My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 135

Fujimaru held her hand over the shield and read the virtual screen that Olga displayed as we certainly coudnt easily remember a whole summoning verse and I knew that should you mess with the verse that it would interfere with the summon sent to you.

And if Kiara or BB is somehow summoned as the first servant that we would need to rely on...

I would just go back to Danmachi as dealing with mini outer god nonsense is way out of my paygrade as I cannot take the chance of being driven insane by the outer god servants.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let black be the color I pay tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.

An oath shall be sworn here. I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell.

Yet you shall serve with your eyes clouded by chaos. For you would be one caged in madness. I shall wield your chains.

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power.

Come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

I choked as just as I feared the stupid orange haired troll of a Master messed up and said the added incantation that would guarantee that a Berserker class servant would be summoned.

A powerful ray of light formed above the shield as the Servant was summoned and being formed and I could feel the oppressive weight of sheer malice as the malignant energy hung over us so I grabbed Fujimaru and Olga by the scruffs of their jackets and threw them behind me and beside mash as they choked at my manhandling.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka! We just said don't change the Aria because it makes the summoning unstable!" Olga yelled at Fujimaru who wilted at how Olga was reprimanding her and even Mash looked dumbfounded at her stupidity.

"I just wanted a strong servant that would complement Jake and Caster." She whispered faintly and I kinda got where she was coming from with having a dedicated front-line fighter would fit my more hit and run style and Cu's magical bombardment's.

But I didnt get enough time to console her as the harsh ray of light faded and a loud yawn rang out of the summoning light and a figure walked out still shrouded in the light. "Hmm... Wild Fox Tamamo here! I am Berserker Tamamo at your service Master!"

I was finally able to see Tamamo Cat fully as the summoning light faded showing the curvaceous woman wearing a shrine maidens outfit and weird gloves an boots that she would use as a weapon.

Of course, the most glaring thing was Tamamo's light pink hair, the adorable fox ears and her brown floofy tail.

"Oh... Master are you alright? Do you need me to eat these people?" Tamamo Cat questioned with a feral purr seeing how we were arrayed around her Master, and said Master looked in distress about something.

I relaxed and my sword disappeared into my space ring in a sign of de-escalation to hopefully appease the Berserker.

"Tamamo, I apologize for this sight, but your master added some stuff to the incantation to summon you and we were uncertain as to how... Stable the Servant summoned would be." Yeah for example if Hercules was summoned and saw his Master in such distress immediately after being summoned... I do not like my chances at killing Herc eleven times in unique ways with his Noble Phantasm that gives him eleven lives and past ways of killing him wouldn't work at all basically afterwards.

Tamamo paused as her mind processed what I said, and she just shrugged throwing my words aside and strutted over to her master.

Thankfully Tamamo Cat was one of the most stable Berserker's around, though that didnt say much when the majority of others were frothing at the mouths pyscho's once you hit their trigger buttons.

Tamamo gently took Fujimaru's hand and brought up to her nose and we could all hear an awkward noise as the fox woman took a deep inhale through her nose and her eyes glowed lightly in the dark room we were in as Tamamo made deep eye contact with Fujimaru. "I have your scent Master... Our contract has been sealed for the rest of your life Hehe."

I saw Mash blushing at the intimate closeness that Tamamo was sharing with Fujimaru with Olga rolling her eyes and Cu had already gone over and sat down seeing how there wasn't going to be a battle or anything.

"Look at that Fujimaru. You already snagged a wife out of the first summon!" I teased making the reddish/orange hair girl squirm out of the Berserker's grasp with an atomic blush.

"Uhmm... Well I do suppose a Master/Servant Contract is a form of marriage, in how we both swear to one another..." Tamamo mused and her eyes lit up and looked about ready to pounce upon the helpless Master of Chaldea.

"Alright! Seeing as our Berserker is cooperative and not going to attempt to use our entrails as a jump rope. Kid its time for you to summon your own Servant." Cú Chulainn said yawning at the sight of Tamamo attempted to tie one of her ribbons around her and Fujimaru's wrists as a form of 'marriage' and dodging around Mash's fruitless attempts to separate the two.

Seeing one of the Tamamo nine around I recalled how the Caster Tamamo could remember the events of Fate/Extella and the events of that Grail War. Point being, I wonder if she remembers that ending where she is NTR'd by Medusa...

