Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 127: War Plans...

Title: War Plans...

"I will take the border against the Land of Lightning. I am fast and also a heavy hitter, I would be a perfect counter against the third Raikage." Said Yami with a casual tone.

The Hokage thinks for a little and then he nods. "That sounds reasonable."

Even though the 3rd Hokage isn't fond of Yami. He still has a cordial relationship with him, after all he doesn't want anything like a civil war during these times. 

"Does anyone have any other suggestions."

Yami answered again. "I would suggest Minato and Fugaku work together against the Rock Village, Minato could counter the Tsuchikage's Atomic Dismantling Jutsu with his Hiraishin. And Fugaku could take care of any Tailed Beast that the Rock Village might decide to throw at us. He would probably be able to put them under a genjutsu to stop them. I can also lend him some paper seals that could suppress the Jinchiriki's chakra just in case. I would also suggest, that Tsunade and Jiraya handle the Hidden Sand Village, Tsunade would be enough to hold Chiyo and her brother, since the Kazege died that would be enough, but their Jinchuriki of the one tails would be a little hard to handle if they decided to use that one too. Then comes the real problem in there, since I have heard rumours form my spies that the most likely candidate for the next Kazekage would also be able to control Gold Dust, with all that it would seem a little hard for only Tsunade alone to handle this."

All of the people in the room looked at Yami with wide eyes, a little amazed at what he an eighteen year old had said, and how he was able to make such an alitical plan so fast. Plus the spy network also seemed quite good considering the information that Yami just easily gave away, information like the next Kazekage is supposed to be the highest level of S Rank Secret information in the Sand Village. No spy network even caught wind of something like that.

The Hokage just looked intently at Yami. He wasn't dumb enough to not see Yami's usefulness. He just came up with an amazing plan in case of war… so Hiruzen decided to ask Yami again. "Do you have any more ideas…"

Yami seemed to think for a little, but in the end he just said. "No… not really… though I guess Orochimaru would go to the border in the Land of Water, against the Hidden Mist Village… so no I can't really add anything new."

The Hokage nodded and after thinking for a couple of seconds he calmly said. "Your plan is quite good Yami… but I see one flaw in it… the battle against the Cloud Village, where you will be guarding it. Can you handle the 3rd Raikage… I think that me coming and helping would be optimal."

After listening to Hiruzen, Yami contemplates a little, but in the end he still says. "There is no need, I can handle it. I think that you staying in Konoha would be for the best, in case of an emergency in any battle front, you could easily go and help thee within less than a day. But being with me, the travel time to the other borders would be significantly larger and it could take up to 2-4 days of travel to reach the destinations from where I will be holding the front. And travelling long distances with Hiraishin is not worth it since we could just teleport ourselves within a trap. Also… don't worry… I am confident on being able to handle the Raikage."

The Hokage still doesn't seem convinced yet and asks again. "What if they bring their Jinchuriki in the fight, because even though the Eight Tails Jinchuriki is said to be young and he probably can't control the Tailed Beast inside of him. He could still be dangerous, after all in a battle between equals even the smallest margin change could have an effect on battle results."

"As you all know, I am at my best against a Jinchuriki. With my Fuinjutsu to help me with it, the situation could be easily handled by a shadow clone of mine." Reassures Yami. 

Then Yami added. "Also we should keep the Nine Tails Jinchuriki inside Konoha, after all Kumo already tried to steal it once. What would be stopping them from doing it again."

The Hokage nods, after all only Yami knows his abilities best, and he is an S rank ninja. They know he won't overestimate himself needlessly, that is just a rookie mistake. 

The discussions on different battles start, they calculate the different scenarios that might happen and how we will handle them. The Nara Jounin also try to change battle scenarios and make the best possible response for them. While they advise us on how we should handle the different situations that might arise. 

'This is boring.' Though Yami, as he was calculating which strings to pull to get some of the people he wants into his army.

Yami just makes a hand seal towards Orochimaru, secretly signaling him to meet after this meeting.


After the meeting we all had two days of break, before we  needed to get to the frontlines. As Yami was walking towards the exit and got ready to meet Orochimaru. He felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Minato, who had a smile on his face. "Hey Yami, long time no see, we should catch up, want to go to the Jounin Bar close to the Anbu building."


-Yami POV-

I just looked at Minato and contemplated. We do usually meet at the Ichiraku ramen stand, but even then we are always on a rush or something like that. So we didn't get to talk a lot… well I admit that it was mostly me not seeing a reason to talk to him, since I already got the Uzumaki Fuinjutsu Books from Kushina… She and Minato have become kind of useless to me and I see no reason to even hang out with them. Kushina is too loud and Minato is… kinda boring honestly.

