Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 173: The 4th Hokage!!!

Title: The 4th Hokage!!!


That day I returned back to my house, after giving Itachi a 'lesson'. I owed it to him… I did fu*k his mom after all. 

But of course my real reason is because I need to see how he gets the Totsuka Blade and the Yata Mirror. I need to see how it is possible to get those types of 'spiritual' weapons. I haven't truly figured it out yet, I don't know where to even begin with something like this, so I need to at least see a close example of how this is.

When Ienter inside my small mansion, I open the door and enter the house. Currently it seems like Tsume is with my daughters in the backyard while my beautiful wife Shiori seems to be in the living room reading a book.

I just casually walk through the corridor, and go towards the living room, where Shiori is. I see her sitting on the couch as she reads the book… hmmm… Romeo and Juliet.. huh…

She doesn't seem to notice me. Well then… how about.

I just walk behind her and hug her neck. 

"How is my beautiful wife doing today." I whisper to Shiori sweetly. 

She gets startled a little. "Oh, it's you Yami… so… is the war over."

When I hear her say that my smile widens, I easily jump over the couch and grab Shiori and lie down on the couch with her on top of me. 

"Hey don't do this Yami! What if the girls see us?" Says Shiori slightly panicked at the prospect of my daughters or Tsume seeing us do something inappropriate. 

I just grab the book that she has in her hand and throw it away, and without even needing to look, I know that the book lands perfectly on the table, and ask her. "So tell me my smart wife… how did you come to a conclusion like that."

She smiles too, feeling a little pride in her ability to come to that conclusion. She lays her head on my chest. "Well honey, I might not know how ninjas work. But I do know how management and economics work. It was just another as you usually say… logical conversation."

I just kiss her on the top of her head and relax my body, with Shiori on top of me. "Hmmm… you would make a good Daimyo."

Shiori just chuckles a little at this. "My brothers are not going to just 'suddenly' die so I would 'conveniently' be the next in line for succession."

Nope, the next Daimyo will be our child. But I obviously didn't say that to her, so I just reassured her. "That would make you sad, so I obviously won't do that."

"Uhuh." She just nods at this. She is a surprisingly tough nut to crack, I have tried everything except Memory Manipulation to make her fall in love with me. But even though we have a VERY active s*x life, I am 100% sure that she doesn't really love me. Talk about a sociopath huh… we have been together for quite a while and I even treat her nice but she has no feelings towards me. Of course she isn't dumb enough to do something against me, she has learned about how… 'harsh' I can be to people who try to work against my interests. Actually she generally works well with the businesses that I have given her to manage, the income of those has gone up by 30% since she has started managing them. 

Anyway… I just touch her throat slightly, giving her chills, she feels uncomfortable with people touching her neck, but I do it to sometimes remind her who is in charge. "You know my dear wife… I think that we should start trying for a child soon. What do you think about that?"

She knows that I am not really asking, so she agrees. "Of course, do you think that we should begin tonight?"

I smirk at that. "How about right now."

She takes her head off my chest and looks at my eyes. She sees my eyes and nods. 

Though she hasn't noticed the changes, I have slowly been putting her dominant personality under control by showing my alpha actions and personality. After all, humans are just evolved animals, so they still have the instinct to follow someone who expresses a dominant personality and seems to be confident in their decisions. They also like people who seem perfect and never make/ admit to a mistake (publicly). 

Shiori relaxes again and lies down on top of me. "So do you plan to become Hokage now? I don't think that the 3rd Hokage will be for much longer, his approval rating has plummeted, so I think that he will be replaced soon. You would be a perfect replacement for him."

Aaand there it is that instinctual manipulate, she doesn't even need to try, she does it subconsciously. 

I shake my head. "Nope, this time I am not gonna compete."

"Hmmm… so the next election then?" She asks, as she coddles on my chest.

"Mybe." I answer her, not really giving her a clear answer.

She just pouts at that. 

"C'mooooon teeell me." Whines Shiori.

I just smirk at that. "Well I haven't decided yet."

"Ahhhh." Whines Shiori even more. "That is a lie, even I can tell that. You are such a tease. If I know one thing about you is that you plan 100 steps ahead."

I just mockingly frown at Shiori and even make a 'sad' tear appear on my eye. "Why must even my wife think so lowly of me… after all… I always plan at least 1000 steps ahead."


-One Month Later- 

-General POV-

During this time all of Konoha was in celebration. Not only did the 3rd Ninja War end, but the next hokage will be chosen. Now contrary to the ninja, who think that the Hokage was too passive and not decisive enough during the war, plus the deal that he struck with the Raikage (only to be betrayed later) didn't do too good to his reputation. But… to the civilians who don't really know (or care) about stuff like that, they love the 3rd Hokage, he is after all kind and has made a lot of decisions that better the life of a civilian ninja. After all, if he was bad at everything containing the job of a Hokage, he would have been booted from the position a long time ago.

But recently, the ninja have been too unsatisfied with him recently so instead of starting some infighting with his supporters and nonsupporters. Hiruzen decided to step down, the last thing he wants is to see his own comrades fight against each-other.


That is why the Daimyo has travelled all the way to Konoha. He has been staying with his son in law (Yami). 

Currently he is in a meeting with the village elders, Hiruzen, the village elders, some powerful nobles of the Land of Fire and some of his advisors. They are currently discussing who will be Hokage. They were all sitting in a rectangular shaped table, with the current Hokage on one head side and the Daimyo on the other representing that they are the people with the most power in here, while the others all sat to the sides.

As the meeting has started, Hiruzen is the first to speak as he announces. "The ones viable to be the next Hokage are: Minato Namikaze, Jiraya, Orochimaru, Yami Inuzuka and Fugaku Uchiha… but Yami Inuzuka and Jiraya have pulled out of the race immediately. Saying that they don't want to be the next Hokage."

Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief inside of himself, because Yami decided to not participate in the race. But there is also Orochimaru… he knows that Orochimaru is also too cold to be Hokage too. Even though Orochimaru is his favorite student, Hiruzen knows that Orochimaru would be too risky to have as a Hokage too… 

'He could actually be even worse than Yami as a Hokage.' Thinks Hiruzen, planning on how to drop Orochimaru out of the race too.


A/N: Hiruzen doesn't necessarily hate Yami, he just isn't fond of him. Also he thinks that Orochimaru too wouldn't be a good Hokage due to his cold and cruel nature. 

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter plus the daily chapter.


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(23 chapters in advance)

P.P.S: Patreòn just entered canon...?

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