Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 104: A son… like his Father...

-Time Skip three months later-


-Hachi Senju POV-

I just walk around the new city. Mother chose  this  city to spend her money on… 

I hope we stay here for a while. I made a new friend here. Then as I am walking I faintly hear some merchants talking to each other. My hearing and sense of smell has always been surprisingly good.

"Man I sure love working for Inuzuka -sama the pay is good if you aren't dumb enough to do something stupid. He definitely has the Daimyo in the palm of his hand… I mean the guy just got three Gold Mines for himself… by literally just paying almost nothing."

Hmmmm that is interesting… but I keep walking anyway… and then I arrive at a house. The house looked normal like any other house in this place. When I was outside the door I just called out…

"Erzaaaa come out to play."

Then immediately like a flash of red a girl around my age comes out of the house… she has red and brown eyes…  when she sees me she just pouts and says…

"I told you not to call me like that…"

I just act like I am falsely crying  and with fake tears on my eyes I tell Erza.

"S -Sorry I won't do it again."

When she sees me and thinks that I am about to cry she gets uncomfortable and comes close to me. She starts rubbing my back to comfort me while she says….

"No problem… I was just joking."

She really is nice when she is worried like this. Why can't she always be like this. I heard that her grandma is an Uzumaki… a Civilian one. So that is cool...


Then my act slipped and I chuckled a little… as soon as Erza heard this… she just said in a cold voice.

"Hachi…. you wouldn't try to fool me would you…"

Then I just look at her with a serious face and say…

"I guess I will have to use the Secret Senju technique…"

Her anger slips away and she just looks at me in confusion and says…

"What do you even mean by that…"

Then I just clasp my hands together...

And loudly screamed…

"Secret Senju Technique…. RUNNING AWAY…"

And I immediately started running away from her. While running away I hear her scream…


As soon as she says that…


I fall on the ground… why… did she have to be so mean…

Then she catches up to me and grabs my head with her hand… I just give up...


After a couple of minutes of her screaming at me and… me dodging her slaps… but making it seem like they hit me… the Uzumaki really are craz-... I mean wild… that is where mother got it from… great grandmother Mito. 





And then we start playing… we go around the forest trying to find bugs… we like to crush them… there are some strong ones out there…

Then as Erza is about to say something...

"So how-."

I cover her mouth. She is about to say something rude to me but when she sees my serious face… I am even covered in cold sweat… I smell something VERY dangerous around and my instincts are running CRAZY...

Then suddenly I see a big bear… he is as big as a carriage there is no way I can defeat that… I don't even know ONE justsu… then as I turn around to warn Erza…


I noticed that she stepped on some leaves way too hard… then the bear turned towards us… I AM GOING TO DIE…

Then I look at Erza and can't help but unconsciously think… 

If I left Erza behind… while the bear eats her… I can run away… 


Then the bear comes running towards us… I AM GOING TO DIE…

Then as if the voice of an angel...

"Head Shot"


The head of the bear is blasted off…. Then I see that my saviour… is just a kid who is probably a couple years older than me and is wearing a green spandex. 

As I am still in shock I hear him say in a panicked voice. "Ahhh sensei is going to be mad at me that it took so long to finish this D rank mission… he will probably make me drink that horrible tea while he explains to me my mistakes… but wait… this wasn't my fault…"

When I heard him talk to himself I wanted to say something but… no words came out of my mouth… I immediately understood why…. I am absolutely terrified… I look at my hands and see that they are shaken…

Was I just about to die… if it wasn't for this guy… I would have definitely died…. I haven't experienced anything… I haven't even seen how the world is… and I was about to die...also I was about to leave Erza behind… I read it in a book once that people show their true colours when they are about to die...

IS THAT THE REAL ME… am I deep inside… a coward… someone so vile that I am willing to abandon my best friend just like that….

I don't even know myself… 

I get brought out of my thoughts by a hand touching my shoulder… when I turn around to see who it was… oh… it is just Erza… then I see that the body of the bear was gone and just the bear blood splattered around is there… still fresh…

Then Erza looks into my eyes with a nervous look herself and she while shaking says. "You were out if it even when that ninja asked us if we were ok… are you ok Hachi."

I just look into my still shaking hand and clench it into a fist… "Yeah I am okay Erza."

I NEVER want to feel so out of control again… I should ask Aunt Shizune on how to become stronger…











(Character development… from Hachi… we see that even though he had that instinct to immediately run away and abandon Erza just to buy himself some more time… he is like Yami in that regard… but Hachi doesn't like that side of him…)

(I hope you liked the personal development that Hatchi came this chapter)

P.S: We also see that Yami has quite the influence… and some people are even scared of saying his name in a disrespectful way...

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