My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 125

We ended up relaxing at the site of the battle for a little while longer and then I had the rest of the group head back ahead of time to get their Falna updated and the more experienced members to deal with their level ups.

But I had another goal as I walked deeper into the dungeon and into the very next floor. The twenty Eighth floor which was a safe zone where monsters didnt spawn.

I soon made my way through the jungle floor and after figuring out where the exit to the next floor I did some more trekking around until I managed to find a little flat area lacking the flora that was apparent every else.

Now this floor is called a safe floor but that is a misnomer as a Juggernaut could technically spawn and there were actually monsters running around but they were water monsters from the previous floors and some Treant monsters from the lower floors that moved up to this floor. It's just monsters didnt naturally spawn here normally so just like in Rivira if people cleared it out, it would truly basically be safe unless a juggernaut was spawned due to a divine being stupid within the dungeon.

Supposedly there was a great number of edible fruits and vegetables in here on these forest floors but I didnt know what was and wasn't edible as almost all the tree's had some form of fruits upon them and the treant's patrolling said floor also had them upon their branches as they attempted to look like nondescript trees to ensnare victims.

But obviously monsters literally made of wood and flammable materials were a joke to my flames and burnt to crisp within seconds. leaving me only have to deal with the more annoying water monsters that wandered down here like mermen, lamia's, and kelpies which was a weird horse monster that could run through water as well as on land and with their powerful legs they tried to trample adventurers.

"This should be good enough." I muttered as I took out several large marble slabs and then used fused several marble slabs together to make a large box surrounding me with a large hole that I then fused a adamantine door for its durability.

Then I took out several of Gyokko's pots, his corpse. Nakime's corpse, and the vanishing cabinet I got from Harry Potter, lasty to tie it all together I used some Lord of the Rings and Danmachi Mithril to secure the enchantment I planned. "Fuse." I said making the pile of spatial oriented materials fuse together and I was left with two large circular plates on the ground, each about ten meters wide with red glowing arcane runes inlaid upon it and with a bit more checking I found a latch that opened a sleeve to open.

I then checked the plates with my glasses. -Blood Crystal Linked Spatial Pad- depositing monster stones inside sleeve will allow people upon pad to activate a teleportation procedure which will teleport all matter within its range to the linked pad. - Platinum +

"Well at least this one doesn't require you to link to it with cutting off a chunk of flesh though this one actually cost's monster stone's..." I muttered and then put the other teleportation pad away in my space ring and then after fusing some adamantine around the portal pad I was leaving here and securing it to the floor so no one could steal it should they somehow break through the adamantine door without breaking the teleportation pad.

I then made my way quickly back and into the water floors, but the others seemed to have made good time as I didnt run into them and Lili had a space bag I got from Harry Potter, so she was easily able to collect monster stones and drops without having to wear that huge backpack that was so encumber some so its not like I would fine any of their drops should they leave any.

But as I was going through the upper floors of the water city floors, I started seeing some more adventures as unless you meet them on the stair between floors you are unlikely to find people as just the nineteenth floor where Rivira was literally the same size of Orario which was the capital of the world. And the floors got even bigger the deeper you went.

"Hey kid you in a rush or something?" a guy asked me with his party of four other adventurers arrayed behind him looking around probably worrying I was pass parading on him or something.

"Nope just trying to get back to Rivira." I said coolly and with my armor he obviously wasn't able to see my face to recognize me and frankly edgy armor was a dime a dozen, so I wasn't surprised at his lack of recognition.

"Alright... Looks like you aren't pass parading so go on, sorry for bothering you." He said after a lengthy pause as they all listened closely for the sounds of Kelpie or whatever galloping around as they were the most common types of monsters to form packs to hunt down people.

I didnt have a problem stopping for a second to catch my breath from literally flying my way up the water city skipping through the floors to the first floor of the water city and after entering the jungle floors of the early level twenty floors and just like in the water city I flew over the foliage until I reached the staircases to the upper floors until I made my way into Rivira and teleported home through the lantern portal.

"Jake! You didnt even tell them where you were going... You worried me." Hestia groused when I made my way into the church.

"I am sorry Hestia. I needed to setup another teleportation system similar to the lantern pad so now we can basically teleport straight to the thirtieth floor instead of having to run through the water city every time we want to go into the dungeon." I explained making her roll her eyes,

"Bah these new kids need to kill the weaker monsters anyway... You just hate killing the monster girls, right?" I could only smile wryly at her hitting the head as I still didnt like wholesale slaughtering the Mermaids and other humanoid monsters.

Monster Musume and the Monster Girl Encyclopedia had corrupted me into a degenerate...

"We can charge Loki out the nose to allow her to use the teleportation pad." I said simply making Hestia freeze as she was torn between scolding me for my delusions of 'taming' a monster girl and the possibility of putting Loki under her feet.

But her countless years of rivalry seemed to have exceeded her desire to have me not bring home any pets.

"Fine... You win." She snorted relaxing against me.

"Alright Hestia it's time to update my Falna and me to level up. Oh, by the way what did Bell take for his level five development ability?" I questioned.

"Oh, he took Hunter, he said that if you are going to be out and about more often that he needs to be ready to be able to fight large numbers of monsters without you." I nodded at her words and mentally noted to upgrade his Insect Glaive to a higher level as he has been using it since we fought the Goliath without any major changes.

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