Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 22 Enfeoffment

Half an hour later, in the spirit world.

After chatting with the two ancient gods for a few more words, Ryan said goodbye to them one by one.

If it weren't for the birth of the Son of God and the call of the world, it would be difficult to see these two house gods come out for a thousand years. Most of the time, they still exist in the form of their original bodies.

After parting, Ryan took a step forward, passed through the seven layers of time and space barriers, and returned to the core of the spirit world.

As the master of the spirit world, Ryan created the world in seven days, so the spirit world was divided into seven layers from deep to shallow. The concept of the moon was also divided into seven, hanging in the seven layers of the spirit world.

The deep layer can see the moon of the shallow layer, but the shallow layer cannot see the deep layer. So Ryan stood in the core of the spirit world, and seven different spirit moons hung in the sky together.

When it was first designed, Ryan made each moon two-color. It can be either silver or its own color. In the future, he will give them different "symbols". However, the newborn spirit world cannot do this, so the seven moons at this time are presented in the same color.

Looking around, the barrier between the seven layers of the spirit world could not block the sight of its owner. The interface was still very empty at this time. Except for the two outermost layers of the spirit world, there was life, and the five inner layers were empty. This was also the limitation of Ryan's current ability. He could only create relatively "orderly" life.

The outer the layer, the more stable the time sequence, and the inner the layer, the more chaotic the time sequence. So except for the last batch of creatures created, only the two outermost layers of the spirit world can provide ordinary spirits with survival.

Of course, as the core of the spirit world, where Ryan lived, the order of this nameless mountain was absolutely stable.

Its predecessor was the spine of Ryan's divine body, which penetrated the seven layers of the spirit world at the level of time and space. This will also be the location of Ryan's future palace.

After admiring his creation, Ryan casually pinched a chair. He sat on it and called the creatures he created.


"I'm here, Your Highness."

As Ryan's voice fell, a girl with wings on her back responded to the call of the Creator.

She has a human-like appearance, but her silver wings undoubtedly prove her extraordinary identity. In the spirit world, it should be "she and" her sisters who have powers similar to [regional gods] and can handle many things for Ryan.

Ryan called them Kristo, which means "transparent, non-deceiving souls". As sacred creatures created on the sixth day, there are eighteen of them, and Lyanna is their leader.

According to Ryan's judgment, they are not demigods because they have the same essence as true gods. But they are not true gods either, because they have no priesthood. They are a bit like the ocean goddesses of later generations. Although they are gods, they are not even [weak divine power].

Divine power level 0, this is their state.

"I have something for you to do."

Looking at the girl kneeling in front of him, Ryan said gently:

"Now, the projection of the spirit world outside is the [Underworld Moon]. The light of the seven crescent moons shines on the underworld through the projection in turn. Therefore, Chaos's concepts and origins related to the [Underworld Moon] converge to the spirit world, but it will take at least two thousand years to complete this process. I can't wait that long."

"So I need someone to operate the authority of the [Underworld Moon]. She will take over this priesthood on my behalf, which will greatly speed up the gathering of concepts."

"Serving you is the meaning of my existence."

Lyanna responded without hesitation. Facing her creator, she had no intention of refusing.

"Very good." Ryan nodded.

He stretched out his hand, and the concept of [Underworld Moon] that had been enriched in the spirit world surged towards him. Soon, a crystal clear multi-faceted crystal appeared in his hand.

With a finger of his right hand, the crystal instantly sank into Lyanna's body. The next moment, a power belonging to the true god surged from her body.

"From today on, you are the [Goddess of the Dark Moon]." Ryan announced calmly.

As the voice fell, Lyanna's divine power rose steadily, and finally stopped at around divine power level 2.

The upper limit of the [Dark Moon] priesthood is now divine power level 5, but if Lyanna can gather all the origins related to Chaos, then with this priesthood alone, she can enter the realm of medium divine power.

At that time, Ryan will naturally lend her a hand and help her go one step further and become the real top god of Chaos.

