Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 163: The Loyalest(?) Subordinate...

Title: The Loyalest(?) Subordinate...


-General POV-

While Yami was just relaxing and planning like always. On the other side, where Yami's Camp lies. 

In the Jonim meeting tent, there were twenty ninja sitting down on a circular table. They all had Jonin uniforms on them  and they all have fierce chakra and wild hair, each of them had the Inuzuka Clan marking on their cheeks.

But unlike your average meeting, there were also ninken sleeping around on the ground.

Suddenly one of them, who had long wild hair up to his lower back, his name is Aki, one of the Inuzuka Clan's Elite Jonin. He says. "What are Yami's orders."

Another one who has his wild blown hair cut short. He had a serious look in his face as he said. "Yami has ordered that we should send his students, Guy, Asuma and Kurenai into the front lines."

The others all nod at this, not questioning Yami's orders. After all, they know that Yami will never lead them astray. But suddenly one of them, who has a lazy look on his eyes, his name is Kat. He tries to suggest. "But they are so young, Guy is eleven and Asuma and Kurenai are both twelve, maybe we should let them grow a little more before we push them like that. After all, the war isn't going anywhere."

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room gets colder. All of the other Inuzuka Clan members look at the lazy Kat. Their eyes, cold and emotionless. 

"Did you just question Yami's decisions." Says Aki, he looks at Kat, depending on his answer he will be immediately killed. The number one rule in the Inuzuka Clan is… NEVER… I MEAN NEVER DARE to question Yami's decisions. 

Kat sees this and just waves his hands in front of his face while nervously saying. "No, no… nothing like that. I just thought that maybe we interpreted his orders wrong." 

Immediately Aki just gets up and…


He bangs his fist on the table, he takes a deep breath to calm himself down. His long hair moving upwards as his chakra aggressively pours out of him. 

"Are you saying that Yami isn't smart enough to make his orders clear?" Says Aki as his anger almost poured out of him. But he must keep calm, he knows that he will bash Kat's head into a bloody pulp if he lets his anger get the better of him.

The ninken sense Aki's negative emotions rising, so they open their eyes. They look at Kat and his ninken..

*Grrrr* Immediately the ninken started growling at Kat and his ninja dog. 

Kat is in cold sweat as he looks at the situation around him.

'Damn… why did I have to say that.' Thinks Kat as he tries to figure something out on how to get out of this. He knows that he will really be ripped apart by the ninken if he doesn't think of something.

Of course the killing of comrades in Konoha obviously isn't allowed. But there are very loose rules around that law. After all, if the ninja is working against Konoha' interest, he could be killed on the spot with no repercussions. Now 'Working against Konoha's interest' has a lot of loopholes. It was originally that way so some ninja can be killed if they are so incompetent that they literally hinder the mission. Or some… Konoha ninja is doing something treasonous, but the Village can't find any proof. So they use this law..

Obviously there would be an investigation by… the Clan Head of the victim, civilians are investigated by some ninja personnel, most likely someone incompetent, so no one really cares about that. Of course there is also the death against enemies, so most deaths by comrades are not investigated. After all, in the eyes of the higher ups, it's simply a waste of manpower.

Anyway, Kat knows that Yami will never punish Aki. He literally is a fanatic about Yami, some even joke that if Yami told Aki to eat sh*t he would do it. So Yami will most likely just do an 'investigation' and claim the case closed.

Kat knew that and  was thinking of a way to get out and he finally decided to say. "No, no… it's just that I couldn't understand it."

Aki immediately disappeared from his position and with extreme speed he was in front of Kat, and grabbed him by the throat. Kat and Aki are in around the same level of strength so he could have dodged that move, but if he did so, the next move would be Aki going for the kill. He definitely doesn't want to start a death battle with Aki that is for sure.

The other Inuzuka let Aki handle this, after all in their eyes he was someone trusted by Yami.

"So you think that Yami is unintelligent enough that he can't explain things clearly for you to understand." Says Aki as he chokes Kai.

Kat uses some chakra to reinforce his throat exterior so he can breathe a little and he groans out. "N -No… I was in the wrong. I just wasn't concentrating at the moment."

Kat hopes that admitting that it was his mistake should help calm the situation a bit. But contrary to Kat's expectations, black curse marks start spreading around Aki's body.

"So… you are not concentrating on Yami's orders is that it? Well then I guess that the Shinigami might forgive you… BUT I FU*KING WON'T. Who the fu*k do you think you are to have the audacity to not listen to Yami's orders?" Says Aki as his grip around Kat's neck increases in strength. Kat's eyes go bloodshot from the lack of oxygen, he tries to use his own inuzuka curse mark but he still can't get himself out of Aki' steel like grip. He can feel his neck almost give out and crack, and his lungs burning from the lack of oxygen.

'Fu*k… is this how I am gonna die.' Thinks Kat, but as he is almost about to pass out and his neck is almost about to break under Aki's grip. He couldn't believe that this is the way he will die, because couldn't keep his mouth shut.


But in a dark flash, a dark figure appears next to Aki and immediately grabs his wrist.


Easily breaking it and releasing Kat from the grip of death.

Kat drops on the ground and he starts coughing and taking in very deep breaths as if he is starved for air.

Out of the black flash comes out Yami, with a smile on his face as he says. "What is going on here."

Aki is about to answer, but Yami just looks around and nods. "No need to, I already got the gist of the situation."

Not giving Aki any time to even get his voice out. 

'As expected of Yami.' Thinks Aki, with a smile on his face. He then decided to say. "What should we do with Kat, Clan Head Yami -sama."


A/N: Aki is Yami's crazy loyal fanatical follower. Believing that Yami can do no wrong move.

P.S: Yami was spying on them all along, he just acted like he just got there and understood the situation immediately.

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter plus the daily chapter.

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