Chapter 2: Military Academy
Slowly Quinn's eyelids started to lift open and his vision started to return. His head felt heavy and his body was slightly sore. As he lifted himself off the ground, he touched his head to see if he had gotten any injuries.
"Why does my head hurt so much?"
After making sure his skull hadn't split open from falling over, Quinn then went to pick up his glasses off the floor. Although there was only one lens now in it, out of habit Quinn put the glasses on. Suddenly, he felt a little disorientated and his vision was slightly blurry.
He took them back off and noticed that his vision only got blurry when he put the glasses on. Quinn then immediately rushed to his desk to grab a pencil. He drew the letter "A" on the wall and stepped back. Quinn continued to step back until his back had hit the room wall.
"What, but how!" Quinn thought.
Somehow Quinn's vision was now perfect. He had lived his whole life with terrible eyesight but suddenly he could see clearly. Images then started to flash in his head of what had happened before he passed out and he could think of only one thing. The book.
When Quinn looked around the room, he started to panic.
"The book! where the hell's the book?"
Quinn looked everywhere for the book but nothing could be found. It couldn't have gone missing in such a small room and the disappearance of it was making Quinn go mad.
"Maybe it's like my socks, they go missing all the time? Ahh don't be stupid, this is a book were talking about not a sock."
Quinn then tried to think hard about what had happened just before he had passed out. He suddenly started to remember the book being lifted into the air. Then just before his eyes closed, he heard a few words.
"What was it, it sounded like some type of system message?"
Then as soon as Quinn had said those words.
A status screen had appeared right in front of his eyes.
u003cUser: Quinn Talen\u003e
\u003cRace: Human\u003e
\u003c Level 1\u003e
\u003c0/100 exp\u003e
\u003cHP 10/10\u003e
\u003cStrength: 10\u003e
\u003cAgility: 10\u003e
\u003cStamina: 10\u003e
"Wow, it's like those really old games people used to play all the time."
Quinn noticed that on the status screen there were more tabs on the top but without even doing anything and just reading the tabs in his head. The screen automatically switched.
\u003c0 skill points available\u003e
\u003cSkill locked????\u003e
\u003cSkill locked????\u003e
On the skills tab, Quinn wasn't really able to see much. Everything seemed to be locked and slightly greyed out so he quickly moved on to the next tab which was called, shop.
\u003cUnlocks at level 10\u003e
"Can I do anything?"
The last tab was the Quest tab and finally, it seemed like this tab wasn't locked behind something.
\u003cMain quest\u003e
\u003cReach level 10\u003e
\u003cDaily Quest: Drink two litres of water\u003e
\u003cReward 5 exp \u003e
After checking everything out that the system had to offer. Quinn had to just think about closing the system and it did. When Quinn thought about opening it again a screen would immediately pop up in front of him.
Quinn could only think of one thing, that the book his parents had left him was an ability book. These books could often be bought at very high prices from the military or a company and could even be obtained on the black market.
The only thing was, Quinn had never heard of an ability book that disappeared and granted the user a system like this. The ability books were designed to be learnt. It wasn't something that you could pick up and instantly understand how to use.
A smile started to slowly appear on Quinn's face. This was great news for him. He had always been a level 1 ability user because he could never afford to buy any Ability books. Finally, he had something, the next phase was for him to test what ability he had.
"Fire, fire come on!" Quinn said as he threw the palm of his hand forward.
"Ok next... Water, water out!" Quinn did the same again but there was no result.
After trying out many different things and all the abilities he had seen before, it turned out he was unable to perform any of them.
"What the hell useless thing is this. Is it really just a system ability?"Quinn thought about it for a while. If it truly was like a game then perhaps by completing the quests, he would eventually get stronger and unlock more skills. He was treating it like an ordinary ability book and clearly what he had obtained wasn't ordinary.
Usually, ability books were based around one ability. It was important for a person to select their first ability book because a regular human body would only be able to perform one Ability attribute. If you got a transformability as your first ability, you would only be able to get other abilities related to this attribute. This was the same for fire and so on.
Quinn then went to open his mini-fridge and started to grab the bottles of water that were inside.
He immediately started downing the water bottles one by one.
"Dam how much is two litres? My belly feels like it's going to burst."
After finishing his eighth bottle of water, a new notification message had appeared.
\u003cDaily Quest complete, 5 exp has been granted\u003e
"Well now I know at least the system works."
