Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 179: Clinging higher...

Title: Clinging higher...


-Yami POV-

I just walk away from the destruction behind me. 

*sigh* Finally I can stop wearing masks and can act like myself. I know that having a mask on for such a long time… because the mask can become the real you. It's like someone acting like a clown in school, he will start acting like a clown even trying to make people laugh again even when he is outside of school, when that mask is useless. It is a change that won't be noticed by him. After all, the change is so subtle that it is almost unnoticed by the person.

Back in the day I had to remind myself that I do not love my new mother. Or else my mask might have leaked in and changed my true personality. The best liars are the ones who can lie to themselves… and when that is taken to the extreme… well now… you have a big problem in your hands.

But that isn't a problem for me, I know just the right amount of lies to believe about myself. I immediately don't trust those lies when I am done with them being useful to me.

I look at the jonin uniform I am wearing and notice that it has some scratches. Immediately I use some wind chakra around my body, it immediately obliterates all of my clothes. After that, I use some chakra in an invisible seal on my body and I am surrounded in a cloud of smoke and as I walk through the smoke which whifts away as my body moves, I now have a brand new Jonin uniform.

My control over Fuinjutsu has gotten pretty good. Now that Minato and Kushina are dead, I will become the 5th Hokage after a brief emergency voting process. Which I will obviously win, I didn't build up this political power just so I can wipe my aśs with it. 

Except the Uchiha, there are only other minor clans who aren't on my side. Even clans like the Yamanaka and even Sarutobi Clan, they are kind of neutral, but will still take my side. But who knows though, the Sarutobi Clan might 'betray' me and vote for Hiruzen since he is part of their clan. But that doesn't matter at all, I have way more than 51% of the votes needed to win. Obviously the civilians of Konoha only vote the civilian council members, who represent their interests, I have them all in the pocket which is already ~20% of the votes. But the civilians have only enough voting power to not bother the ninjas. The Daimyo, nobels, current hokage (which is unavailable) and the Konoha Clan Heads.


-General POV-

(Eighteen Hours Later)

After the Nine Tails Attack some villages decided to try and proad how much Konoha was weakened, their spies told them that the 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze. Immediately other nations tried to 'send' ninja to travel to Konoha because of a 'mission'.

But… they were all killed. No sign of who did it. But as soon as they entered the land of Fire… not even their bodies were found. It is as if they disappear from existence when they enter it. 

But that is when they got the news… not from their spies, but from the merchants who travelled to Konoha.


Two days later a ceremony was being held in Konoha. Where the whole village is already rebuilt, the streets were packed up to full capacity. They wanted to see the new Hokage, it is all thanks to him why they were able to return back to their normal lives.

Finally atop the Hokage tower… Hiruzen appears, with the Daimyo right next to him and that is when Hiruzen uses a fuinjutsu seal to amplify his voice as he says. "Let us welcome the 5th Hokage of Konoha… Yami Inuzuka." 

That is when the crowd can finally see Yami as he is wearing his Hokage uniform, which consists of a white robe with plenty  of red decorations on it. Plus the hat also with the fire kanji on it.


Immediately the crowd started cheering for Yami. After all, he had rebuilt Konoha within a day, as soon as he became Hokage. 

As the crowd continues cheering, Yami simply puts a hand up and with a slight smile on his face he says. "Everyone, can I please have a moment of silence to say something."

As Yami says that with a calm voice, everyone stops cheering but their excitement wasn't down at all. They simply listened to what Yami said, it is as if an invisible power of will settled upon them, they cannot help but look at Yami, who expressed absolute confidence in every movement that he made. 

Yami is a fresh air to them, who are used to a Hokage who is uncertain of his actions and even asks for their forgiveness as Hirruzen did when he showed them the 'demon fox' baby. And telling them that Konoha would need their help to survive and everyone should work together as one big family.


-Yami POV-

While looking at the people below me I can't help but think of the different things and actions that I have taken to get here… I don't regret any of them, with the knowledge I had during the time, I have made the perfect decision in every one of them. I chose the perfect road to power, I took every opportunity that was given to me. 

Killing, slaughtering and torturing people, I regret none of them. I did all of those things to normal people, ninja, children, parents, elderly and even some disabled people.






I am 100% knowledgeable of what I did and how I did it. I am not someone who runs away from reality. I accept what I have done. And I will continue to do this and possibly even worse things along the way. I will not ask forgiveness to god, or anything for my actions. Because I don't regret any of them. Instead of looking at the past, I will look at the future … and think what I will do next.

I look at the people below me who have already stopped cheering. They think that they know what they want but… people actually have no idea what they want in their leaders. But they really want what everyone wants… it is in the nature of all living things to find some being greater than themselves and place their trust in that being, following it blindly. In order to escape from the pressure of that trust, those beings seek a still greater entity in which to believe, and those greater beings too seek still greater, still stronger beings to follow. This is how all kings come to be, and this is how all Gods are born. When someone knows that… then they can be a good leader.

"Now that we have some quiet, I, Yami Inuzuka, would like to tell you all that Konoha's people are good and amazing people. And I will make Konoha the GREATEST. A lot of people might not like me being the leader, but to hell with weaklings like them who cannot handle power and responsibility. MAKE KONOHA THE GREATEST." As I said that, I smiled and waved towards the people. My smile is casual but not too casual either. But I did want to show that I am 100% sure of what I am doing. As soon as I say that, I get a thunderous roar in response from the happy people. They obviously don't know sh*t of what I am saying. But really, they don't need to, after all, most of the population is made out of dumbasses.

I obviously stole some tactics from my first life politicians. After all, it has already been proven to work. Obviously the smart people won't buy into it, but who cares what they think… after all they are a minority…

Now comes the next part of my plan…


A/N: This is not meant to offend anyone, if some politician sounded like Yami. This is a work of fiction and anything representing the real world names/companies is only a coincidence.

P.S: Like always, you get +1 chapter for that day if the story reaches 1000 power stones.

(sorry for the late update, had some sh*t going on in real life)⚡

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


(23 chaps in advance)

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