Chapter 3: Test
As soon as Griff gave the command, the hooded man planted both of his hands on the ground and the square started to light up, shining in a bright purple color.
"An ability to transport others, huh," Vorden said, leaning forward to speak into Quinn's ears, much to the latter's discomfort. "What a rare ability."
The plain fields faded from their sight and they were thrown into a whirlwind of colors. The very next second, they found themselves in another outdoor area, this time an empty wasteland. There was no sign of life nor greeneries.
Two people stood before the group. A woman dressed in black and next to her another man whose face was hidden beneath his hood. Quinn could not make out the badge on the arm of either of their uniforms, making it impossible to tell what rank they possessed.
The woman held a tablet in one of her clutches, busy thumbing through it. She ignored the group that had appeared before her and continued till she was done. Once she had finished, she shifted her gaze to the students and began to speak.
"Hello, I am Jane and I will be the one in charge of your test today. Once the test has been completed, I will be updating your information and your score will then be reflected on your wristwatches." Quinn noted that her face appeared to display the same emotional range as Erin's.
"Now, who should we call first? Oh, it looks like we have a couple of previously levelled ones?" Jane noted as her eyes ran across her tablet screen. The tablet seemed such a delicate thing to hold in this place where the beautiful city was out of sight. The information the woman made mention of had been passed down from their previous schools.
Peter Chuck, step forward."
The nervous, small physiqued Peter did as he had been told, looking even worse than before. Quinn thought that he appeared unsightly, yet he looked to be in perfect condition if you were to compare the two. At least Quinn was able to stand up, whereas Peter looked like he would fall over at any second.
"What is your ability?" Jane asked.
"Eh, I don't have any ability," Peter answered quietly.
Quinn and the others now understood why Peter had been so nervous. Having no ability wasn't rare. Because of the war, many children had ended up as orphans like Quinn. This usually meant that there was no chance for them to buy an ability book.
"Don't be afraid Peter." Jane said, "Here, take this."
The hooded man, who was standing beside Jane, suddenly conjured a book in his hand and held it out quietly. Jane took the book and handed it over to Peter.
"F-for me? You're just giving this to me for free?!" Peter asked with utter excitement in his voice. "Thank you!"
"Study the book in your own free time. When you have finally learned to use it, you can come back to redo the test, but for now, I'll have to temporarily award you a level 1 power status."
Even though Peter had received a level 1 power status, he didn't care about it. At this moment, he only felt hope. His life could finally turn around due to the book that he had just received.
"Quinn Talen, step forward," Jane ordered, looking at him.
Quinn did as he was told.
"What is your ability?"
Quinn thought the whole thing was ridiculous. It was quite clear to him that Jane already had all the information on him from his previous school. They knew that he never had an ability before, the problem was Quinn was struggling with deciding what to do.
Before coming to military school Quinn had done a bit of research himself. He knew that the military gave all students who had no ability an ability book. Each ability book given was the same one. It was an Earth ability book.
The reason they did this was so students who didn't have an ability before, would suddenly feel indebted to the military. Not only that but the military also had a hold on nearly all of the Earth type ability books. Meaning if you ever wanted to increase your strength, you would have to be loyal to the military, and in return, they would give you more power.
Before Quinn had discovered his own Ability, he actually thought this was the best option for him. Even if he didn't want to join the military after two years, the Earth ability was handy to have. It was easy for employment because the Earth ability was useful in construction.
This was where the problem came in, Quinn already having an ability meant he was unable to learn a new one. The ability book was practically useless. Not only that but Quinn was pretty sure they would keep tabs on every student they had given the ability book to, meaning the teachers would accept him to use earth powers the next time they saw him.
Quinn took a deep breath and said.
"I don't have an ability."
Just like before the hooded man standing by her side handed her a book and then handed it to Quinn.
Quinn took the book off Jane at first but then suddenly, a notification screen appeared.
\u003cUnable to learn this ability\u003e
\u003cWould you like to convert the book into 10 Exp?\u003e
Quinn had somewhat expected the system to display the first message but the second one truly had surprised him. Quinn was really tempted to take the book and use it as a form of Exp but he knew there would be questions asked later on.
