left, 'There are more and more of these missing nin… Sometimes I wonder if they even deserve this… most of them flee the country to avoid killing their countrymen, only to end up dying at the hands of their countrymen…'

A sad sigh escaped her lips as she made her way to a familiar village. It was a village near the coast in the land of waves. She walked through the streets of the village, looking at the lifeless faces of the people around, she saw a stark contrast from what she remembered from all those years ago. Suddenly her steps halted in front of a tea shop, 'Huh, it's still there.'

Smiling at the fond memories of a shared misfortune, she decided to enter the tea shop. The shop still had the old furnishings and the paint had started to peel off the walls. Unlike the last time when the shop was full of customers, this time there was only one hooded individual that she found very shady.

Regardless, she sat down at a table and ordered the same tea that she had drank before. The old lady took her order and left to make the tea. Her mind started to wander as she thought about various things, chief being her own position.


Her thoughts were interrupted as the only other occupant put a cup in front of her and started to pour tea from his own teapot. Afterwards, he sat down in front of her and started to drink. The girl's eyes narrowed, the tea was the same as what she had ordered, Jasmine with honey.

"What is this?" she asked the hooded figure in a threatening tone, she wasn't looking for trouble but she was never the one to shy away from it. The figure chuckled as he started to take off his hood, "What? I can't share a drink with an old friend?"

Looking at the face of the person next to her, her mind nearly halted at the sheer impossibility of what was happening, her voice faltering as she questioned "Enma!? But How!?" Shin smiled as Pineapple jumped onto the table, "I'm just as surprised as you are. I just wanted some tea but this is just fate at this point."

They were two hunters, enemies in the eyes of their villages, they were friends. The two talked about various things, drinking two pots of tea and a whole assortment of snacks before Mizuki finally got up to say goodbye but was stopped by Shin, "Actually… I was wondering if your invitation to kiri is still valid?" Mizuki was surprised and wanted to say yes but in the end logic won her over and she shook her head, "I'm Sorry Emna. Things are complicated in Kiri right now. I don't think I can take you there right now. Maybe next time." She smiled at Shin who also got up and they started to walk towards the port.

Mizuki became increasingly curious as to why Shin was following her and in the end decided to ask but Shin beat her to it, his words leaving her flabbergasted "I've been tasked with tracking a s-rank ninja. I have a hint that he will pop up in Kiri." Mizuki was surprised for many reasons but she decided to start with the most prominent, "An s-rank threat!? Who?" Shin looked around before stepping close and speaking in a hushed tone, "Do you know of the mystery guy that attacked Sand." the girl nodded her head and Shin continued, "Apparently he's hunting the tailed beasts and he's going after the 3 tails next."

Mizuki was skeptical of Shin's claims but nonetheless, this information was valuable and she had to talk to her superiors. She tried to persuade Shin to not travel to Kiri but seeing his determination she agreed to take him and the two found passage on a boat and traveled towards Kiri.

The journey was long and boring, the duo having to resort to card games and dares to keep things interesting. By the time they arrived close to the islands, the duo had become friends in every sense of the word. Shin was not so trusting but with chi he could sense other people's feelings and he couldn't feel any ill intentions from her, leading him to trust her enough to reveal his true name; Shin, not the other one.


"Shin, what you are planning is dangerous and could start another war." Hiruzen was both impressed and threatened when he heard Shin speak. The Plan To overthrow the Mizukage and install another one was genius and could greatly shift the balance of power in Konoa's favor but it was also sinister and dangerous, both things that reminded him of his former pupil and former comrade.

"Hiruzen, the plan might be dangerous but it has merit. An alliance with Kiri could greatly strengthen our position with Iwa, Kumo and Sand" An elder man spoke.

"Not to mention the possibility of opening new trade routes directly to Kiri. I believe it is worth the risk." nodded the elder woman.

Shin hadn't bothered to learn their names but he wasn't one to look a gift horse in the face. After much useless dialogue and discussions, Shin was finally allowed to leave. He dispersed himself as memories traveled back to his real self in Kiri. 'How annoying… I have to get away from these idiots sooner or later.' Shin's eyes narrowed and his mind sped up. He could easily see Danzo's influence on the elders and Hiruzen's weak mindedness when it came to important affairs. Konoha was a sinking ship. If Shin were to save it, he would not do so just to remain a measly crew member, no… Shin had his own plans now and he was not going to let some old fools stop him.


What followed next was a long month of dealing with accusations and suspicions but after weeks of constant persuasions and careful planning, Shin now sat in a dimly lit room, surrounded by 3 rouge Kiri ninja. Shin had donned his usual black and red robes with a black cat mask. He was being scrutinized by every ninja here, except for Mizuki who stood worriedly at a corner, glancing back and forth between Shin and the other ninjas present.

Everyone sat in silence until the door knocked and everyone tensed. Mizuki looked at Shin who nodded and went to open the door, letting in several more ninja. They were led by a woman in a blue dress that looked at the occupants and smirked, "Well, isn't this a surprise? I didn't know that there was a gathering of traitors here." A man with a spiky hairstyle and a white mask spoke with an amused tone, "The fact that you are here makes you just as much of a traitor as us."

