Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 103: This Lovely World...


????? ????? POV






I look at the green field around me with a city on the horizon… I can't help but think of how beautiful this world is… when mother is drunk she says that god doesn't exist and that even if he did he is an evil god… after all someone who is all powerful but still allows atrocities to happen all around the world then… that god is evil…

Then I lie down on the grass as a butterfly flies above my head. Then I look as the butterfly flies down and I extend my hand and the butterfly rests on my hand…

I am sure that God does exist… after all, the proof is all around… this world from its smallest creatures to the giant monsters… everything in a strange way… it works good together… like a mechanism… the world truly is perfect… and even though bad people exist… there are also good people to stop the bad ones...

Then the butterfly flies off from my hand… then I get up and dust my clothes… I look up at the sun and notice… even though mother drinks in the evenings she always says to me that I must always be back for lunch or I will be grounded for a week… *sigh*...  then as I am going back I see my aunt in the market buying some groceries… she has black hair and black eyes. She is wearing a black kimono with a small pig following her. She is transformed as an adult when I know that she really is only a little older than me.

As soon as I go close to greet my aunt the pig turns around and…


...he oinks at me… then aunty turns around and says…

"What is Tonton…"

When she sees me she just smiles and says…

"Did you have your morning walk Hachi…"

I just pout at her and say…

"I was adventuring… not going for a walk… aunt Shizune…"

She just keeps smiling while saying.

"Sure, sure whatever you say Hachi… just go back to the hotel and I will cook us something."

I just nod and start going towards the hotel… but before going there I put a hand in my pocket and take out then I go to a dango shop and buy some dango…


Then as I am walking towards the hotel and as I am about to arrive there… I noticed something strange in an alley… so I curiously went there… what I saw there… was reality…

A mother who had a baby wrapped in a blanket. As soon as I see that I approached the mother and the baby I extend my dango towards her… then when she looks at me in the eyes… I see that her eyes are devoid of emotion and hollow… she just takes the dango… and starts eating it… and then she cuts some small pieces to give to her baby…

After I gave her the dango I started walking away… the woman didn't say anything and neither did I…

I am not going to help her… so there is nothing to say from me… and I didn't do this to get some cheap thank you… I will probably forget about this deed tomorrow…


When I arrive at the hotel… it is a medium class hotel… when I entered our soom I was feeling pretty bummed out…

Then I see my mother sleeping on the couch. I decided to take a blanket and cover her. After that I went and took out a leaf from my pocket and did the exercise that aunt Shizune taught me. I put the leaf on my forehead and use chakra to make it stick in there. I have been training it for a couple of days and I think I finally got the hang of it… 

Then aunt Shizune comes inside with two bags of groceries and Tonton following behind her… I always wondered why she even keeps the pig around… I just assumed that it was like a food reserve… but I think she likes Tonton a lot…

I went to help aunt Shizune with the grocery bags and she just said in an amused way….

"Aren't you such a nice boy Hachi."

I just smile at her then when she looks at my forehead on which I am holding the leaf she just sighs and says…

"You truly are very talented Hachi… you already learned the leaf sticking exercise… and you are only five years old."


Then aun-.... I mean Shizune -sensei is teaching me how to walk on walls just by using chakra control…     THAT'S SOOO COOOL.


And just like that I was practicing all day… until like usual mother went to drink… and she came home transformed as a child… using her child form to trick another batch of debt collectors...

Then aunt Shizune came behind mother… and she wasn't drunk so she just told mother while giving her a bottle of sake.

"You will continue drinking alone… I am going to sleep since I  have to wake up tomorrow."


Then as Shizune went to sleep… I decided to stay with my mother, while she drinks herself to sleep… I know that she cries while she is alone… I don't know how but… I don't want my mother to cry and be sad all of the time.


After some hours and mother drinking another bottle of sake she just continued speaking gibberish….

"Yami Inuzuka… that kid… was… is a monster… he was always too smart, too good… he would be nice and good for one moment then as soon as you would turn your back on him. You would always feel like a predator was looking at your back."

Ah yeah Yami Inuzuka… mother doesn't like to talk about him but aunt Shizune says that he was mother's student and protege…

At a young age he became an S rank ninja. Just like mother, the other Sanin were and was my father Dan Kato.

Whenever I asked my mother to tell me about my father. She says to go and ask Shizune. Shizune says that I took more  from my mother's side with my straight black hair and pupiless black eyes… I kind of look like Great Grandfather Hashirama Senju…

Then my mother while looking at me she says…

"What I did was wrong… you were our mistake…"

What did mother just say…

As soon as I heard what she said… I was shell shocked… no words were even coming out of me…

What does she mean by that….









(Hachi Senju will develop kind of like a Yami who actually cares about some people close to him. We can see that Hachi truly does love his family… even though Tsunade is a drunk. Also because of that Hachi is more mature than children his age. Now we see the result of Yami's actions just because of his one night of carelessness. He will definitely learn something from this.)

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