Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 175: A Loud Roar...

Title: A Loud Roar...


Yami smiles menacingly. "Also… there is something you must understand my dear Shiori, you belong to me, your pu*sy, mouth, blood and flesh… EVERYTHING OF YOURS IS MINE." 

Suddenly Yami's maniacal expression calms down, as he leans back on his chair. 

"And it isn't because you are a woman, or because you are my wife… I have you because I want you. It's because I am strong, I am so strong that not even your father will be able to do anything against me. I can ruin the Land of Fire and sink it into poverty whenever I want, I hold the rabid dogs of the Land of Fire under a tight leash…. I can also let them go whenever I want." Says Yami casually, he has a cold glint in his eyes as he sees Shiori look at her hands terrified. 

She finally understands the situation she is in… so she can't help but feel abject despair… finally understanding what monster she has married.

Yami on the other hand, just hides his smirk. He knows that Shiori has a dominant personality so it is unlikely she will listen to Yami for a long time. But her fear of Yami will keep her in line. She is someone who Yami truly understands. After all, living with her for some time has helped him get a grasp on her personality. 

'In a couple of years… she will suppress her fear and start working against me. Well it doesn't matter, I already put fail-safes on her… just in case she decides to do something… that is unfavourable for me.' Think Yami, planning on how to manipulate her. Shiori isn't someone who is likely to be easily manipulated. Especially since they are together almost 24/7. 

'Hmmm… but I truly did cheat on her. Sadly for her she isn't strong enough so she has no right to complain. After all, I am not going to suppress my urges for my wife or something like that. I finally got power and have to restrict myself even when I have power… THEN WHY THE HELL WOULD I EVEN NEED POWER IF I WON'T USE IT.' Thinks Yami, as he plans on cheating on Shiori again with another woman. This time though he will not have a child with them. His plan is to create Kiba and after that, he will stop having so many children anymore due to them not being useful anymore.

*Yawn* Yami gets up after yawning, leaving a shocked Shiori 'alone'... well he will obviously never let someone like his wife alone. If she did something stupid like cheat on him… well he won't necessarily care, he will kill her and the perpetrator as well as his family. But unlike killing, if the rumours start spreading, it won't be easy to quell them so easily.

'Shiori should be glad that she is still useful to me… if she wasn't… well… people always have 'accidents'.' Schemes Yami, thinking of a way to kill Shiori, he knows that eventually he will have to kill her. She will obviously get older and less attractive, so he will then need a new wife. 

Divorces aren't exactly a thing in this world. People separate constantly, but after marriage, the woman can only run away… and subsequently hunted down by her husband or clan. 

But Yami will never allow Shiori to run, that will cause too much political unrest and trouble for him. So it would be easier to have her killed and deem it as an accident.

-Three Months Later-

-Yami POV-

I just look at the room around me. My big living room actually. The pregnant Tsume and Shiori are here and so are my daughters, Yoruichi and Hana.

We are currently all sitting in a half-circle comfortable red couch, with a low rectangular table in the middle. We are all playing cards, I am currently intentionally losing, this will make me seem more normal and approachable to my family. They will see me as human and not some monster that does nothing wrong and they can't understand. After all, humans usually don't act nice when they encounter something they don't understand.

Minato has been Hokage for three months already… and I can't really say that he has been doing a good job at it. I mean he is better than Hiruzen, so the ninja have a low standard which he passes with flying colours. He is also good with the civilians, so that is going good but… Konoha isn't experiencing some golden period or something like that.

I remember that back in the anime, Minato was praised by everyone, but it seems that as I expected, he wasn't that good at leading Konoha. I mean I have to admit that he has been trained his whole life to be a killer, so in comparison he is doing a pretty good job if you take that into account.

But if it was me the one sitting in that chair… well… I am  about to create a miracle management by this world's standards.

As I am thinking this… suddenly a shaking sound is heard all around the table. Contrary to my family's, my expression hasn't really changed. I have been expecting this for this whole month. I would have to be a certain type of stupid to not prepare for this situation.


A very loud and terrifying roar is heard and a malicious chakra with killing intent descends, making my family freeze in place, even Tsume who is a Special Jonin. Though the killing intent doesn't really affect me, I still immediately disperse it with my own chakra, and make four shadow clones that grab Shiori, Tsume, Hana and Yoruichi to take them away. 

Tsume is the first to ask Yami with a desperate look on her face. "What is going on?"

My clone who is holding her just says. "Most likely an enemy attack, judging by the chakra, it must be a tailed beast inside the village."

Before Tsume can say anymore my clones use the Hiraishin and disappear in a dark flash. Then I too am surrounded by a dark flash and…



I appear at the top of the Hokage Tower. Hiruzen is there too, together with some anbu. He says. "We need to take the nine tails out of the village."

Before he can say anything anymore I say. "I will take care of it… and also."

I make on handsign and…


I am covered in a large cloud of smoke, which when it clears out. There are hundreds of my shadow clones. I just swish my arm sideways and say. "Save the people of Konoha."


They all disappear in a dark flash. Then I just bite my thumb and clasp my hand on the ground. 



This time the whole Hokage Tower is  surrounded in an even bigger cloud of smoke. Out of it come ten giant bats as big as trucks, a mosquito lady and… a giant red leech that has wrapped itself around the Hokage Tower.

I just look towards the nine tails. It suddenly also looks towards me. I just smirk at it mockingly. "Wanna dance little fox?" 


A/N: The time is moving, Yami is showing his dominance again. Also we are now again inside his mind. We see what he is thinking and like always, his thought 

process is cold and terrifying. Also Yami is 100% prepared for this battle.

P.S: Minato is fighting against Tobi currently. If you were wondering where he was.

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter plus the daily chapter.

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(There are 23 chapters in adavance)

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