Suddenly there was a loud knock that could be heard at the door. Quinn quickly went to the door and opened it. Standing in front of him was a large muscular bald-headed man wearing a black military uniform. There were several medals on it and his name written just above his chest. Sargent Griff.
"Boy, it is time for you to vacate your room immediately, the vehicle has been prepared and has been waiting outside for 5 minutes already."
With everything that had happened, Quinn had forgotten about what was to happen today.
"It's time for you to head to military school," Griff said.
His brother also came out of the room with a luggage .
Due to the war between humans and the Dalki, every individual was required to go to military school for the duration of two years. Although humans and the Dalki were currently embracing a peaceful period, nobody believed it would last forever. The Dalki were not to be trusted. Their taste and hunger for power and their desire to control creatures they considered to be beneath them could hardly be kept at bay.
Every single day there would be news regarding one race antagonising the other, even on the verge of waging war. The citizens had this foreboding that an altercation could break out at any moment.
Quinn quickly went to the toilet before heading off with Sergeant Griff. His bladder felt like it was going to burst any second now because of the sheer amount of water that he had drunk.
They both start walking behind the Sergeant
and sat down in a large bus . When aryan sat down in the bys he start meditating and ignoring his brother fragile state .
A bag covered the face of aryan and he didn't resist . And then after some time they came to the Military school.
"This is where the lot of you will spend the next two years of your life," the voice of Sergeant Griff explained.
Placed on your wrist is your lifeline. It will identify you as a student at this military base. It will allow you to access certain areas, pay for food, and all sorts of other things. When not in use, the wristwatch will display a number - Your corresponding power level," Griff said.
We will immediately begin testing your respective levels. Don't move until you are called forward, understand?!" Griff shouted with a smile on his face and everyone just nodded. The sergeant looked frightening with his smile. It was completely contradicting his hard face. "Good luck!"
Aryan lifted up his hand to look at the watch which indicated his current power level was one. When he looked around, he noticed that everyone else's watches currently indicated the same number.
Aryan see his brother talking to a boy and he know who he is .
But Aryan does not have any intrest joining them and was standing near a beautiful women .
Griff had made an announcement.
"Will the students, Quinn Talen, Vordan Blade, Peter Chuck, Layla Munrow, Erin Heley and Aryan talen please come to the front to take your test."
Once the six students heard their names being called, each of them began to make their way towards the sergeant, who was waiting for them in front of the crowd.
Their group soon stopped just behind another group that was being transported to the testing area.
Vorden walked around and greeted each one of the people in his group with a handshake and a confident smile. Vorden was very polite, so most of them accepted his greetings. All of them, except for Erin and Aryan .
Vorden also ignored Aryan .
And about Eren , She merely stared at Vorden's hand when he offered it to her, then turned her gaze away after a second.
"Come on, you don't have to be like that," Vorden said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.
A terrible mistake. Erin moved faster than anyone could react. She grabbed Vorden's wrist and twisted his hand. Specks of ice started to crawl up his hand and began to freeze his limb.
They were making a scene, and everyone gleefully watched.
"Wow, she has ice abilities?" one of the boys said.
"Isn't that very Rare?"
"I would let her freeze me any day."
Several students expressed their amazement in unison.
"Stop it, you two," Griff barked at their little fight. "If you have that much energy to pick a fight, then save it for the test!"
Erin immediately dropped Vorden's hand, leaving him gasping in pain. Slowly, his hand started defrosting. He scrambled back to the line and stood behind Quinn, his face flushed with embarrassment.
Can you believe her?!" Vorden complained, "I nearly lost my hand."
"You can't just go around touching people without their permission," Quinn replied.
"Yeah, I know. She's lucky I didn't wipe the floor with her just 'cause she's a pretty girl."
His words were creating enemies for him. Many of them admirers of Erin who felt disgracing Vorden might earn them points with the beautiful girl.
Looking at the people around them, Quinn could tell what the others were thinking. It was on their faces. Instinctively, Quinn moved away from Vorden, hoping that others wouldn't mistake the two of them as friends.
At last, Quinn and the others were called forward and were told to stand inside a square, drawn with white lines on the ground. The space inside of it was just big enough to fit the six of them in.
One would notice that outside of the square, there was a hooded man who was standing nearby.
"Send them away!" Griff ordered.