Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 128: Minato… and his life...

Title: Minato… and his life...

-Minato POV-

I look around me and see a bunch of Jounin just getting drunk. I don't really blame them… honestly any of them could die in the coming war… actually most of them might die. Even,  I myself might die… during the 2nd ninja war I didn't really participate in a lot of all out wars, usually Jiraya -sensei was around to help me and not let me die. War is so chaotic, one stray kunai and you could easily die, Kushina has been helping me lately sharpen my instincts even more, after all I don't want to teleport in front of a kunai and die. 

My Shunshin and Hiraishin are my best moves right now. Since battles can last so long amongst a big number of ninja, I usually save chakra and use Shunshin or Hiraishin. That is how I earned myself the moniker Yellow Flash, I even have a bounty of 64 million. Though amongst the Konoha S rank I am quite new. Also I don't have a finishing move in my arsenal… I definitely need that. Plus I have Kakashi to take with me… I truly hope he survives this war… poor child… his father committed suicide and he was the first to find the dead body. Anyway I look at the clock and see that Yami will come in five minutes… he is very punctual about things like this and will always be on time… like exactly on time...

As I am currently sitting on one of the tables as I wait for Yami… now that is an amazing person if I have ever seen one.

Ever since I was young I was way better than all of my peers… I understood that… so I liked to help my friends be as good as me… after all having another friend watching your back is never bad. I even wanted to graduate with my friends… which would have been when we were all ten… but then I saw him… Yami Inuzuka.

Everything I did good, he did it perfectly, he easily broke through all of the records  I had set in the Academy. Even while he did all that… I noticed that he didn't see any of these things worth his attention. He didn't even care that he was the best in his class. Since I am a long range sensor I was able to sense his chakra clearer when he was further away from me. He even had a higher chakra amount. 

That is when I understood… I will never be Hokage if I don't give it my all. So I decided to graduate at eight years old, two years before the time I had decided previously. I decided to train with my Jonin techier Jiraiya as hard as I could. I wanted to put as much distance as I could between Yami Inuzuka and me.

And I made great progress and Jiraya -sensei even decided to make me the next Toad Summoner. I could confidently say that I had left Yami in the dust in just one year… but as soon as he became a genin… he caught up to me… and more… so you could say the rest was history.

But Yami is also better with women, the girls loved him. I remember the way Kushina used to look at him. She always had those dreamy eyes and longing expressions on her face when she saw Yami. But then that fated day came… when Kushina was kidnapped… we saved her… and for the first time I understood… no deep down I had known that a long time ago, but I simply didn't want to accept it….. Yami Inuzuka never even saw me as competition, I was just a stepping stone for him. 

At the end it is true… I did end up dating the woman of my dreams, Kushina… and for that I am thankful to Yami. He truly did bring me and Kushina together… he is a true friend…

Also I finally thought that Hiraishin would give me an edge over Yami and even wanted to ask him to spar when I learned it, but… I got news that he also had learned it, one week after me. I had the help of Kushina to learn and master the Hiraishin but Yami still outdid me and learned it by himself. That guy really is super talented…

I also noticed that while I was deep in thoughts I drank half a bottle of sake already, without Yami even coming here yet…

I look at the clock and see that he has another two minutes until he will come, exactly on time like always. 

I wonder if Yami is dating anyone, if he isn't maybe I can return the favor and find him a girlfriend. I think that one of Kushina's friends, Mikoto, would be nice for Yami. She is pretty and is from a great clan, the Uchiha clan. But maybe Yami is dating someone in secret, but even then technically me and Kushina are dating in secret but ask any Jounin and even most Chunin will know that we are really dating. 

But now that I think about it… I have never even heard of any rumours about Yami's love life. 

Damn… I am thinking about getting Yami a girlfriend at the brink of another ninja war… I must really be drunk… should I dispel the alcohol inside my system… nah… I came here to relax so that is what I am going to do…

Then as I was thinking that, I hear the front door open and saw, Yami in the flesh… I just wave towards him and say. "Here Yami."

He looked towards me and smiled. When he got close to me, he sat down on the table, and took the chair opposite to mine while asking a rhetorical question. "So I guess you are already drunk right?... since you should remember that I am a sensor and can easily sense your chakra, you didn't need to call my name."

As expected of him… sharp as always…


A/N: Since it was mostly from the Yami's POV we didn't notice the changes he made to the Canon Timeline, but here it is one of them. Even in the beginning, Yami was changing things. 

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