"Yeah sure, I would like that. I will meet you there in ten minutes. I have something to take care of first." But still out of courtesy I decided to take the shot and go hang out with him… a dead man walking…


After that I go outside and…


I used Hiraishin to teleport close by, where Orochimaru was… I have a lot of Hiraishin markers all around Konoha. 

As my view changes, I see Orochimaru leaning on a tree, we are currently in the backyards and training grounds of the Academy. Orochimaru has that intense gaze on his face as he looks at me. He still has that creepy obsession with me… that fu*king pedo… anyway I just look at him calmly. 

"What did you want to meet me for Yami." Asked Orochimaru, with a calm face.

When I saw this I smirked. "Well since you were so interested in me. I did a little investigation on you too. I must say that you have a LOT of illegal stuff going on. Really?... Human Experimentation, Kidnapping, Torture, Extortion and even had an underground lab built. Well that isn't  illegal but the money that you put in there… it wasn't in your Researchers Tax… so you committed the worst of crimes… Tax Evasion."

I can see that Orochimaru doesn't understand what I mean with the last part. But in my last world, when criminals were good at doing their crimes, and not leaving any evidence… Tax Evasion was the crime that they mostly got caught with… I mean that is how some of the most infamous criminals were caught.

Actually the law exists even in the Naruto world… though it is mostly overlooked… which won't happen once I become Hokage. I am definitely going to abuse that law…

Still I decided to clear things up for Orochimaru by saying. "Don't worry about that made up law… I am just joking… but really though… immortality huh… I can't say I understand you. To me if life has no end there would be no meaning in life."

I see Orochimaru immediately start to analyse every word I say, trying to understand my motives. Especially now that I know all of his dirty little deeds.

Like always, it is so easy to make smart people overthinking bullsh*t that I say… meaning in life… what the hell is that… can you eat it? Why would anyone need a reason to live. People just live, with or without reason. People can make their own reasons to live and they can make their own goals that they want to achieve. 

But I let Orochimaru contemplate the things I said for a couple of seconds as I said to him again. "Ok now that you understand the situation you are in. I would like to make a deal with you."

Orochimaru comes back to his senses and a smirk appears on his face. "And what would that deal entail exactly."

My smirk matched his as I said. "Well I am a curious man, just like you. So I would like for you to send to me certain types of people with certain types of bloodlines for me. It would also be preferable if the people were alive."

Orochimaru with a smirk still on his face as he asks. "And what about me… what benefits would I have."

I just shrugged. "Well when I went through your super secret lab, I saw how sh*ty,  the stuff was so I will offer you money, untraceable with no strings attached. You will get money so when the war ends you could build your super secret lab with the top equipment available."

I know that even though ninjas generally make a lot of money. They don't make the type of money to be able to build labs worth around hundred million ryo. After all to build that you would have to hunt one or two S ranks. Probably more since the S Rank battles don't leave a body behind. After all, an S Rank body has a lot of secrets hidden inside it. But still without a body or head there is no bounty, so most likely an S rank ninja would have to locate an S Rank, track him down, hope he isn't with friends, make sure that he doesn't escape and so much more. 

So in the end… Orochimaru's answer is… "I will do it for 400 million Ryo and I want 200 million beforehand."

I smiled at his answer, he already knows that I will most likely go back on my word… he knows what I did with Danzo… so he asked me about a down payment because of that. 

"Yeah sure…" I take out two small scrolls as big as my little finger, my pockets and throw them towards Orochimaru. "On there you have 200 million Ryo."

He just nods… "You will have your bodies when the war starts."

Then he turned around and walked away… as I look at his back a sinister smirk appears on my face.

Ahhh poor Orochimaru, he doesn't understand that he is already in my trap… even though he is a genius he doesn't know sh*t about things that aren't generally related to ninja things. For example, just because he has the money, that doesn't mean that he can just magically buy a lab… he needs to have certain connections & contracts to be able to buy scientifically advanced machines or parts for the machines. 

That money is just paper, it won't really do anything for him. I will block every channel legal or in the black market, he is not getting his little lab any time soon. I have already bought the companies that create stuff for labs and closed the other companies who did the same service as my company. I closed them by lowering the price of my products so much that I didn't win anything from the companies for some time… but it forced the other companies to shut down… so here I am… the only private producer of 99.99% of fabrically made machinery… damn I am good at this sh*t…

Then I also decided to Hiraishin towards the meeting place that I had with Minato… 


And so I disappeared with the now iconic… dark flash...


A/N: We see that Orochimaru and Yami, even though they are both kind of adversaries. In the term of benefits they are both smart and put their differences aside.

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