The woman seemed offended by the comment but before things could escalate, Shin decided to step up. "I believe it's more akin to liberation than betrayal. Nonetheless, I'm happy you decided to come, Mei." The woman scrutinized Shin before nodding and sat down on an unoccupied seat while her followers stood behind her.

Now there were 8 highly trained and powerful ninjas present in the room. Shin looked at one of the newcomers that had an eye patch, "I suppose you have verified my information?" His words caused the newcomers' faces to sour as the Ao nodded, "I have confirmed that the Mizukage is indeed under a powerful genjutsu."

The affirmation caused the others to reel in shock as a discussion ensued that Shin had to quash once more, "It doesn't matter how it happened, what matters is that we must do something about this!" Everyone's accusing gaze landed on Shin as Zabuza spoke up, "And what does Konoha stand to gain from this?" Shin sat down and spoke calmly, "An Alliance."

Everyone remained silent, they were all aware of what an alliance between Konoha and Kiri would mean to both of them. Kiri would get access to the mainland and Konoha would be able to deter the ever present threat of Iwa and Kumo, not to mention it would also keep Sand from slipping away.

"It doesn't matter what happens afterwards. Defeating the Mizukage by ourselves.would be no easy task and even if we succeed, we would be regarded as traitors."

"Tsurugi is right, Mizukage is a perfect jinchuuriki. Attacking him head on would be no different from suicide."

"That's why we won't be the ones fighting him. I have, on very good authority, that the same person that attacked Sand is looking for an opportunity to attack the Mizukage, we just need to make that opportunity. After the battle, no matter who wins, we move in and take care of the one that remains." Shin told them the plan.

Mei looked at Shin and asked what everyone was thinking, "What Makes you so sure that this mystery shinobi would attack?" Shin smiled behind his mask, "Because he told me." Everyone in the room was startled at this revelation but Shin ignored them and continued, "My mission was not to start a rebellion, but to track this mystery man. I found him and fought him… and I realized that I had no chance so I gave up. I offered him a deal, my life in exchange for an uninterrupted duel with the three tailed beast."

Shin bent over the table and spoke in a serious tone, "This is an opportunity for all of us. You get to save your country from the hands of a madman and Iget to make sure that I am not hunted by a man who could kill a tailed beast and then nearly kill the Kazekage along with every elite Jonin of Sand!"

The Kiri ninja,rouge and otherwise, looked at each other before Mei finally sighed, "Alright, we'll give you the opportunity you need. Just make sure he delivers or else he won't be the only one hunting you down." Shin was unbothered by the threat as he nodded and the ninjas all left one by one.


Waiting is by far the hardest part of the plan, the wait that lasted 2 long weeks but now finally over. Shin read the piece of paper in his hand as a smile crept up onto his face. "You look happy." a soft hand caressed his back before wrapping across his stomach and a young woman hugged him from behind. "I am happy." replied Shin as he burned the paper and turned to join the girl on the bed.

Mizuki was an oddity that Shin could not understand; she was far too trusting of Shin, even risking her life to vouch for him in front of Tsurugi, the head of the hunter nin. She had no reason to trust Shin but for some reason, beyond the boy himself, she did. Even after Shin admitted to lying about his name, she simply shrugged it off.

Shin had Assal scan her rugged and as a master of Chi, very few could hide their emotions from him and she was not one of them. Yet he found nothing, no trace or even the faintest hint of a lie or a deception. Shin had seen her interactions with others during the 6 weeks they had been together and knew that she was just a typical ninja, lying and killing was a second nature to her and yet for some unknown reason, she didn't even try to deceive Shin.

Nonetheless, Shin had somehow found warmth in a cold place like this island and a friend in a heartless world like this one and he was happy for it.

The two days passed by like the fluters of a butterfly's wings, Shaky. But now Shin was finally ready, he had created a clone to act as Shin two days ago while his real self was preparing for battle. Shin could have simply used his sharingan and not have to go through all this trouble but he had been itching for a real battle and what better opponent than a Kage that was also a perfect jinchuriki.

Shin arrived at the location where Mei and Tsurugi would lure the Mizukage before retreating and making sure that no one interfered in their fight along his Shin and the other rouges of Kiri. The sky was cloudy with occasional lighting streaking across the sky and thunder drumming in his ears. It was a god sent weather for a lightning user like him, "guess even the world is on my side huh.".

"Just on time." Shin opened his eyes as he felt several people approaching, including a massive pool of chakra that easily eclipsed anything he had felt before. "Still not as big as Master Po, however, that guy is just unreal."

Shin was wearing his usual disguise, using chi techniques to change his bone structure and artificially buff himself up. Such techniques usually harmed the body but he simply used his massive pools of energy to constantly heal himself to ensure top performance.

