My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 115

After a brief conversation with Freya about the souls I brought back, and boy was she tense about that as a goddess with a death domain it makes sense, but she was very clear on they cannot leave the confines of the wards lest the other deities with deathly domains sense them and a punitive force is called from Tenkai that no one could deal with, who will forcibly take the souls back to heaven and with the souls being from a foreign world they will instantly be found out as the souls are judged.

Either way I needed to level up and get a series of bodies or whatever for these people... And go to FGO to get Enkidu to save Artemis... and deal with Inari... and make up for blowing off Demeter and Hephaestus.

"Dude... I fucked myself." I groaned slamming my head into the stonewall lining the staircase from the expanded basement back upstairs to the main church.

'Whatever.' I thought after getting over the frustration at all the stuff on my plate that I just couldn't pass off.

For a moment I considered doing just that... I mean sending Lili or Bell to Demeter and Hephaestus to set up a time to meet but with how I left I should be the one to actually go there and not just send someone that others could consider a lackey.

After telling all the people I had resurrected that they couldn't leave the churches grounds due to all the active gods I promised to take them out to a world where they could stretch there legs every once in a while, which wasn't at all a loss to me a I could always take them to modern slice of life worlds with basically no supernatural so they can enjoy going to parks or whatever.

I also made some plans to expand the wards but I need to purchase all the abandoned plots of land nearby in order to do so which is going to be pain doing all that paperwork.

I walked over to Hestia who was putting the finishing touches onto the last male member of the Familia who was joining Muichiro Tokita. "Hey, Hestia, I am going to set up meetings with Hephaestus and Demeter." I hesitated for a second before I continued as Muichiro noticing this was a bit of a sensitive topic excused himself gracefully walking outside to meet with the rest of the Hashira in testing their new capabilities. "I also plan on paying a visit to Inari and making it clear Haruhime is our Familia."

Hestia firmly nodded with the tips of her hair turning pink showing how she reflexively dipped into her Arcanum. 'May be a bad habit for Hestia to indulge in using her Arcanum within the confines of the wards obscuring her divine signature.' I thought.

"Yes Jake do what you need to do... Just be safe please." Hestia said softly as she buried her face into my chest.

I enjoyed our embrace for a few moments until I could only chuckle at how Hestia tightened her grip in a silent refusal to let me go. "Alright Hestia I am on my way to Hephaestus and Demeter do you want me to give a message or something?" I asked as I only really wanted to setup a deal to buy a bunch of dungeon grade minerals that are basically controlled substances along with going to Demeter for magical herbs I could fuse.

"Hehe..." Hestia evil snickered, and I couldn't help my face twitching as she took out a bag of stuff that I definitely recognized this time.

"Hestia... are you trying to get me to impregnate Demeter or something?" I asked almost tiredly but I couldn't help the amusement in my voice.

"Yeah. I want you to get her preggo that way her boobs grow even bigger so she can rub in her size growth to Loki. She has been annoying since you left." Hestia snarled losing her evil grin as she began complaining about the flat chested goddess.

"What did Loki do to get you so fired up?"

"First her air head sword princess kept coming over here hounding us for you to go out and train her to kill dragons and then that flat chested Loki got the stupid idea that she could betroth Ais whatsherface as even she gave up on making her focus on adventuring." I couldn't help groaning at more nonsense falling into my lap as Hestia threw up her hands in defeat. "I know right. She thinks there is some magical secret to killing dragons and she is willing to do damn near anything to get said secret."

I was about to go on about how that was true and there was no such thing but then I could grimace at how that would be a lie with my knowledge of all the anti-dragon methods in the like of Fgo or even Highschool DxD.

"So your petty method of getting revenge is to have your friend impregnated and flaunt how there already massive breasts gain a cup size or two?" I asked incredulously as Hestia shoved the bag of herbs and stuff into my hands.

"Yes! But if its too much work you can just give her the potion and just walk away after telling her that she needs to have a man drink said potion and at any point within the next twenty four hours do the deed." She said pointedly wearing a knowing grin.


I could only sit there blankly knowing if I said some nonsense about not wanting to bury my face in those massive breasts that it would be a bald-faced lie as well as her little hidden trap with none of the Hestia Familia wanting my elixirs and other fused nonsense getting out into the public without our direct control.

"Ok Hestia what's the real reason for this." Even as I said that i still mumbled fuse and then fused all the ingredients into a little vial filled with liquid and the pink glowing fluids matched the previous version I took when I slept with Freya and stuck a bun into her oven.

Hestia gently smiled and shook her head. "Jake me and Demeter have been friends for literally longer than nations last so trust me when I say that having a flesh and blood child born of her and feeling her body changing to suit said child is the dream she has had since her inception as a goddess." She took a breath and stared me in the eyes. "I honestly won't be jealous or anything because honestly such an experience will ring out far past this millennium as although I am not ready, but she was basically born ready to breed as it were with how were born fully formed."

'Ok too much information...' I thought before just saying screw it and enjoy the opportunity to sleep with Demeter as gods know if such an opportunity would roll around again.

In lieu of answering I just responded with. "Bottoms up then." With that said I drank the strawberry chocolate flavor mixture. "Huh this one was much better tasting then the last one." I muttered and she snorted before explaining how she used different ingredients but still had the same effect with the only caveat being this one was tuned to only make me fertile to people with enough divinity within them for the day so unless I slept with someone past level ten or something I was only going to be impregnating a goddess should I lay with someone for the next twenty-four hours.

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