Naruto: New Begining

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: How to take a vacation: A guide for dummies.

It had been two days since the happenings of the Blue Star canyon, the place hadn't even gotten its name yet, but the stories had already started to spread. Shin had been "Business as usual" during that time. He was very happy with the gain of his little excursion.

[Name: The Overlord of Chaos (Shin Hirano)

Level: 110(+50)(+60)(+50)

Title: Chunin of Konoha/ Traitor of Konoha/ Other worlder/ Disciple of the Grandmaster/ The Black Cat of Konoha/ The Cat Demon of Konoha

Age: 12


Strength: 94

Vitality: 102

Agility: 99

Sense: 130

Chakra: 120(+300)

Control: 115(-5)


Chi: 300(-1)

Chi Control:300]

The seal Shin had created had very few and simple functions;

Anything sealed inside would remain in a state of suspended animation(No talking buddies).The Energy would work like a battery.What's inside cannot influence him at all unless he allows it.

In short, while he could gain the affinity with earth and wind chakra if he used Shikaku's chakra as it was, Shin decided against it and used the beast purely as a source of chakra. He would slowly study and replicate the effects of Shikaku's chakra on his own but he would not risk getting affected by any adverse effects of that foreign chakra.

While Shin was admiring his stats and reminiscend about the days when his stats were a single digit, two young boys were trying to survive the onslaught of a cat with a kunai in her mouth.

"Where are you hitting you Idiot!" the black haired boy scolded the blonde for missing the cat and getting his kunai stuck in a tree, "Who are you calling an idiot, idiot!?" retaliated the blonde. "Agh!" groaned the black haired boy as shadow passed him by, leaving behind and thin red mark on his back. "Come here you damn cat!" demanded the blonde who chased after it, only for the cat to drop on his shoulder and when the boy tried to grab it, the cat jumped on the other shoulder before casually leaving a red slash on the boy's cheek before leaving.

The rowdiness continued for several minutes before the boys finally collapsed onto the ground, panting and heaving. "That is no cat, it's a demon!" yelled the blonde kid, only to get another slash on his face. Shin looked offended at the remark, "How dare you! Pineapple is no demon! She's an angel!" He grabbed the cat and cuddled her in his arms. "Meow! ^w^"

Afterwards, Shin treated the duo to some BBQ while inquiring about their school life. Both were at top of their class, Naruto was even doing well in theoretical exams due to Sasuke's tutoring which was due to Shin's dare; Shin had dared that if both of them landed in the top 5 the Shin would teach them a cool new ninjutsu and that was enough motivation for them to work harder.

"So any girlfriends I should know about?" Shin teased them with a sly grin but the duo just showed a disgusted face. 'Guess it's too early for them.' Shin laughed at their expressions. "Oh, we did get a new sensei! Iruka sensei!" said the blonde and Shin nodded with a smile, "Oh, I know him. Is he good? Want me to… "talk" to him?" winked Shin but the blonde kid just shook his head, "Naa, it's fine. He's… different I guess. Right Sasuke?" the boy in question simply shrugged, "I don't know, maybe?"

Shin had a little "talk" with one of the academy teachers after he purposefully failed Naruto in one of the exams. Shin had even shown up as a guardian during a parent teacher meeting. If anyone protested, Shin was more than happy to challenge their authority. Shin had essentially enforced himself as their guardian and used his new found infamy to shut down any naysayers.

"Well that's just fine, just enjoy your school life. It's not like you guys can graduate anytime soon anyways." Shin roasted some more meat as he continued the conversation. The minimum age of graduation had been raised to 11 and it had caused a lot of discontent within the students who just wanted to become "Cool" ninjas as soon as possible but the hokage's decision was final.

"Man, it's not fair! Weren't you a ninja when you were our age? Why do we have to wait for so many years? You know?" grumbled the blonde kid and emo kid nodded his head in agreement.

The lunch continued for a bit before Shin took his leave, he had places to be; which was a dark, dimly lit alleyway. "Well?" Shin spoke to the air and the air replied. "Just keeping an eye out." Kakashi materialized from this air as continued, "You know what happened to the sand jinchuriki. The elders are concerned for his safety."

Shin nodded, "Well, you could be sneakier you know." Kakashi sighed as he replied in a lazy tone, "As if that would hide me from you."


A shadow flickered in between them as a masked figure appeared and turned to Shin, "Hokage Sama has summoned you." Shin nodded as he waved at Kakashi, "Well see you later, oh almost forgot." he tossed a scroll to kakashi who caught it.

"For Shiharu." Shin flickered away, leaving Kakashi in the alley, "Right… it was yesterday…I'm dead…"

A moment later, Shin apperated-ahm, appeared inside the hokage office. The old man was seated in his usual seat, the village elders stood to his right and Jonin commanders to his left. In front of his desk stood a sand ninja, half his face was covered by a cloth.

Seeing Shin appear, Hiruzen smiled while beckoning him closer, "Ah Shin, come." Shin walked and stood in front of the desk, within arm's reach of the sand ninja, "You called for me hokage sama?

"Yes. I'm sure you are aware of the incident that happened two nights ago in the outskirts of Sunagakure. I feel you might be able to provide some valuable insight regarding the matter." The old man paused for a bit, taking a puff of smoke and gesturing to the sand ninja to speak.

The sand ninja nodded before turning to face Shin, "The hokage sama tell me you are familiar with a fighting style called the "Panda style"." Shin raised his eyebrows as he glanced at Hiruzen before nodding, "Yes, I am familiar. But What does that have to do with the attack on your village?"

The sand ninja observed Shin's expression as he continued, "The person who attacked us claimed to be a master of the Panda style. He used a bamboo shoot as a staff and was very proficient in lightning style." Shin nodded in contemplation before glancing at the hokage again. The old man nodded, "Feel free to share any information that you might have. I have assured the Kazekage of our full cooperation regarding this matter."

Shin nodded as he spoke, "Using bamboo as a staff is quite common. The panda style is focused on defense and counter attacks. I myself was taught this style by a master. I have not heard of there being any other users of this style apart from myself. The pandas are reclusive and very rarely interact with outsiders. Not To mention, this style isn't suitable for killing so that person might just be lying to you."

The sand ninja contemplated for a while before nodding, "No, how you describe the style seems accurate and there were no casualties during the fight." Shin cupped his chin with his fingers as he humed. "Hm… There aren't that many lightning users in the panda village. In fact, there is only one that actually uses it and he is actually a prodigy in lightning style. He's the one who helped me with my lightning style… but it can't be him." Shin shook his head.

"Why not?" asked Hiruzen in a curious tone. Shin smiled as he replied, "Well, for one he is very lazy and has no motivation to train much less to pick fights and for two… he is a panda."

The room was quiet as the sand ninja appeared to be agitated. In the end Shin broke the silence, "There is a chance that he was there before my time. I could check with them but it would take some time." The hokage nodded, "It's alright, go and see if you can find something from the panda village." Shin nodded and left the room, 'Guess I should take a vacation and try to find myself, just as master Po says.' A smile crept up on his face as he wondered where to go next.

'I can't go after 2 tails because I might just have to fight both the 8 tails and the raikage as well if I do so… kiri then?'

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