Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 180: The 5th Hokage...

Title: The 5th Hokage...

I look at the people below me as I just wave towards them. I know that I am definitely not going to be the best leader, after all, I will only look after my shoulders, but no one needs to know that now do they.

People are sheep and I will simply be their shepherd. So they WILL follow me.

I think of the different strategies on how to deal with this. 

Just like this I walk back to my office where I will stay as the Hokage. It is a simple office with a lot of paperwork piled all around it. I just brush the paperwork aside and sit down on the comfy chair that I have personally made for myself.

*sigh*... this world really doesn't feel like home. I… wanna go home and tell my family this one last thing of everything that I have done, to get it out of my shoulders. Then I can will myself to leave them behind too, or else even if I reach godhood I know that I will keep thinking about them. I have decided… I WILL GO HOME.

I know that unlike some other families, my family will easily accept me, even when I tell them of this. I… need to see them one more time or I will be addicted to keeping to meet them on my Genjutsu. They are my last weakness… they are my chains holding me down. 

My family.

When I think of them I can almost feel a chill go down my spine. My little brother, my mother, they are the only people who will never betray me. They are the ones who have always loved me, my little brother has always known how I truly am. He always knew that the only reason I didn't kill people for benefits, was because that will be dumb due to the police being on my tail, and me being afraid of my life every single day.

My little brother… the one who was never as smart, strong… well he wasn't better than me at anything. He always has had a little insecure about himself, due to me being better than him at everything. I was his shining light, an unsurpassable wall. But instead of that jealousy being developed into hate, it developed into absolute trust in me.

When he was afraid of a robber breaking in, he would think of me and then he would be sorry for the robber instead. Well... he wasn't wrong either…

But this is a decision that I will need to think about.


Just like this one day passed, I contemplated my biggest decision for myself, I know that using genjutsu on myself to relive some memories will start being addictive… I am not someone who will not face their mental problems. I don't need a weakness like that… so I will return home, I will look my family in the eyes and then I will leave them. I am sorry… mother, brother… I gave up my dream once for you in my first life. But this time, I will be selfish, I know that you will understand. 

As I decide to do this a small smile appears on my face. After all, becoming The All Mighty God, doesn't come without giving up some things. But even knowing what I will have to do… I can't wait to go back home. 

Currently I am still sitting on my new office chair. Also the paperwork isn't around here anymore and there is a tea making pot and stove on the side and two chairs in front of me. My clones already took care of everything while I needed time to think in my decisions.

I have everything prepared and I can feel a heaviness on my heart settle down. I can finally think clearly again, as expected, when I have free time my mind always wanders on things like this. But… I didn't even go to college in my first life, even after all of that studying. Not that I really even wanted to go to that college, it was simply the major where most money is made.

That is when the door to my office opens. There come the elders of Konoha, whom Hiruzen is part of. I know that he isn't exactly fond of me, but I don't care, after all if I try to please everyone, I will just end up as the most well liked dead man in the world.

The elders sit down and Hiruzen simply summons a chair, they all sit down and as they do so I simply say. "We need Tsunade back to Konoha."

Immediately the others react by their body language showing surprise. Hiruzen is the first to speak by saying. "I don't think she will agree so easily."

When I heard him say this, I just put my hand on the side as my anbu delivered a stack of paper to me. I just throw them to another side of the room where my clone appears and takes them.

While this all happens Hiruzen and the other two elders are a little surprised at this, Hiruzen was always surrounded by paperwork. Well my system is made for absolute efficiency. The documents have to be on the Hokage's hands before they are signed to make them official. I don't even do this when they are not here, they go straight to my shadow clones, but whatever it doesn't matter.

"Well Konoha needs her, if she doesn't come then she will be simply branded a missing nin. If she can't comprehend even that then she will be kidnapped and we will breed the Senju Clan out of her." I say that calmly as I interlock my hands and lean on the table.

Hiruzen seems angry at this. Well I can understand that, after all, he has known Tsunade since she was little and pretty much raised her. Also Hiruzen's teachers were the 2nd and 1st Hokages who were both Senju. 

"You doing this will turn the whole Konoha against you." Says Hiruzen clutching the armbands of the chair so hard that cracks started appearing on them, as his chakra spiked. 

I just looked at him calmly. No trace of nervousness on my face. My eyes are cold and calm, as I am not affected by this at all. 

"Well we are ninja, so this will obviously be done in secret. If Tsunade agrees with this or not, it doesn't matter. Also if anyone spreads village secrets like this…" My eyes get cold as I look at Hiruzen.


My chakra flows out of me, easily taking down Hiruzen's. 

"Never question my decisions Hiruzen. Konoha will finally have a good Hokage. What do you expect us to do then, just let the Senju bloodline die off and dissolve to nothing just because of a woman's feelings. NEVER AGAIN let your feelings influence your decisions." As I say that my chakra flow settles down and returns back to me. "Also if I see anything suspicious from either of you I will put you all in a coffin. You are here to advise, not question my decisions, so you simply advise and listen to my decisions."



Yami is expressing dominance. It is a ninja village and he now has enough power that he doesn't have to beat around the bush just to get something. He will simply order and he will get it. Also Yami's character is developing, he doesn't feel comfortable putting himself under a genjutsu at any moment. After all, now he is DEFINITELY under Black Zetsu's gaze. 

Also contrary to his usual monstrous thinking process, when he thinks about his real family he has a certain softness in it. They are someone Yami still loves even after all these years.

P.S: Like always, you get +1 chapter for that day if the story reaches 1000 power stones.

(bonus chapter coming soon)?

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