Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 176: Hiruzen and Yami's Cooperation...

Title: Hiruzen and Yami's Cooperation...

-General POV-

Yami looks at the nine tails. His eyes shining with a dangerous light in them. He looks at his summons.

"Leech disperse yourself and heal the people of Konoha." Orders Yami, the leech immediately splits itself into many smaller leeches, and starts healing the injured. Yami plans to become the main player in this tragedy, he plans to turn it into his advantage and cover Minato's accomplishments in this.

"Mosquito Sage, use your mosquitos to save as many people as you can. Try searching in obscure places like under buildings and such." Continues Yami, he looks at the female looking mosquito sage (the mosquito sage) in the eyes. He knows that this is the most likely of his summons to try and plot against him. So he gives her a hidden warning by saying. "Be careful."

To the ninja around Yami, it seems like he is worried about her. But the Mosquito Sage knows better. Even though she has NEVER done something against Yami's interests. Yami has already noticed her intentions and has made it pretty clear to her that he WILL kill her if she either steps out of line or stops being useful to him. 

The Mosquito Sage just smiles nervously at Yami. She has known Yami for a while now, and even with her rebellious thoughts that come out every now and then, all she needs is just a look from Yami and that will calm all of her crazy rebellious thoughts. She also doesn't want to end up like the Leach Sage… who is just a machine and tool for Yami.

Finally she decides to fly away and spread most of her mosquitoes around Konoha, to try and save as many people as they can. 

The last, the Bat Sage just nods at Yami already understanding its duty of having to protect the Inuzuka Clan Compound. The other Inuzuka Jonin have already summoned the rest of his bat clan so he already knows the premise of what is going on.


While that was happening the Nine Tails has already charged up a tailed beast bomb and thrown it towards Yami. The tailed beast bomb obliterated everything in its path as if the world itself was making way for the ball of destruction.

The ninjas and anbu too are scared as they try to dodge the ball of destruction.

Yami just narrows his eyes at this and does three handsings, then he takes a Hiraishin Kunai in his hands and does the tiger handsing. 

The Tailed Beast Bomb has almost reached Yami, but that is when a strange Fuinjutsu mark appears in front of Yami.


And the giant ball of chakra is immediately taken away. Not by the Hiraishin technique but by  a reverse summoning seal towards one of the hiraishin seals in the ocean.

Immediately the ninja behind Yami ley out a sigh of relief, after all of that thing landed in the Hokage Mountain behind them, then the area of destruction from the tailed beast bomb would reach the whole Konoha. One tailed beast bomb… is all that is needed to completely destroy Konoha.


The nine tails roars towards Yami, sending a giant soundwave about as strong as an S Rank Wind Jutsu towards him.

Yami does another couple of handsigns and slowly a barrier forms in front of him. Sealing the wind wave in, and locking it. 

That is when Hiruzen decides to take action and says. "Yami, if I got you close to the nine tails would you be able to teleport it outside of Konoha using the Hiraishin."

Yami frowns for a split second and after thinking about it he says. "Yes, but teleporting something like the Nine Tails is bound to cost me almost all of my chakra, but I believe I can move it outside of Konoha. The shadow clones and summons took their toll on my chakra reserves too." 

Hiruzen has a grave look on his face as he nods.

'Maybe I judged him too early after all, it is said that only in a time of crisis does someone show their true selves…' Thinks Hiruzen, contemplating if he maybe has let Yami's killing of Danzo cloud his judgement when it came to Yami.

Hiruzen bites his finger and slams his hand on the ground


Summons Enma, and when the monkey sees the grave situation. Before he even has time to think about his next action he hears Hiruzen say. "Enma: Adamantine Staff."


Enma immediately transforms into it, and Hiruzen uses the staff by simply jumping high up and saying. "Maximum Expand."

The staff immediately expanda to as thick as a bus, Hiruzen throws it towards the nine tails, who just swipes sideways and changes the direction of the giant staff, the nine tails then looks at Hiruzen… but suddenly… as the staff's tip was pointing towards the nine tails…


The staff extends…


The staff directly hits the nine tails, Hiruzen then does twenty handsigns.

[Hell Swamp]

Suddenly below the nine tails feet, the earth turns into quick sand and tendrils of mud slowly grasp the nine tails legs holding them in place. 

"YAMI NOW." Screams Hiruzen, telling Yami that is his chance.

Yami just throws dozens of kunai towards the nine tails. 


He disappeared in a black flash next to his kunai, and he then appeared on top of the nine tails.


And in a dark flash both Yami and the nine tails disappeared…


On the other hand around the village Yami's clones are running around saving people all over. Saving people from debris and other things.

One of the clones even notices Mikoto carrying what seems to be a baby… he is Sasuke, Yami's useful tool… Yami's clone sees a big piece of debris falling towards Mikoto and is about to go save her when...


A small figure jumps towards the giant debris and…


Completely destroys it.

The clone's eyes widen when he sees who the small figure is… it is Itachi, using chakra to strengthen his muscles.

'Talk about monstrous talent.' Thinks the clone as he goes to help someone else. After all, Yami wants to be saving people and then engraves himself in the citizens of Konoha as their saviour by the way he acts.


On the other side Yami, just transported the nine tails out of Konoha. Around 500 metres away, he also seems to be sweating and breathing heavily.


-Yami POV-

This is all an act, though it takes around 20% of my natural chakra, I do easily have tailed beast levels chakra due to my hearts that I have... I still haven't even used any of my chakra from the 100 Strength Seal. 

No wonder Minato gave his life to seal the nine tails during the canon timeline, he knew he couldn't outlast the monster. 

Anyway, I teleported the nine tails away, but only 500 metres. So I still get the glory, but the plans also go along as they are supposed to.



Yami is simply making the best of this situation, and how many people die on this? Why should that matter if it doesn't give any benefits to Yami.

Also Yami is going to use this to make himself appear as someone cold but still cares about Konoha.

P.S: Like always, you get +1 chapter for that day if the story reaches 1000 power stones.

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