"They've started to fight, time to make an entrance." Shin got up and ran towards the fight where Zabuza, Haku, Raiga and Shin were fighting Mei, Ao, Tsurugi, Mizukage and his Anbu. When Shin reached close rough, he used chi to jump high into the air, almost reaching the clouds, and threw his bamboo shoot right in the middle of the fight and he yelled, "Bamboo style: Electrifying Field!"

The bamboo fell in the ideal spot between the two parties and just as it struck the earth, it electrified everything within 50 meters of it which only happened to include the Anbu and the Mizukage.

Shin flipped in the air as he elegantly landed on the bamboo shoot before striking a pose which made his fat belly hang out. The fighting stopped as everyone observed this newcomer, most of the traitors thinking along the lines of, 'This guy?'

Shin flipped and landed on the ground before taking his bamboo out of the ground and speaking a low and heroic voice, "I have come to deliver this land from your tortuous hands and restore Justice to the people! WITNESS ME!" He pointed his bamboo at Mizukage and challenged, "Do you dare to fight me villain!?"

The Mizukage laughed at Shin, "I'll take care of him, you two kill the traitors." The fight was "taken" elsewhere as the Mizukage waved his staff And a forceful wind blew towards Shin. Shin jumped and brought his bamboo to his mouth and sent electrified air bullets that tore through the incoming winds and reached the Mizukage who waved his staff upwards and created an updraft of powerful wind to protect himself.

Shin used the opportunity to move in and use the Bamboo as a staff to attack, the Mizukage defended using his staff but that was a mistake as the staff was made of metal and the lightning traveled through. As Mizukage was shocked(Literally) Shin continued the assault by striking his chakra node before spinning and landing a powerful blow on him that sent him flying through the forest.

The Mizukage slowly got up, coughing blood. This was a poor match up; Shin could easily counter water and wind release with his own lightning and wind release but the Mizukage had no choice but to attack head on so that's exactly what he did.

Yagura's body started to glow red and a tail made of chakra sprouted behind him. Shin chuckled as he saw this, "About time, it was getting boring." Shin sent electrified air bullets towards the Mizukage who used his increased speed to weave through trees and dodge the attacks before coming up behind Shin and do a sneak attack but Shin could feel his approach and spun back, hitting the man with another powerful strike the sent the man flying through the forest once more.

Shin stabbed the bamboo into the ground and leaned on it with a bored expression, "Honestly, I expected way more, even the Kazekage was a bigger challenge than this."

It seemed his prayers were heard as a primal cry was heard throughout the forest and a huge brown turtle appeared from nowhere. The Mizukage had released the 3-tail fully, causing everyone including Shin to be surprised. 'Guess the fight with Itachi Left a lasting impression, he skipped to the end. No matter, it makes things easier for me.'

Shin left a huge buildup of chakra and immediately dodged, a ball of black energy shot past him and exploded into the distance. At this point, the others had stopped fighting and just watched the events unfold with complicated expressions, it was out of their hands now.

Shin stabbed the bamboo shoot into the ground once more and slammed his hands on the ground near it while shouting, "Bamboo style: Great Bamboo forest!" Instantly 100 feet of bamboo shot from the forest floor and covered the entire area, the tightly grouped bamboo trapping the giant turtle as it roared.

The turtle opened its mouth and another bijuu bomb started to form but Shin won't let it be so easy. He kept his hands on the ground as he yelled once more, "Bamboo style: Living Forest!" As soon as he finished yelling, the bamboo all started to move and stab the turtle with their edges, interrupting the forming bomb as the turtle roared once more before stomping the ground around him,creating a mass coral that grew in seconds and started to cover the bamboo forest.

Shin fought back, using massive amounts of chi to make the forest grow twice as fast as it was being destroyed. It was at this moment that Shin heard the life saving thunder and smiled, 'Finally!'

The entire bamboo forest started to spark and thunder started to rumble in the sky and Shin roared, "Bamboo Style: THUNDERSTRUCK BAMBOO!"


Lightning from the bamboo forest flew into the sky before dropping down again with twice the power, decimating the entire forest as the spectators fled at top speeds to avoid getting blown away from the shockwave.

After the brilliant light was the ringing silence as the spectators approached the forest but didn't dare to enter due to the arcing lightning that sparked every so often among the bamboo shoots. Inside the forest, Shin found the giant turtle, it had curled up to survive the lightning but was still badly burnt. Shin quickly absorbed the beast, leaving behind a charred husk of the now former Mizukage. After that, he grabbed the Thunderstruck bamboo, which was slowly absorbing all the lingering lightning energy, and left the forest.

Shin's clone felt his real self leave and decided to venture inside the forest where they found the dead Mizukage. Shin returned to Konoha, Mei was selected as the successor and the mysterious master of the Panda Style had a new bounty of 80 million from Kiri and 50 million from sand and was ranked as an S-rank threat with orders to retreat on sight. The attacks on two major villages' jinchuriki, fighting with 2 kage of which one was dead, had caused quite a commotion with all ninja villages tightening their security.

All the while, the man responsible was enjoying a nice time at sea on a chartered boat, sipping on coconuts and planning for the future while petting the purring Pineapple that was getting a nice pedicure.

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