"I'm sorry but I don't want it," Quinn said as he handed the book back to Jane.
The students watching and the instructor stood there were both shocked. Jane hadn't experienced anything like this before. In her five years working as an instructor, it was the first time someone with no ability had rejected the book.
"Please give me one moment." Jane then stood away from the group of students far enough so they wouldn't be able to hear anything.
"Yes, Yes, he says he doesn't want the ability book what shall I do?" Jane said speaking on her earpiece.
"let him take the test." The mysterious man on the phone said.
As the man hung up, he couldn't help but think that Quinn was an interesting student. He started to look at Quinn's file and what he had said seemed to be true. The student had no ability and didn't seem to have any relations with the group Pure.
"Let's see how long you can survive in this cruel world Quinn." The man said.
Back at the testing field, Jane had finished the call with her superior and started to head back over to the group.
"Sorry for waiting, "Jane said. "Since you won't be taking the ability book, we will still require you to take the test please."
After Quin taken the test .
Then after everyone has done the test .
One is left and that is our Mc
Jane said interesting , one more ice user let test ypur agility Aryan done it very fast with a blink of in his eyes .
And Jane is also look astonist after seeing this and then the strength test came And the score is 70 which is the highest among them . Jame was in very Good mood and give him a new watch which shows his power level 6 .
All of them were very suprised by seeing this Aryan goes back and stand on its orignal place .
There was a total of ten different teachers that were currently standing in front of the academy. In front of them were groups of students who had all finished taking the test. The students were told to wait with the teachers until all the students had finished conducting their tests.
Once in a while, a group of 6 students would be teleported in front of one of the teachers. Finally, where Quinn was standing, there now was a total of 24 students.
"Okay, you all need to follow me as I take you around the school." The teacher up front said.
The teacher was a middle-aged man with blonde curly hair and wore Glasses, his name was Del.
While Del walked around describing the various places of the academy he couldn't help but smile. It looked like nothing was able to upset him.
"You guys should start to get to know each other a much as you can," Del said. "After all, the people you are with now will be your classmates."
Suddenly everyone started to get chattier with each other as they were being shown around the school but there was something Quinn had noticed. The mid-levels were trying their best to get friendly with the higher levels, while the low levels were being completely ignored.
Aryan goes to his brother and a system notification sounded a vampire power is founded and you can also bind the owner of the vampire power .system copy it and bind it.
Mc tells Quinn that you should make new friends and study hard . Then he goes back to his orignal position.
When Vorden see this he ask who is that guy . The Quinn tells he is my brother .
Host ability is copied .host did not have any effect of sun because he has covered hi body with QI .
the teacher continued to tour around the school. They were shown a battle arena, where they had similar testing equipment to the filed on the wasteland, as well as several square fighting platforms.
They were also shown their homeroom classes, battle classes, sports rooms, and all sorts. Del would explain a little bit about each area of the school they visited but Quinn was uninterested in most of it until they had finally reached the library.
"The library here is split into three floors as you can see. First-year students are only able to access the first floor, second-year students can also go on the second floor, and finally, the last floor is only for Military personal."
Finally, the tour was coming to an end as Del stopped just outside the school's dorms.
"And this is where you will be staying during your stay here, once you have dropped off your things, feel free to explore around the academy. There will be no lessons today so you will get to have the rest of the afternoon to explore."
Each student was then handed a number on a piece of paper one be one which displayed which room they would be staying in.
By chance aryan is also in the same room as Quinn .wtf?? Why them ?
He then straight goes to his room and first unpack things and start meditating .
When everyone came they see him but ignored him and start doing there stuff .
After they 3 get out Vorden ask why your brother is so lonely and cold . Quinn tells that he always take care of me when we are kids and he become mature early .He is a hood
But this society made him cold. Vorden also said hmmm.
In evening,
Quin opened his eyes and start walking towardsthe canteen area he can't eat something but can drink some juice so he is drinkind juice, A girl sit down next to him when he see its face he recognized him , tis Eren . He didn't talk to him and start enjoying the drama of Quinn . He goes towards Quin and ask him are you okay .
And Quinn tell him that he is okay .