With divinity flowing into his eyes, Ryan observed the process of Lyanna's fusion of the priesthood. At this moment, his behavior is similar to canonizing a subordinate god, but not completely similar. Lyanna is to him, just like the gods are to Chaos. When this priesthood was canonized, he not only did not feel the decline of power, but also accelerated the digestion of the chaotic origin.

This time he harvested too much source power, and even now, the origins of the dark moon, stars, etc. are still pouring into the spirit world. According to Ryan's prediction, it would take at least thousands of years for him to completely digest and unify these powers.

But now, with the canonization of the goddess of the underworld moon, the concepts related to the underworld moon were directly digested by him at a speed ten times faster.


"I'm here, Your Highness."

This was the second sacred life he created. This time Ryan didn't say much, but directly took out hundreds of light balls.

At this time, he could sense that the star symbolizing "uncertain fate" had been hung up by Ms. Ye, and the remaining stars should also appear.

These stars are strictly speaking just projections, and their bodies are still in the spirit world. Just like the light of the seven crescent moons shines on the earth through the underworld moon in the outside world, the starlight in the spirit world will also shine in the sky of Chaos along with their projections.

Until the birth of the real star gods, they will continue to seize the source power of Chaos [Stars], and strengthen themselves after transformation in the spiritual world.

If the star gods are born late enough, perhaps Ryan does not need to pour power into them, and these illusory stars will be more powerful than real stars.

With a light finger, another multi-faceted crystal fell into Esther's body, and Ryan's voice also sounded.

"I order you to spread the stars all over the night sky and let the starlight shine through the earth. From today on, you are [Star Spreader] [Starlight Goddess]."

The divine power surged again, but this time, Esther barely became a weak divine power of divine power level 1.

Compared with the dark moon, the authority of star spreading and starlight is still a little weak.

But it doesn't matter, Ryan feels that his digestion of the origin of the stars has also accelerated.

Then, Ryan canonized the twelve star gods in turn. Each of them has a star, corresponding to the twelve months.

Ryan gave the concept of months to these stars, as well as the plant growth and climate change affected by different months. With the birth of twelve weak divine powers, Ryan's digestion of star power has further accelerated, and his integration of time power has also accelerated.

With a wave of his hand, the fourteen new goddesses withdrew immediately. Ryan did not continue to canonize gods, because he could feel that the more powerful the priesthood, the more requirements there are for the canonized object itself.

As his first creation, Christo, Lyanna could barely bear the incomplete [Phantom Moon]. But the priesthoods of [Order], [History], [Spiritual Plants], [Spiritual Creatures] and even [Time], [Space] and [Life] are not something Ryan's creations can easily bear.

Maybe Lyanna can slowly improve her essence and bear stronger priesthoods if she stays in the position of true god for thousands of years, but now, Ryan can only stop first.

As his mind turned, time and space formed a round mirror in front of him. Through the mirror, Ryan saw the scenery on the earth at this time.

It seems like a long time has passed, but in fact, from the opening of the spirit world to now, only a little more than a day has passed in the outside world. At this time, under the sky, the war between Uranus and the Titans is still going on.

God's blood flows on the ground like a river, and the power of the Father is less than 30% of his heyday. Although his momentum is still brave, the result of this dispute is difficult to change.

"The end of an era."

Whispering softly, Ryan pulled a roll of canvas woven with moonlight.

He mixed some pigments with the blood of the God King he collected before and placed it on the round table next to the chair.

"Let's call Chaos's first painting [Death of the God King]."

As a god, Uranus will not die. But as the oldest God King, today is his destined end.

Thank you for the 100-point reward from Chen Xin Qianyu yesterday. It's a bit exciting for a newbie to receive rewards for the first time. Haha.

Tomorrow, the first volume will end, and the era of the second generation of God Kings will begin. At that time, I will also pretend to post a volume-end speech to commemorate the first book of a novice.

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