Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 133: Fight Against the Eight Tails…

Title: Fight Against the Eight Tails…


When I said that the people behind me were terrified even more. After all Tailed Beasts were scary, and if someone with the intelligence and knowledge of a ninja was able to control one… that would make it terrifying. Then I create two shadow clones and they nodded and went to command the army behind me.

With the smile still on my face I just sighed a little as a certain seal on my stomach, where a certain leach who now has no memories is sealed… the seal opened a little and….


Red chakra surrounded me and my skin turned red, while my hair lengthened, even my pupils turned red, under my eyes also appeared dark red markings. I controlled my body with the help of the Jiongu  and formed a transparent barrier in front of my eyes while I activated the Sharingan but now it still looked like I had my normal eyes on, and it also protects my eyes from small projectiles. 

<Blood Sage Mode>

And then…


The ground under me cracked as I threw myself towards the eight tails. When I got close to it, the eight tails swung one of its giant tentacles at me. Since I was mid air usually I could only dodge if I used Hiraishin but… suddenly on my back…


Made out of countless microscopic wires two wings like those of a fallen angel appeared behind me. (This was done with the help of the Jiongu.)

So I flew sideways and dodged the attack and finally reached the eight tails. Then I fly below its chin and before he can react I clench my hand into a fist and… 


I punched the eight tails on the chin and, something impossible that shocked all of the others happened, the eight tails was sent flying in the air.

I immediately flew after and then touched it with my palm… and with a black flash me and the eight tails were teleported away from the battlefield.

-Killer B POV-

Just looking at the ninja in front of me taking care of me so easily. I couldn't even concentrate on my rapping… he is way too trapping. By his earlier appearance he is probably the Red Fang Yami Inuzuka. 

When we were teleported away from the battlefield. I could still feel my head ringing from the punch he gave me before… I literally almost passed out and was gassed out.

I need to take care of him right here, right now… I immediately formed a small Tailed Beast Bomb and threw it towards him at top speed. But somehow he just made three strange handsigns and a seal formula appeared in the air… and my n

Beast Bomb was sucked into the seal and disappeared… then…


I heard an explosion in the distance… this guy is good… and his attack power is scary… I don't think I can stay conscious if I take another one of his punches… so I need to be a smaller target…

Slowly my body morphs back into my human form and then I immediately activate…

<Tailed Beast Chakra Cloak Version 2>

And dark red chakra surrounds me, hiding my body and a skeleton is formed around my body frame. I see Yami upthere still flying with his strange wings. He has an amused smirk on his face as he looks towards me. "You truly are a shinobi killer… who would have thought that Kumogakure could keep someone like you hidden."

Then a deep voice made from the tailed chakra came out of my mouth as I just said with a rap. "Let's quit talking, so I can show you my might, in this fight." 

Yami just smiled at me and… suddenly…


He disappeared in a dark flash and appeared below me… then I felt an explosive force hit me on my chin.

'HOW.' Was the last thing I thought as I went unconscious.


-Yami POV-

I just simply used the Hiraishin marker I left under his chin when I first punched him to teleport back to it again. Then after I punch him and his brain hits the inside of his skull... Killer B falls down on the ground at my feet… unconscious.

I must say that the fight was exceptionally easy… though it was mostly so because he made such a rookie mistake. But I would have easily defeated him either way. The only difference was that I didn't use as much force that I would have used if he was in his giant octopus form or else his head would have either flown off like a baseball or burst like a watermelon.

I see that even though he was unconscious the eight tails chakra was being released even more… hmmm so it is trying to return back to its giant form… the eight tails is trying to take over his body when he is unconscious… and protect him from me, since he thinks that I will kill him.

But I just simply touch his stomach and easily go through his chakra cloak as my finger sinked on the flesh of his midsection.

<Four Trigram Seal> 

A spiral Fuinjutsu seal appears as the Eight Tails chakra forcefully recedes back into the teenager Killer B's body… hmmm he seems to be around my age probably a couple years younger.  Then I sense that the eight tails, still trying to forcefully break through the seal…

I just sigh and I run chakra through the tips of my fingers, with a kanji for each element on them. Then I sink them back in his belly and… 

<Five Elements Seal>

It destabilizes the Eight Tails chakra and it doesn't allow it to be able to gather it again…

'Damn… I really am the perfect counter against Jinchuriki.' I think that while I put Killer B over my shoulder and…


I get back to the battlefield.


A/N: NOW we can see how far Yami has come. 

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