My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 114

I was honestly a little still on edge about the whole getting strangled by some death entity I couldn't see so I didnt waste time with pleasantries and after meeting plus gathering all the surviving Hashira who were coming with me, but of course there were some complications.

Thankfully Nerine being a demon wasn't it as they realized she didnt have the bloodlust or needed human flesh to survive as she could easily consume a table spoons worth of blood like once a week and she wouldn't suffer any complications especially with her not having developed a blood demon art yet that would tax her energy levels. So, the surviving Demon Slayer Corp basically turned a blind eye to the demon trio consisting of Tamayo Yushiro and Nerine after learning the last demons of the world were planning to leave said world.

No, the complication was how Michiro Tokita the mist Hashira decided not to leave with the rest and was being wishy washy about it.

"Michiro you either want to leave or you don't... I gave you three days to make the decision so what's it going to be."

Michiro lost some his spacy air headed attitude when he studied me, and I saw something I missed in his eyes that I had never noticed. "Will you be able to bring back my brother at some point." He asked and I saw that flicker of unhinged rage directed towards Tamayo and Yushiro and I was reminded how his brother was killed by demons and frankly I had completely forgotten that tidbit when I was making my appeals and he simply wasn't around till the final battle to learn I was capable of resurrecting people.

"Michiro, you saw how an invisible entity attacked me after messing around with the souls of the afterlife..." I led before frowning and realized I probably needed to go to Bleach at some point to get some stuff to smite souls or incorporeal entities if I was going to go around worlds messing with the worlds afterlives as simply bringing back peoples loved ones can flip worlds on there heads with the right person being brought back.

Either way I continued seeing Michiro nod to my question. "I will not guarantee anything other than within the next couple years I will be strong enough to deal with whatever entity attacked me whether I need to beat said entity into obedience or just summon your brother's soul and just fleeing."

Michiro's face relaxed and I saw a lot of the rage he kept bottled up either dissipating or just fizzle out as he bowed to me. "Then in that case I hope you can forgive my prior words and allow me to come with you."

I helplessly nodded not taking the twelve old's prodigy's actions against him as he was obviously stressed and didnt know how to interact with me.

"Alright let's get the show on the road!" Tengen said loudly as he helped pick up all his and a good chunk of his wives luggage after I told all the people they needed to have everything they were bringing as I had already stuffed my ten meter box of a space ring full of other stuff they wouldn't be able to carry like a literal ton of Nichirin metal and several other things from this semi modern world that could be used in Danmachi like books on electricity and what seemed to be a whole bio-lab at Tamayo's demands as she planned to be researching the biology of monsters.

"Yes, I am interested to actually meet true gods in this Orario you spoke of." Kyojuro said as his whole family planned on joining my Familia though they were bummed hearing how Amaterasu was subordinated to Inari with their fervent worship of her with there flame colored hair and breathing style.

Nodding towards the couple dozen plus people waiting and with Nerine nervously holding my arm as she feared that I would lose her going between worlds for whatever reason I announced our leaving as Kie Kamado took my free hand with all her children holding onto her tightly. "Alright it's going to look like we are surrounded with fog for like thirty seconds. just don't under any circumstances go into fog and enjoy the trip." I said putting on a lighter tone to my voice to calm them down and with a number of lower ranked demon slayers like Inosuke, Zenitsu and a few people watching us leave, our forms were wreathed in a dense fog as we left the world of Demon Slayer as Zenitsu cried out for his waifu Nezuko.


I threw a mischievous look at the blushing form of the lady in questions Nezuko and she rolled her eyes whispering even as the Hashira chuckled at her embarrassed form. "That sissy wanted to marry me after just seeing me once..." Her voice then rose as she snarled. "And then even worse was how he not even five minutes later flirted with Aoi Kanzaki when we were training at lady Shinobu's home."

I could only face palm as Gyomei prayed for the mentally ill child's soul with Tengen laughing about how he at least had spunk but then again, the Sound Hashira had three beautiful wives who I hoped to be able grow with the Falna to match there husbands strength.

"So what happens if we go into the mist." Mitsuri asked me excitedly as Michiro the mist Hashira perked up with his style's name mentioned.

