Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 123: Family….

Title:  Family….


After the whole fiasco with Shiro being gross. Yami went towards his house, he hadn't been back for two months since he was at the Chunin exams… they were boring as heck and he spent most of his time looking for any good looking kunoichi (female ninja) to manipulate to sleep with him. There weren't really many important forein powers in Kusagakure during the exams because of the times of almost conflict.

When he arrived at his house Yami felt the four chakra signatures in his backyard.  He enters the house and with his instinctual silent walking, he arrives at the backyard.

In the backyard there is a sakura tree and a pond… There he also sees Tsunade, Tsume, Misune (his mother) and Hachi. His mother and Tsume were sitting on the porch, while Tsunade was instructing Hachi how to water walk while at the same time holding a leaf on his forehead. 

Tsunade was sober, which was Yami's condition, for her to meet up with Hachi. Yami just looked at this with analytic eyes, he determined that Tsunade must have been sober for some time, since she and Hachi showed such familiarity while she was instructing him.

"Hachi, concentrate, don't think about anything else." Instructed Tsunade, while she was also doing the same exercise as her son, so she can show him that it is possible, she even encourages Hachi. Which pushes him to try harder since, before he got to live in Konoha, he never got any compliments from his mother.

Yami just went forward and gave a casual greeting. "Yo!... what have you guys been up to."

Immediately they all turned around, not having noticed that Yami was here at all. Even Tsunade was a little surprised, after all even she, an S rank ninja didn't notice him. She has already acknowledged that Yami is stronger than her. But noticing him shouldn't have been so hard.

'Maybe I have gotten a little rusty during these last few years.' Thought Tsunade.

Misune just smiles and her age truly shows with that. She is almost 40 years old and during the time while her son (Yami) was in the frontlines, the stress that she experienced during that time has made her seem a little older than her real age. She gets up and hugs Yami, with a loving smile on her face. "Welcome back Yami."

Yami also hugged her back and a smile appeared on his face. And a true genuine looking loving expression appeared on his face. "I am back mother, I hope you didn't miss me too much."

Tsume just has a calm expression on her face. "Welcome back Yami."

Hachi and Tsunade also give their greetings, while the latter had a strange look in her eyes. Tsunade hasn't forgotten about the things Yami said to her, and him punching through her with his fist. She still remembers the pain of her spine being obliterated and having to carefully and slowly heal that type of injury is very painful, but not overly so, Tsunde has had to heal from worse during the 2nd ninja war.

Yami sat down with Tsume and his mother while Tsunade continued lecturing Hachi on how to control his chakra better.

But still they weren't having any progress and Hachi was still  deep up to his knee on the pond, while trying to hold the leaf on his forehead. Then after a dosen of minutes of just watching Yami decided to take action by himself.

"How long has Hachi been training in this chakra exercise?" Asked Yami with a curious tone to his voice. 

Tsunade just gave him a side glance, her eyes shining in the light as she answered. "He has been at this for two weeks, but is doing very good progress for his age. I remember that Jiraya couldn't do this exercise up to his twenties, it took him almost five years to do."

Yami noticed how she didn't say anything about how quick she or Orochimaru did the exercise. He could already guess that it didn't take too long for either of them, they probably mastered it in weeks. Tsunade just doesn't want to pressure Hachi.

'But she is being too soft of him, that would be detrimental to his growth and possibly make him arrogant. I have already trained him to be way above any of his classmates, so he might start having some dumb ideas or notions. He needs a strong male figure in his life. The one that will take him off the wrong drugs... and put him in the right drugs… Ok maybe not that last part.' Thought Yami amusingly, while at the same time he was observing Hachi. 

Suddenly his eyes flash red for a split second, with no one noticing it. Then he got up and slowly walked towards the pond where Tsunade and Hachi were. 

"True Jiraya might have taken that long… but I learned this exercise under a week. I wasn't necessarily talented either. So the conclusion is that… you Hachi are not working hard enough." Scolded Yami, with a soft voice.

Hachi was speechless at this and Tsunade wanted to say something, but Yami stopped her by using sign language and telling her that he has everything under control.

Then he walked on the water and went close to Hachi. He crouched down and acted like he was looking at Hachi's leggs.

He gets up and says. "That won't do… your problem is not that you can't concentrate on two things at once… I know how we can solve this."

"Get off the pond." Mentions Yami.

Hachi followed his instructions and did so. Tsunade just sighed and went to sit down next to Tsume and Yami's mother. 

Yami then took two sticks from the sakura tree and said. "Take these and try to draw a circle and square on the ground at the same time." 

This sounded easy to Hachi and he tried to do it… but he couldn't… he tried again.. he still didn't do it right. 

While Hachi was trying to get it right, Yami went and sat down next to Tsunade. When Misune (Yami's mother) saw how good Yami was at training Hachi, she couldn't help but say. "You are good with kids Yami. You truly looked like father and son."

Tsunade flinched a little at this, while Yami only had a mysterious smile on his face when he heard this. 

"Maybe I should become a father soon, who knows, I seem pretty good at it." Said Yami, while smiling at his mother. 

Tsume immediately started having weird fantasies about having children with Yami, starting a happy family while Misune spoiled her grandchildren, Yami and she would be strict, but they wouldn't be the same. Yami would be the strict dad expecting nothing less than perfection, but she while being strict would also be a little soft on her children.

But while Tsume was thinking this Tsunade looked at Yami with her eyes hiding a certain feeling she had.  'Family… huh…' 

While they were all talking about the family here… Yami had a melancholic look in his eyes… while thinking about another family all together…


A/N: It would be easy to make Misune (Yami's mother) unlikable or something like that. But I want to keep this realistic and not everyone the MC kills or doesn't like has to be evil. I don't want to portray characters as good or bad or evil unnecessaril and without reason... because everyone has both of them inside.

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