Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 172: The 3rd Ninja War Ends

Title: The 3rd Ninja War Ends


-Three Months Later-

I am currently in my backyard, getting a small tan, I just look at Shiro as he is rolling around in the grass playing with Hana and Youruichi. Though I know that Shiro is generally very sinful, sh*tty and doesn't even have a lot of really nice character traits. He still knows better than acting anymore than a normal dog in front of my daughters will likely get him beat severely or even killed. 

He knows how dangerous I can be, and I don't tolerate behavior like that. After all, I kill humans without a second thought, what is just another dog added to it. Shiro knows that he is no longer useful to me, so he is on thin rope. Of course as long as he doesn't go against my interests I will keep him around. He is after all, my ninken and as strong as an Elite Jonin or even possibly a weak S Rank.

Also I have noticed that the war is taking a toll on all the participating nations. Economy and income is falling down, though canon fodder ninja can be created almost endlessly to fight in the war, the economy and trade is a different thing. They will continue to drop down and then some Hidden Villages don't have the economy to support their ninja so after that they are doomed.

Money truly does make the world turn around… I noticed and have been notified by my spy network that the war is going to stop soon just because of the worsening economy… this is really funny to me. After all, no matter how many ninja died to 'bravely' sacrifice their lives, that didn't contribute at all. Their lives were worthless and no one except their families will remember them.


-One Month Later-

As I am walking down the road after another burial of the cannon fodder. Konoha buried them all at once so the Hokage didn't have to show at each of their funerals. Even death is cruel to the weak, thankfully I don't plan dying or ever being weak.

Suddenly I sense the strong emotions from a certain direction. I activate one of my numerous spy seals that I have around Konoha and look at who that is… oh it's just Itachi. He seems to be looking down a cliff with a depressed face. Hmmm… is this the moment when he jumps from that one scene in the anime and he understands the meaning of life.

Well then…


-General POV-

While Itachi is looking down the cliff he contemplates. 'What is life… what is death… there… is no meaning in life? Are we all meant to die anyway, so is killing not bad… but why? In the war, why were people dying. We are all going to die anyway, so why live at all?'

He looks down the cliff… suddenly he hears footsteps and immediately he turns around looking at where they are coming from. He sees a man, with black slightly spiky hair and black pupiless eyes. He is wearing casual clothes and  he has a Konoha headband on his forehead, but there was nothing else that even remotely expressed that he is a Ninja of Konoha. 

'His posture is relaxed and he even walks like normal. No indication of being on guard at all… but he must obviously be. After all, even I know who Yami Inuzuka is… but why… is he here?' Analyses Itachi thinking of the different possibilities.

Yami just gives a casual wave towards Itachi. "Yo!"

Itachi sees this but he decides that it is better if he acted polite so he greeted back. "Hello Yami -sama."

When Yami sees this he just yawns in boredom. 

"Why are you here kid?" Asks Yami getting straight to the point… though he already knew the reason. He still wants to see how Itachi's mind is working and if he is any different from the canon timeline.

When he hears Yami ask that Itachi just looks down a little and asks. "Yami -sama… you are a smart guy right."

Yami just shrugs as he walks closer to Itachi.

"Well I would like to think that I am." Says Yami, completely casually. He just arrived in front of Itachi and ruffled his hair.

"What is the meaning of life." Asks Itachi with a tone of urgency on his voice.

Yami just shrugs for the fourth time since this meeting. "I dunno. Everyone has a different interpretation of life… why? Would you like to find out?"

Itachi nods. Yami just shrugs and suddenly… he kicks Itachi lightly on the chest, just enough to push him away...


And throw him over the cliff. Itachi immediately dropped down like a rock. 

Yami just comes to the edge of the cliff, seeing Itachi falling, as he tries to save his own life… 

Yami just puts his hands in his pockets and…


He jumps down too. Unlike Itachi he didn't slow his fall at all, so he plummeted down, his body accelerating even more.


And before Itachi reaches the bottom, Yami is already there inside a giant crater. With no injuries on him whatsoever.

He looks at Itachi uses kunai trying to slow down his fall… and he is successful as crows start to surround Itachi when he lands on the ground.

There is absolute shock, fear and even a little final realisation in his face. He looks towards Yami with a neutral look on his face, as if this wasn't the guy who just pushed him down a cliff.

"No one wants to die right?" Asks Itachi as a crow lands on his shoulder.

Yami just nods at this. "Yep, you can be assured of that at least."

And suddenly Yami's body starts turning to dust as he just says to Itachi. "Don't worry about inevitable things like, death, life or things like that. You are a kid, so stop thinking about stuff you don't understand."


-One Month Later-

Inside the Hokage's office there was a gathering of all of the Konoha Jonin. Of course Yami was there too, as the Hokage announced.

"The Five Great Elemental Nations have reached a peace treaty… the 3rd Ninja War is over."

Immediately, even though they were all Jonin there were celebrations all around. Some even hugged each-other, no longer holding themselves presentable in front of the Hokage. But Hiruzen didn't mind this as even he himself couldn't help as a smile appeared on his face.

'Peace at last.' Thinks Hiruzen as he looks at a certain Inuzuka Jonin (Yami) who has a smile on his face too. When Hiruzen notices this he cannot help but think. "Even he doesn't want the war to continue… and that says something about it."


-Yami POV-

Lying has really become easy now, I can lie to anyone I want and they wouldn't notice I am lying. Of course I already had news of the war situation so I predicted (correctly) that the war would be over soon… and it was. Now there are just a couple more steps… for my plan.


A/N: 3rd Ninja War is over. The MC will soon start REALLY taking over sh*t. Also soon he will start manipulating and getting the forbidden techniques that Konoha has.


ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter plus the daily chapter.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


(23 chapters in advance)


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