Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 23 Curse


Another punch, and Iapitus lay on the ground, unable to move.

Although the power rising from the earth blocked most of the impact for him, his divine power was still too weak. With just the priesthood of [Speech], he couldn't even take a casual blow from Uranus.

Divine power level 7, which is completely unlike the power an ancient Titan should have. If it weren't for the immortality of the gods, he would have been torn to pieces at the first moment of the war.

"Ah——, help."


Without looking, the God of Speech knew that it was his equally weak sister, Mnemosyne, the God of language and writing.

[Language] is as weak as [Speech]. As for [Writing], the three lines of mottos on the oracle tablet are the real source of writing.

They are the only weak divine powers on the battlefield, and the only value of their existence is to rely on their immortal divine bodies to take a few more punches from Father God for their brothers. As the offspring of a heavenly father and an earthly mother, they were born with weak divine powers. However, because of their weak priesthood, the two of them have remained almost unchanged for thousands of years.

After all, Mnemosyne still had an object of hatred. She discovered the culprit behind her loss of [Memory] priesthood, the mysterious ancient god Ryan. But Iapetus, he could only accept his weak status.


Struggling to get up, the God of Speech watched as a leg of his original eldest brother Oceanus was torn off. This was the fourth time he had lost a limb. The divine power of the ocean is endless, and the power of the sky is not good at preventing recovery, so every time a limb is torn off, the Lord of the Ocean can quickly recover.

But it didn't mean anything, it just made him suffer a few more times. Apart from Cronus, Oceanus, who personally threw the organs of his heavenly father into the sea, attracted the greatest hatred. Even though he is powerful, he is still vulnerable.

Obviously, the Lord of the Sky told him with facts that some gods are powerful because he barely has this level; and some gods are powerful because the last step is too difficult to cross.

The earth cracked open, and the land at its edges turned into fragments and scattered across the sea, creating islands.

The celestial bodies fell, and the lightless celestial bodies fell on the earth, bringing veins of minerals and creating valleys and hills.

This war has lasted for seven days and seven nights. Except on the first day, there were inexplicably more glowing celestial bodies in the sky. The entire world was constantly being destroyed.

But finally, in a certain collision, Oceanus was surprised to find that although he was knocked away by God the Father, he did not seem to be more seriously injured.



Two exclamations sounded at the same time. The Lord of the Oceans was amazed that he remained intact, while Ouranos was furious at the decline of his power.

On the side, Cronus, who was constantly dealing with Father God with the help of the power of time and space, finally smiled. With most of his origin being swallowed up by the spirit world, even if he borrowed power from the passing time with the help of Rhea's power, he still couldn't hold on.

The other Titans were just traumatized, but he had very little of his true nature left. If he cannot obtain the position of God King, the remaining space-time source power will not even allow him to maintain the power of medium divine power.

In order to prevent his brothers from having bad thoughts, he did not even dare to show his weakness. Only his sister Rhea noticed some clues. But the two of them had always been close to each other in the Titans, so the goddess didn't know.

Fortunately, fate was still on his side. Cronus defeated his father and persisted until the last moment.


"You can't hold on any longer, my cruel father!"

Hidden behind time and space, Cronus's laughter spread across the earth. He made no secret of his joy. This was the only good news he had received recently.

"Really?" Ouranos sneered. He looked at his once youngest son, now his eldest son. He regretted not discovering his ambition in advance, but it was too late.

"The power of the gods is so long-lasting. Even if it takes seven years, I will not be exhausted, let alone seven days?"

Hearing this, the Titans couldn't help but panic. They did not question Ouranos's words, because this was the power of the gods. Even if they continue to be injured, they can still fight for several more months. As the Lord of the Sky who has far greater divine power than them and has always had the absolute upper hand, seven years is not an exaggeration.

But can they persist for seven years? At this moment, the majesty of the Heavenly Father seemed to gain the upper hand in their hearts again, but the betrayal prevented them from begging for mercy from their father.

After all, with Uranus's character, the Titans who committed such a rebellious act would not be forgiven by him.

But at this time, Cronus spoke, and his voice was even playful.

"If it is under normal circumstances, it is indeed as you said, my Father God."

The God of Time and Space had a mocking smile on his lips. Seven days had passed and he finally realized what the transforming power his father was fighting against.

He couldn't help but thank fate again. The gods are immortal, and he dare not shut his father, who symbolizes the sky, into the abyss. But as long as this power of transformation exists, Uranus will fall into eternal sleep.

Unless he is so arrogant that he is even willing to change his gender in order to survive in the world.

But this was impossible. Cronus knew very well that his father would rather die than accept such humiliation.

"You are the original 'father'," Kronos laughed more wantonly: "So you are different from other gods."

"When the symbol of your male god disappears, you can't use your divine power to reshape it. Because it is not only your organ, but also the representative of all your masculine power. Without it, there is no masculine power in your body, right, my dear father god. Or should I call you 'dear mother god'? Hahahaha."

Uranus's face looked ugly for the first time in his laughter. The other Titans seemed to understand something and began to look at their father with strange eyes.

"Shut up! You rebellious"

"You are the rebel!"

Kronos sneered and interrupted his father's scolding.

He raised the knife and looked at his father. He used to be so powerful, but now he only has verbal attacks. Kronos was a little emotional, but then he felt the emptiness in his body, and he no longer hesitated.

"You betrayed the Mother Goddess and Chaos' will. Your atrocities should have been punished long ago."

"I, Kronos, the Lord of Time and Space, pronounce in the name of the future God King that the God of the Sky is guilty and should be punished with eternal sleep. The sentence is forever."

The next moment, the distance seemed to be non-existent in front of him. He was clearly thousands of miles away from the Father, but his knife pierced through Uranus's heart the next moment. The Lord of the Sky tried to stop him, but this time, his invincible divine power failed to break the slowness of the power of time. In front of the gods, he was pierced by the sickle, and his blood fell to the ground.

"I won, father." Kronos said softly in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"You won? Haha, maybe."

Feeling the increasingly drastic changes in his body, Uranus knew that unless he was really willing to be distorted by the world, he could only use sleep to resist the transformation.

But at the last moment, the proud Lord of the Sky still did not bow his head. He looked at his child with cold eyes. His voice was also very soft, but every creature under the sky could hear it clearly.

"Kronos, my child, I hope you remember. You can win once, but you can't win all the time."

"Where everything starts, it will end. Yes, the prophecy is like this. I am like this, and you will be like this too."

Looking at Kronos's suddenly angry expression, the Father laughed happily for the last time.

"I curse you." He said, "You will be overthrown by your child like me."

"The top of the sky is my destination. And Tartarus is your future. Kronos, I am waiting for you, my child."


The sickle fell to the ground, but no one cared. In front of them, the personified image of Uranus disappeared.

He turned into an invisible airflow, following the body when he was born, all the way up to an unfathomable height.

The sky began to separate from the earth, and the two that used to be often connected would never meet again. From then on, the distance between heaven and earth was immeasurable, and even the gods could not fathom its height.

The story of Chaos, the first generation of the God King, the ruler of the sky, ended today.

"I will be the new king."

With a blank expression, Kronos picked up the fallen sickle and looked at his brother.

"Who is in favor and who is against?"

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