Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 134: Really gotten stronger....

Title: Really gotten stronger....


With Killer B on my shoulders, I teleported back to the battlefield. There I see my shadow clones holding back Unruly A the future 4th Raikage. Though he seems kind of weak right now since, the lightning armor around him seems weak. Though I guess he is only in his 20s...

I see that my clones keep him occupied, but the clones are also careful, after all even a small electric zap and they are gone. But since the future 4th Raikage is currently so slow, even the clones don't have a problem keeping him occupied.

I just shunshin to his side and... run a little wind chakra on my palm, hit his neck, knocking him out. His eyes dull as he slowly falls down.

I can't believe Minato had a hard time against someone like this. But I guess I am way stronger than Minato already.

Then as I see that the battle is going on I just take a deep breath and... for around ten seconds I charge a little sage chakra into my lungs.


<Sage Art: Dream Whistle>

I whistle in a certain tune and slowly all of the ninjas on the battlefield whether friend or foe started... falling unconscious. I can sense all of their chakras on their first gates became stagnant. Sound Genjutsu is what the Bat Sage Techniques are best at... it can even easily affect an Uchiha.

Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Sage Jutsu, Fuinjutsu, Healing Jutsu... I can say that I am definitely not a jack of all trades... because I master everything I pick up. After all if you are going to do something, you must make sure that you are the best at it. 

Then without the need of any hand seals I make 100 Shadow Clones. And have them go and wake up the thousand Konoha Ninja, and tie up and imprison the 3000 Kumo ninja... this has been an absolute victory from Konoha.... or more like an absolute visitory for me.


-Hachi (MC's son) POV- 

I am currently in the Academy classroom. I am finally graduating, honestly I am glad about that. The fangirls coming after me were crazy, all they saw was the Senju name and they came towards me like headless chicken. But I guess even with all of the hasle, 

Anyway our teacher comes in and looks at all of us. His eyes stay on me for a second longer than they stay at the other kids but it isn't anything special. I wonder if I fought him... would I be able to beat him... I am obviously only six years old but Yami has taught me that, if I see a chunin in battle, I must run away. If running away is not an option, then I must fight them to the death. But he also said that never fight a chunin head on, I am nowhere near being able to do that, so I must use my head and use strategies against him. Then around a dozen or so ninja wearing the jonin uniform come and line up in front of the class.

"Team one: Uchiha Izuki, Myoko Kmui and Jaya, your Jonin Sensei will be Toshinori." Says the teacher as a jounin comes forward and mentions for them to follow him.

This continues on until almost all of the students have gone with their teachers. 

"Team 13 will consist of Hachi Senju, Momo Uchiha and Shoto." Continues the teacher with an unenthusiastic voice. "Your jonin teacher will be Ken Inuzuka."

When he says that, a man in a jonin uniform comes forward. He has dark spiky hair that extends to his lower back. He had dark eyes, and the Inuzuka markings on his cheeks. He also seemed to be tired as his eyes were bloodshot, and had dark circles under them, even his cheeks seemed a little sunken in.

He just looked towards us.

Then he opened his mouth and a raspy voice came out. "Come with me." 

We went and followed him, and we walked together out of the Academy. We didn't say anything as we were all nervous. We started walking on a road that was very familiar to me.

We are going towards the Inuzuka Clan Compound. And it really is uncomfortable here... no one has said anything since we left the academy.


Then we arrived at the outskirts of the Inuzuka Compound. Ken took us to a fancy restaurant and as we sat down.

He cleared his throat and started saying. "Well honestly, I didn't really want to be your Jonin sensei. But a certain someone asked me to do it. I would rather be fighting on the front lines and at least being useful, in there. And see Yami -sama fight one last time. I hope that you will become Chunin within 4-5 years because I can feel that my body has started getting weaker. I will probably die within this decade by natural causes."

We were all surprised when he said that. After all, he was talking about death like it was nothing. And he only seems to be in his twenties, so him not having a problem with his death is shocking... is this what it takes to be a ninja. Willing to sacrifice your life in the darkness and endure.

Then this time the girl in our team. Her name is Momo Uchiha and she has dark eyes, pale skin and a very beautiful but cold face. But even her eyes widened when our teacher said that. She couldn't help but ask. "Isn't Yami Inuzuka the best medical ninja to ever live, surpassing even his teacher Tsunade Senju. Shouldn't he help you since you are in his clan."

Ken just laughed loudly at this. "Hahaha, your name is Momo right?" Momo just nods at this in confirmation.

"Well Momo, he is the reason that I am currently able to even walk. My body should have given up a long time ago. But Yami helped me move for at least a little while more. But enough about me about you tell me about yourself, while we wait for the cute... I mean the waitress to come here. Anyway, tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams for the future." Said Ken as he smiled at us.

The first to talk was my last teammate, the one who barely passed. He had red hair and black eyes. He also had a huge grin on his face. "My name is Shoto, I am a civilian orphan, I li-"

He was about to continue but someone barged into the restaurant and screamed....


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