Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 122: The bird has to fly from its nest...

Title: The bird has to fly from its nest...

I am just drinking some good tea in the morning, like always. Yesterday I explained to my genin the details about the Chunin Exams. I myself never had one since I was promoted on the battlefield. 

Which was easier to me, at the time, because I was concentrated on power, than some survival test that can be passed even by unskilled people if they were lucky enough. 

I mean during the canon timeline, none of the Konoha 12 were really even qualified to become Chunin. I mean, give a battle hardened Chunin and it will wipe the floor with the likes of Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. I mean the ones like Lee had enough power but lacked the leadership and intelligence to be a chunin. But I guess those will be different times. 


Three hours later and I am at Kusagakure, of course I didn't teleport my Genin here. They need to learn how to handle their own problems now, and since war is closeby they need to be especially careful.

Kusagakure or also known as the Village hidden in the grass isn't anywhere as impressive as Konoha. It is a small ninja village and generally has a very gloomy atmosphere. I mean even the buildings are painted in darker colours. 

Anyway, I have a lot of Hiraishin seals around here too.  This is my back up, in case I ever become a missing nin. In the next election of their Kage, the guy who I control should become the next leader of the village. 

I have stacked the deck so much in my favor, it really does reassure me… somewhat… I am not as worried about the 3rd war as I was about the 2nd. I was a weakling back then. Only as strong as a Chunin. But now… now it's different…


-General POV-

While this was happening to Yami back in Konoha, his ninja dog Shiro was having a whole different dilemma.

Shiro was looking at the menu on a ramen stand that he likes. 

'Which one do I pick, Yami gave me 100 thousand Ryo and that is my salary while he is away… it's going to be hard to manage it. I mean that is what a normal family makes in a month. But I am not some normal family, I am used to a certain type of lifestyle. While picking ramen I would say all of each dish, just taste them all and then leave.' Thought Shiro, while he is faced with one of the toughest decisions he has ever made.

Then suddenly as he is contemplating this a red haired female, who seems around 19 years old, she has a jounin outfit on and her hair is tied like on a pony tail. 

Shiro just looked at her and felt a familiarity about her, like he had met her somewhere.

'Is she someone I have scammed before.' Thought Shiro. He truly scammed and bullied a lot of people so he can't remember them all. 

Shiro was about to insult the tomato hair lady but… his instincts stopped him from doing that…

'Huh… I guess I shouldn't do that. She seems dangerous and unstable. Plus the negative emotions coming out of her are overwhelming, is she the Nine Tails Jinchuriki that Yami sometimes talks about.' Contemplated Shiro.


-Two Months Later-

It was your average sunny day here in Konoha, the sun was bright, the birds were singing, and people seemed to enthusiastically talk to each other. But if you look underneath the underneath, you will find a lot of ninja, who are on edge. 

The skirmishes amongst borders of the countries are escalating. Soon enough Anbu will have to be sent out there, and then… all hell will break loose.

The 3rd Hokage was taking care of some paperwork. In such dire times each paper had to be looked over carefully, after all war times are very close. There must be some budget cuts that need to go towards the army. The Hokage was deciding if raising taxes would be a valid decision that would give the ninja better equipment and because of that, it would raise the chances of victory dramatically.

The Hokage, even though he has finished grieving for his friend Danzo. He still remembered when he would ask Danzo for council on decisions like this. He was always an extremist, if Danzo had his way, 80% of the budget would go towards our army. But even with such bad suggestions, Hiruzen still got a lot of insight from it. 

'Danzo's peerless spy network would have to be replaced, Orochimaru has been working on taking over that job.' Decided Hiruzen.


At the gates of Konoha, in a black flash Yami and his genin team appeared.

Everyone was uninjured and looked the same, except the genin looked tired, and had chunin vests on them… so they had all graduated and become chunin. Yami just looked at his team and said. "Since I have teleported you here and now you are all chunin, there is no need for you to go into C or B rank missions with me anymore. You can do them by yourself."

Yami just looked at them and smiled slightly. "But remember, you will always be team number three, and will always be my students. Now you can fly on your own… so go and spread your wings… make me proud… leave behind a legend that will be spoken for many generations."

While Yami was saying this, Kurenai was blushing, Guy was crying and Asuma just smiled a little. They had come so far in so little time because of Yami. 

Then Yami started walking away from his students. When Guy, Kurenai and Asuma see his back…  all three of them bow down to their waists and loudly say. "THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YAMI -SENSEI."

Yami stops in his tracks… his face has a calm expression like always, a small smile appeared on his lips as he turned around and gave his students a thumbs up. "I am proud of you guys, and just because you are chunin it isn't the end of the road. Read the books that I gave to you as presents after the exam. They have a step by step explanation on how to become an S rank ninja. I made it for each of you, especially for your chakra natures and specialities."

When they hear that, they are all surprised that Yami spent so much time writing a book for each of them. Even when he is not their teacher he will be guiding them on…


After that whole fiasco with the kids.  Yami went to his Clan company and saw that everything was ok. As he is walking every Inuzuka, when they see Yami they bow a little and say. """Yami -sama."""

Yami just smiled at them warmly. Then while he was walking he sensed Shiro sleeping in one of the dog houses. That is where they raise their ninken and he was a little curious at what Shiro has been up two when he has been away.

When Yami enters the house, he sees a lot of dogs all around, everything seems  normal, some dogs are playing, some sleeping and so on. He stops his chakra flow and dulls his emotional state, to stop Shiro from sensing him. Since Shiro has had a fusion with some flesh of the Zero Tails, his sensing abilities are pretty good. 

Then Yami finally entered the last room. In there he saw… Shiro on his back, he is covered by dog food while some other dogs are licking him.

"Ooohhhhh yeeeaaaahhh." Moans Shiro, while surrounded by dogs licking him.

"Yeah you b*tches… lick me… you wh*res…" Says Shiro with his tongue out and a satisfied expression on his face.

Yami just looks at Shiro… he obviously knows what his ninken is like when he is not around… but even he was surprised by this. 

Yami just sighs and with a calm voice he calls out. "Shiro."

Immediately, as soon as he heard this, Shiro's eyes widened, he looked around and spotted Yami. He rolls on his feet and even while covered by dog food he says. "Yami this isn't what it looks like."

Yami just raised a questioning eyebrow. "I am pretty sure this is what it looks like."

"Didn't you always say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover." 

"<Sigh>... If in  the cover of the book it is written, 'Dog covered in food and moaning while being licked by other dogs'.... I don't think I need to read the book to know what is written inside." 


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