Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 162: Inuzuka Clan's future is very bright

Title: Inuzuka Clan's future is very bright


After having the big meal I decided to go towards the orphanage district in the Inuzuka Clan Compound.

It is a district where all of the orphans that are adopted by the Inuzuka Clan (me) go. It is a place full of talented children that will be my main force when I become Hokage. So better start training them from now.

And I can't deny the effectiveness of this, I mean only having Yamato, who is ten years old now, be on the Inuzuka, it has given the Inuzuka a certain prestige, after all we have a Wood Style user in Konoha again. Also people in high places have been trying to make me give Yamato the last name of Senju. But I didn't raise my political power for so long for nothing. So I easily rebuffed all of the efforts of that, and Yamato Inuzuka is the only Wood Style user in Konoha.

Knowing the future truly does give me superior advantages. I mean it is the strongest weapon on my arsenal.

When I arrived at the orphanage, I stealthily went into the back yard, the yard was big and had dozens of slides, and other tools that a child might need to entertain himself, there were around forty kids just running around and doing kids stuff, like playing ninja and so on. But the one kid I concentrated on was Yamato.

It was quite amusing seeing him as a ten year old, he had two younger kids hanging from each of his shoulders and another toddler was on the top of his head, hanging on by clutching Yamato's hair. I also see another toddler come close to Yamato and nudge him on his leg.

"Yamato -nii, make a slide."  Says the small toddler. 

Yamato just sighs and grabs the toddler that was on his head. Bit he seemingly can't get him off. 

"C'mon little Bai… you have to let go." Says Yamato, trying to reason with the toddler.

But contrary to his expectations, the toddler on top of his head now known as Bai. Just started tugging even harder. 

"Owowowow stop it Bai." Complains Yamato. 

That is when I decided to intervene by walking out of the shadows and good naturedly chuckled. "It seems like you are having quite a difficult time Yamato."

Immediately all of the kids stop what they are doing and look at me. I just smile sweetly at them. But nonetheless they all stop acting like little brats, and settle down. 

""""Hello there Yami -sama."""" Say all of the children respectfully.

I just smile back at them. "Hey there kids."

Yamato looks glad when he sees me. I just waive at him. "Yo! Yamato how has your Wood Style training going so far."

He scratches his face with a finger in embarrassment. "Well Yami -san. It's not advancing as quick as I hoped. I mean when I hear what the 1st Hokage could do with it… it kinda feels inadequate whatever I do."

I just smile at him, and get close. I put a hand on his shoulder and encourage him by saying. "Well, the 1st Hokage couldn't do what you can do at the age of ten that is for sure. You are still young, so don't try to compare yourself with Hashirama when he was at his strongest."

He seems a little better when I say this to him. 

But really though, he should be glad he isn't getting too strong too fast or I would kill him. I don't like people who are more talented than me, who can grow stronger faster than me… honestly I HATE people who are better than me at anything. I usually kill them off. No need to take a chance if someone can compete with me… better kill him now.

"Just try to be you Yamato. Even if you never reach Hashirama's strength. It doesn't matter." Then I mention all around us with my hand. "What matters is family, those are the people who will love you and care for you even in health or even in sickness. So don't try to be someone you are not… you are Yamato Inuzuka. The self proclaimed big brother of the Inuzuka Clan."

Yamato suddenly seems to feel better when I say that.  He looks towards the courtyard and does some handsigns.

[Wood Style: Twenty Wood Slides Jutsu]

Suddenly Wooden slides come out of the ground… when the other kids see this they all cheer and immediately go to play. 

Yamato just falls back on the ground breathing heavily. His ten year old chakra reserves have gone lower than 10%. 

He looks at me and smiles slightly. "You are right Yami -san."

I look at his questionably, as I ask. "Right about what?"

"You are right… I really do need to be more like myself. Everyone expects me to be the next Hashirama… but I am not going to be that. I don't want to be Hokage or anything like that. I just want to be Yamato Inuzuka."

I just smile at him. "Silly… you already are Yamato Inuzuka."

Even while saying that on the inside. I was calculating on the inside. After all, what I said… it is all to increase his belonging and build a familiar bond with him and the clan.

Suddenly I hear the back door of the orphanage open and when I turn around I see another 'protege' of mine.

She is six years old, she has a small and petite body. She also has light blue hair and when she sees me her face lights up in happiness.

"Yami -sama… Yami -sama I have a new move." Says the little girl as she runs towards me. She shows me her right hand as a small palm sized crystal puppy is created from her hand and it jumps on the ground.

When I see this I smile at her too.

"Congratulations Guren, you truly are smart coming up with moves like these."

Yes… she is Guren, the subordinate Orochimaru would get if one of my clones didn't find her. She is a great talent added to the Inuzuka Clan. She is now known as Guren Inuzuka… the girl with the crystal release. I can say for sure that the Inuzuka Clan's future is very bright.


A/N: We see that Yami has been gathering different test subject-... I mean orphans to help them.????

P.S: Sorry for the late release, my internet connection shut down momentarily.

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