I shook my head and went over to were Mash's shield laid to attempt my own summoning, but I didnt plan on purposefully summoning a Berserker as only Raikou or Morgan Le Fay in that class was of interest.

I began chanting the Aria to summon my own servant and I could feel the ritual gently draining my mana at a steady rate as I spoke.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let black be the color I pay tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.

An oath shall be sworn here. I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell.

Yet you shall serve with your eyes clouded by chaos. For you would be one caged in madness. I shall wield your chains.

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power.

Come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

Another bright light formed, and my mana was drained at a much faster speed as whichever Servant I randomly summoned found my entreaty worthwhile was being formed.

Finally, the light faded away and the Servant I summoned confidently strutted forwards as a set of Command Seals burned there existence onto my hand making me hiss lightly at the pain.

"Umu Caster Nero here!" I could only deadpan seeing the FGO rip-off of the ship girls from Azur Lane and other ship girl series as she had her trademarked red sword beside her and large golden cannons on her shoulders and was dressed simply in a red bikini.

Not all that different that seeing Aisha or any other Amazon back in Danmachi running around.

But also then again if I summoned normal Saber or Bride Nero that will heavily mess with the coming Singularities.

"I am your master and I look forward to working with you Nero." I said nodding to her and she grinned and walked over to me and started walking around me humming in thought.

"Umu! I see you are a fellow devotee of Lady Vesta, As a proud Roman Emperor, I will guide you onto greater heights. My Preator!" Nero said brightly as she stood in front of me and held my shoulder with one hand gave me a thumbs up with the other and wearing a large grin.

"You were blessed by Vesta?" Olga questioned disbelieving as basically all the gods of the Nasuverse had been punted to the 'Reverse Side of the World' which was a place where the supernatural entities hid with the fading of the Age of the Gods, ending and the Age of Man starting which rejected their presence on the planet itself in favor for science and mundane matters.

I nodded lightly with a small shrug. "Sort of... I was actually blessed by Hestia, but they are basically the same." I said making Olga gawk in surprise but Nero matched my shrug with a nod.

"Umu! Hestia and Vesta are two sides of a Denari, so are you celibate Jake?" Nero asked me with a mischievous grin knowing how the apostles of Vesta had to remain virgins lest they suffer a terrible fate of either being burnt alive in Vesta's flames or if their family was rich and powerful enough that they would be kept under house arrest by burying them underground with only a large hole to let in sunlight and supplies.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I have slept with literally three goddesses at this point.

"No Nero... I am not celibate, and Hestia was the one who relieved me of my purity to begin with." Even Nero gawked at me in surprise at that before rolling her eyes.

"Nero... Just think about how perverted and ridiculous the Olympians were." Nero went to say something as her mouth opened but couldn't deny the tales of Zeus and Poseidon taking the forms of animals and forcing themselves onto people.

And the rest of the Olympians were no better with Athena cursing everyone who offended her in the slightest or Artemis doing her hunts that included people.

"Plus, with how these Singularities are going I bet we will run into more Greek and Roman Servant's. So, you may learn some new things." I said as Nero just threw my whole conquering Hestia into the back of her mind as she heavily nodded.

We then discussed our strategies and with the help of Caster who explained the abilites of Archer Emiya from his battles as well as what he knew about Artoria Alter who was standing guard beside the Grail. We came to the conclusion that we could actually ignore Berserker who was apparently still held up in the old Einzbern mansion and go straighter for Archer and then deal with Saber Artoria to get the Grail and leave this Singularity.

"No, we need to deal with Berserker as having Hercules attack us in the back as we attempt to deal with literally gender bent King Arthur would be terrible, plus with the damage to Chaldea we can scavenge supplies from the castle and the Einzbern family is world famous for their accomplishments in making Homunculi which I will need to help heal and change Mash." I said and Fujimaru nodded gravely as she knew that Mash already had a small lifespan and being made into a Demi-Servant has only made it worse.

"Kids got a point." Cu nodded to my words about the chances of Herc attacking us as our fight with Saber as such a battle would be very loud and she would be spamming her Noble Phantasm Excalibur, what with having infinite mana basically.

"Very well then." Olga conceded as Nero and Tamamo Cat were just in the background talking and sending weird looks at me and Fujimaru.

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