My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 134

I dashed forward and my sword met Medusa's spear/scythe combination weapon with a loud crash, but I was forced back with swiftly as I franticly dodged the swipes and stabs from the spear.

"Fuck!" I cursed as Medusa swiped upwards with her 'lance' and I was launched into the air.

I had to be extremely careful not to even be scratched by her weapon as she wielded the Noble Phantasm Harpe, which had the conceptual ability to prevent targets hurt by it from healing with magic or otherwise enhanced healing in anyway other than naturally healing over a longer time period than normal.

I was also frowning at how even with how reduced this Medusa was as a Shadow Servant and unable to even use a decent Noble Phantasm and her stats being lowered significantly, she still could match me blow for blow easily in terms of strength though it felt like I was faster but her cursed weapon and the inhuman reflexes she had overcame my physical speed advantage.

But I had a massive bag of tricks to bully my opponents.

Medusa leaped into the air to meet me in the air while steeping on chains she somehow anchored in the air and just as she went to dash higher past me with her lance aimed at gutting me with the motion, I ignited my rocket boots making a massive explosion in the air when she was right beneath me and I could hear the crack of the ground shattering as the Lancer class Servant was violently throw back into the ground.

"Hmph Perseus had a similar trick with his Hermes Sandals." Medusa spat as she stood back up only lightly burned on her exposed skin and the explosion burned off her hood showing a set of glowing light purple eyes with square pupils.

I could feel my body stiffening under her gaze, and I mentally applauded my decision to take Magic Resistance during my last level up as my armor wasn't all that effective at blocking magic of this level.

When Medusa leaped forward to take advantage of my stiffening body, Mash had finally regathered herself and blindsided Medusa as she was maintaining eye contact with me to keep me frozen in place.

A loud crack rang out as Mash's large and more importantly very heavy shield smashed into Medusa's chest and threw her into one of the buildings.

"Woah, kids these days are just vicious aren't they Lancer?" A male voice asked and then out of one of the neighboring alleys a blue spiky haired man wielding a staff and wearing a robe over a muscle shirt confidently strode over.

"Mash, protect your master!" Olga yelled and Mash hesitated at leaving me and the two servants with one of them certainly hostile.

"Oh, little lady, don't worry I am not an enemy Haha!" The male servant then put his back to me showing his stance as he rounded on the set of wrath filled glowing eyes. "I am not one of these corrupted Servants... I am the Caster Servant of this grail war and more importantly I am Ireland's Child of Light, Cú Chulainn!" He said boisterously as he looked back and pointed his thumb at himself proud of his identity, which I understood what with him being the Celtic Pantheon's, Hercules equivalent.

Before Cú could go on further Medusa had already attacked him, but sadly all that grand standing previously was just a muse as he had used his foot to etch runes into the ground and when she dashed forward, he retreated and when she crossed over where he previously stood, she was engulfed in a deluge of white-hot flames that looked like someone aimed a massive cutting torch onto her.

The flames soon cut off and Medusa was already glowing a soft golden as she began to dissipate into motes of light as she stared at me.

"If you summon me at some point, I will recall that trick... Boy." She whispered and I could only exhale in relief as, far as I am aware her actual Lancer class from shows her much younger from and shouldn't have the memories of other grails wars.

And when she said 'Boy...' It sounded almost wistful or something?

I shook the thoughts out of my mind as Shadow Servants were basically mutated, lesser forms of their true forms, so I shouldn't focus on that.

I turned to check on Mash but could only deadpan at how she was already being harped at by Olga and Cu for stepping away from her master.

"Little Miss, I admire your gumption, but you need to protect your squishy and helpless kitten of a Master." Cú Chulainn gently explained to Mash as Fujimaru pouted at being called a kitten.

"But what about Jake! He was fighting Medusa and was being turned to stone !" Mash shouted refusing to see her actions as wrong what with how I kept the fight away from the magus duo and with our speeds we would have a couple seconds to pounce and deal a great blow should Medusa try to separate and attack the weak duo.

"Bah that kid?" Chu snorted and gave me a look rolling his eyes. "I don't know what nonsense that kid is up too, but I can feel a divine signature radiating off of him like he is a demigod, not to mention that sword?"

Cú Chulainn didnt have bother to explain as my sword was obviously capable of smashing head on with Noble Phantasm's.

I just shrugged as I had zero way to explain my demigod 'scent' or whatever and could only thank Hestia that the Nasuverse Hestia didnt get up to any nonsense as far as I was aware.

"Lets get going! We may have gotten another Servant and one that is capable of battle but Mash still hasn't figured out her Noble Phantasm and we need to summon our own Servant at the Leyline." I ordered strictly making Fujimaru and Mash stiffen at the weight in my voice though Olga glared at me for avoiding the topic and Cú Chulainn honestly didnt seem to give a damn.

Though that wasn't all that much of a surprise, seeing as he was the son of the sun god Lugh in the Celtic Pantheon

As we quickly made our way over the river and through the city only pausing briefly to destroy some skeletons and other weak undead, we finally made our way into an abandoned building that Roman said was over the Leyline and we could use Mash's shield as a catalyst to initiate the summoning ritual.

I watched Fujimaru holding her hand over the shield now lightly glowing as the Master of Chaldea's command seals glowed as she said the incantation to summon her servant and I had to wonder.

"Which Servant will I summon?" I muttered.

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