My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 124

I was proven right about how well the Hashira would fit in with our combat dynamic as even though they were physically weaker than me Bell and Aisha, they had a sort of perfect synergy with one another as they took down the level two and three monsters and they didnt hesitate at all in killing the mermen or other humanoid monsters, what with their years of killing demons before.

Well that plus Giyu and Gyomei had unlocked the second stage of their breathing art so they were a whirlwind of death as Gyomei smashed his massive morning star into the ground sending magically hardened rock fragments everywhere while using large quantities of sand to block attacks shot from a distance.

Put simply... Giyu's water breathing was overpowered here in the waterfall region as it was no longer special effects as large water dragons followed the man's sword motions as he swung the dragon around the air and even through the water, tearing apart any monster that came within the man's senses to shreds.

Either way, even with us missing Ryu we made good time to the bottom of the waterfall floors with no one getting hurt in a major way except for Tanjiro who decided head butting a mermaid that was charming him with her magic was the proper plan...

Nevertheless, Nezuko gave him a very thorough scolding as she helped clean up the scratches the mermaid made on the boy after he broke the mermaids nose with his headbutt.

Actually, can he get a skill or something for headbutting? I mean there's individual skills for punching kicking and even grip strength to tear off flesh. So a skill that gives an iron head and more flexible neck wouldn't be too out their honestly.

I shook my errant thoughts out as after a good hour of traveling under Aisha's guidance we finally made our way down to the twenty seventh floor where a massive pool awaited at the bottom in the two-mile-wide open room of a boss area awaited us.

"Aisha is there good way to simply lure the Amphisbaena out of the water." I asked seeing a massive dark shadow within said pool and frowned at the sheer damn size of the beast.

"Hmm well typically most Familia's have someone with the Dive development ability... dive in and attack the beast to anger it and flee to back their members." She said sheepishly and I just deadpanned at the sheer stupidity of people basically doing the equivalent of diving into murky water to slay a gator with a toothpick.

"Yeah No..." I said giving her a look that just screamed she was stupid for even suggesting it.

"I have a far safer and smarter idea." I said shaking my head then I set to work putting some fused to be more potent magnesium I had snatched from the Room of Requirement as apparently magnesium is a notable material used in some Alchemy, into a thin glass container and then used some thin twine to the glass test tube around some rocks.

I then threw vial and rocks into the water above the Amphisbaena and the rocks tied to the test tube dragged it down instantly.

"I fused that magnesium to be far more potent and what happens when magnesium interacts with water?" I asked rhetorically as the several ounces of the fused metal was finally exposed to the surrounding water as the pressure increased while sinking down deeper shattering the vial as it drifted down and got closer to the Amphisbaena. A huge pillar of water was shot up as the magnesium reacted with the water and basically annihilated itself out of existence with a bang sending steam a good distance from the flash boiled water.

A loud roar rang out as even with the Amphisbaena being underwater the sound of its anger at being sucker punched by the force of the explosion didnt stop the sound waves from escaping the water.

Water may typically be a good insulator for a lot of things but when monsters can literally kill you with the strength of their voice it kinda loses its natural abilities unless there's enough of it.

We had already explained to the Hashira and the others to take supportive roles as I hadn't gotten a chance to fuse something into their weapons to support their breathing styles like I had for Shinobu's sword.

So once again it was me and Bell at the for front as each of us flew up and engaged one of the dual headed dragon heads with me taking the blue napalm spraying dragon head while Bell took the anti-magic spewing breath dragon head while Aisha and the other more experienced members of the Familia went to work trying to use their larger weapons to destroy the limbs of the Amphisbaena to limit its movements and prevent it from possibly fleeing back into the water.

I was having a great time with bullying the fire spewing head as although it was by far physically stronger than me, I could easily fly around its attempts at biting me when it realized its flames did jack squat to me with my immunity to heat from my sword and armor allowing me to leave massive gouges across its face and neck with my sword and its space blade extensions.

Bell on the other hand had used his insect glaive to launch himself so hard into the head of the anti-magic head that he had shoved the entire head of the glaive through the bones of the dragon's head and with the red smoke that cancelled magic being all over him he simply used the anchor he made to carefully go after that dragon head's eyes.

I could hear Haruhime chanting in the background and paid more attention to her side while I was doing my best to lop of the head of the dragon, but its spine was annoyingly hard. "Grow. That power and that vessel. Breadth of wealth and breadth of wishes. Until the bell tolls, bring forth glory and illusion. -Grow. Confine divine offerings within this body. This golden light bestowed from above. Into the hammer and into the ground, may it bestow good fortune upon you. -Grow!" She said then a loud thrumming of magic spread from her making Giyu, Bell, Gyomei, me and the rest boost up a level worth of stats.

Feeling the flooding of power within me decided this battle has gone on long enough as we have gotten lucky the Amphisbaena hasn't stepped on someone as it tried to throw me and Bell off its face.

I flipped the mental switch of my Overload Barrel magic and my black flames exploded in size and heat as the power within the flames more than doubled and so did my mind drain but now the scales of the dragon, I had anchored my sword into like Bell had were turning to ash as my flames fried the brains of the dragon with the sword implanted into its skull transmitting the heat deeper within.

My dragon head collapsed dead onto the ground tilting the double headed dragon heavily as one half of its body's functions seemed to fail.

Lili then got lucky with a powered shot from her bow gun sending an exploding bolt straight into an eye which popped it like a firework put inside a watermelon which Bell instantly took advantage of an threw himself inside the bloody eye socket and destroyed the brain of that dragon head with the small, short sword I made for him to have as a weapon oh so long ago.

When the dragon died and exploded into ashes Bell cried out in shock as he was still inside the eye cavity and was tossed to the ground with a loud crash as his glaive landed beside him making me groan in pain.

"Bell get in the water you are covered in blood... and stuff." I called over as I walked over and sat down beside Haruhime who was nursing her head from using her level boost on too many people and was obviously close to mind down.

I pulled Haruhime's head into my lap and started gently stroking her fox ears after I removed my gauntlets and Haruhime sighed with comfort as her tail lightly wagged back and forth.

While rewarding Haruhime for working herself to the bone I looked around and saw Yushiro carrying the Amphisbaena's dragon liver and a large roll of its scaled skin which I could technically use to make armor or something over to me.

"Yushiro let me store that away and you can give it to Tamayo once we get back." Yushiro nodded with a look of thanks at having not have to carry the ten plus pound liver and probably hundreds of pounds of monster leather back the hour plus back to the Hestia Familia.

"Alright everyone we got a couple minutes to rest but then we need to head back up to the Rivira so we teleport back home."

I got a series of tired cheers as thankfully this was basically a safe area until the boss respawned into a couple weeks and any monster going down the waterfall would be crushed by the water pressure so I could thankfully relax as Shinobu gracefully walked over to me.

"How often will we be fighting monsters like that..." She muttered exhausted as she had taken it upon herself to attempt to poison the hell out of the monster, but it was simply so big that the poison simply took too long to spread and the destroy the body to really be all that viable.

But she was to swipe something human sized like a mermaid with that sword I had fused than they would practically melt and die within a couple seconds even if she didnt hit a vital area.

"High level monsters like this one only spawn every few weeks and with it being first come first serve we may not have a chance to fight it for a long while... Though we mostly grow our stats on the common monsters' you guys weren't having too much of an issue with." I said giving Shinobu a pat on her thigh as she leaned her head against my shoulder as she rested.

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