I shrugged as I truly didnt know as anything I threw out when I was in the middle of traveling didnt end up around where I landed and didnt dare to just hop in and be shredded by some dimensional nonsense. "I honestly don't know... Kyojuro don't stick your fucking finger in it!" I yelled out and the Rengoku family whirled on said Flame Hashira with the patriarch the old Flame Hashira grabbing his son by the scruff his collar and dragging him back.

'Literally had one warning for dimensional travel...; I thought incredulously as the fog cleared and we appeared in the back yard of the Hestia Church but then another thought struck me. 'Well then again humanity is always going to try to stick there fingers or other appendages into dangerous things.'

"Alright people who are joining the Hestia Familia and the ones joining Freya please go in Hestia is the one with black hair and Freya is the one with silver hair." I spoke with the majority of the people going inside to meet said goddesses as I didnt see the point of keeping all the people in one Familia as we could spread them out to make it easier to update their Falna's and more importantly I didnt have to do the paperwork for the Freya Familia.

Plus, in order to not have any friction develop between the members of the Hestia and Freya Familia all the main combatants would be joining Hestia with the potion/arms creators along with pure magic users were going to be funneled into the Freya Familia at some point in order to form a sense of dependence between one another like the Zeus and Hera Familia had that actually worked surprisingly well.

Nerine and Kie who were both holding to my arms with Kie holding the youngest child in her arms who was named Rokuta and was still asleep from the stress of getting packed and what not. "Which Familia do I join?" Nerine asked me frowning as Kie gently smiled and pecked me on the cheek whispering how she was going to get settled in.

For a moment I thought about just saying Hestia but with her age and basically zero martial training I decided a different option. "You should join Freya that way you can work with Tamayo and unlock your demon blood magic then seeing how you have grown and what you can do we can revisit if you want to join the main combatants in the Hestia Familia." I explained making her nod in understanding and relief as Tamayo had basically adopted Nerine as her own daughter when she was working on her demon aspects, which was a major relief to me honestly.

I gently pushed her forward and then I was left all alone in the backyard as I heard Hestia crying out how there Falna's were broken so I chuckled and went inside.

"Hestia was I right about them?" I asked smugly as Hestia applied the Falna to the shirtless form of Tengen who seemed to be the one at the moment in line with the ladies visibly to the side obviously planning on going last for some privacy.

"These Hashira all have their breathing styles added to their Falna as a skill!" She cried out and then slapped a paper onto Tengen's back in to give said paper to him.

"And what does said skill's do?" I asked leadingly and she threw her hands up in frustration.

"I have fucking clue they are all different and give different abilities as Tengen's sound breathing style gives him some form of echo location when he focuses it and looks like he could one day develop sonic based magic like Alfia was famous for." Hearing that I shuddered at the memory of Alfia's solid waves of sound that would literally vibrate people and monsters into bloody mist or salsa if they had stronger endurance... "And Gyomei's stone breathing made his echolocation even stronger as had made the leap to attaching mind energy into the earth around him to use."

So basically, when you are adept at using a Breathing Style, you can get an upgrade to what the breathing style is best at and then when you have completely mastered it in its entirety you get some supernatural ability.

Even as I was thinking that I turned to Gyomei who was smiling ear to ear as he sat atop a floating boulder of marble with all of the orphans, he brought from his temple sitting beside him in wonder at flying off the ground by a few feet. But the reason the normally severe and gloomy Gyomei was smiling so deeply was the tiny amount of sand he had ground away from the marble and I knew instantly that he was basically able to see with the mana enriched sand touching stuff.

"Now I definitely need to master the Sun Breathing Style." I muttered before wincing at the loss of the Lightning Breathing Style as I wasn't really interested in recruiting Zenitsu as without the demons to sharpen his personality and having to deal with that traitorous disciple brother who turned into a demon, he was a coward in every sense of the word.

I gave Hestia a hug and told her I was going to make sure all our stuff was together as I planned on going to kill the Amphisbaena with Bell and Ryuu to level up while the others coach the new members about the Dungeon and its dangers.

Well, I was going to do the checklist as well as talk to Freya about the souls I had brought back to make sure their weren't going to be any complications or anything and most importantly if she could help me stuff said souls into bodies once I got them ready.

"Damn Bleach is looking more and more convenient to snag Gigai's and that template thing that would let me get a Zanpaktuo." I muttered as I went downstairs to talk to Freya.

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