My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 943: Extra Triplets

After Su Jin and Lan Ruo Shui got married, apart from managing the restaurant, the two went hand in hand to various secret realms in Guang’ling World.

Meanwhile Lou Mu Ting and Miao Miao were taken by the Golden Dragon King to another very mysterious interface to improve their cultivation base, hoping they could advance to Immortal and ascend to the upper realm—that was the true territory of the Golden Dragon King.

Lou Mu Yan and Ming Xiu also spent most of their time travelling. With their level of cultivation, it was difficult to find an opportunity for a breakthrough just from going into seclusion.

Time flew, and three years passed just like this.

In the past three years, Lou Mu Yan and Ming Xiu not only explored the more dangerous secret realms of Guang’ling World, but also went to many alien interfaces to explore.

Most of the time they went out to explore with Lan Ruo Li, and sometimes Lou Mu Bai and Ye Qing Han would also join them.

This kind of experience and exploration allowed the two to gain a lot, but Lou Mu Yan still hadn’t comprehended past the barrier of the bottleneck she was stuck at.

On this day, Lou Mu Yan was lying on a rocking chair in the courtyard garden to enjoy the coolness.

Ming Xiu came over with a plate of spiritual fruit, hugged her onto his lap and asked with a smile: “Yan’er, what are you thinking?”

“I feel like I’ve touched that layer of barrier, but I’m always just a little bit short of something, as if there’s still some regrettable imperfection in my life that hasn’t made it complete. What exactly is it?” Lou Mu Yan leaned into the arms of Ming Xiu, asking in befuddlement.

Ming Xiu rested his head on her shoulder, breathing in the fragrance of her hair, “No rush, a breakthrough is often just a thought away.”

“Mm, I’m not in a hurry, but I just feel that something’s missing, but it also seems to be coming soon.” Lou Mu Yan nodded with a smile.

“This is a tribute fruit Emperor Father had someone send over.” Ming Xiu reached out and picked up a red spiritual fruit, handing it to Lou Mu Yan.

Lou Mu Yan took it and took a small bite, but she had yet to swallow it when a burst of queasiness suddenly rose.

She furrowed her brows and spat out the bite, but the nausea still didn’t diminish.

Seeing this, Ming Xiu asked nervously, “Yan’er, are you alright?”

This spiritual fruit was useful for increasing soul and mental energies. He had tried it before and there was no problem.

“I’m fine, there’s no problem with the fruit, but I just feel uncomfortable after eating it.” Lou Mu Yan shook her head and said.

Ming Xiu didn’t know medicine, so he asked worriedly: “How about we invite a physician to come and take a look.”

Lou Mu Yan chuckled and glared at him cutely, “I’m an advanced-level physician myself, why ask someone else to come check.”

Ming Xiu smiled and shook his head—he truly cared so much that he was muddled!

“Then check yourself.”

Lou Mu Yan shrugged, “There’s nothing wrong with my body.”

“Take a look inside then.” Ming Xiu kissed her cheek and said worriedly.

At their level of cultivation base, unless there was something wrong with their bodies, then it was impossible for them to feel sick after eating something.

Lou Mu Yan couldn’t feel her own pulse, but she could check her body through internal vision.

Seeing the worry in Ming Xiu’s eyes, her heart overflowed with tenderness. She nodded and said with a smile: “Alright!”

She searched her entire body along her meridians with mental energy and when the mental energy fell towards her abdomen, her eyes widened, filled with an indescribable emotion, mixed with surprise and a little dumbfounded.

“Yan’er, what’s the matter?” It was the first time that Ming Xiu saw Lou Mu Yan revealing such an expression, and the worry in his eyes grew stronger.

Lou Mu Yan was dazed for a moment, restrained her many emotions, then blinked at Ming Xiu and said: “Ming Xiu, I think I’m with.”

“With?” Ming Xiu asked, puzzled.

Lou Mu Yan glared at him angrily, “We have a child.”

“What?” The shock on Ming Xiu’s face was replaced by joy in an instant. He smiled and asked excitedly: “Yan’er, you mean you’re with child?”

“Mm, should be right.” Lou Mu Yan smiled faintly on her face.

Although she had never given birth to a child, but after all, she had worked as a doctor in the mortal world for so many years, so she should be pregnant based on the symptoms.

“I’m going to be a father!” Ming Xiu’s eyes burst with burning joy, and he immediately sent a message to invite the physicians from the palace.

It was rare for Lou Mu Yan to see Ming Xiu show strong emotions like this, and the smile on her face deepened. She rubbed her belly—they really had a crystallisation of love.

Soon, the two highest-level physicians in the palace were invited to come examine Lou Mu Yan.

“Congratulations, Your Highness the Crown Prince, Crown Princess is three months pregnant. Judging from the pulse, both adult and child are very healthy.” A physician said to Ming Xiu with a smile on his face.

The smile on Ming Xiu’s face deepened, “Very good, the two of you have been troubled today.”

The other slightly older physician said: “This old man also wants to congratulate Crown Prince again. Judging by the pulse of the Crown Princess, His Highness has gained three in one go!”

“Three in one go?” Ming Xiu was startled, then light burst from his eyes and he asked with a smile: “You mean Yan’er is pregnant with three?”


“HAHA, not only do I have a child, but I have three.” Ming Xiu wrapped his arms around Lou Mu Yan and kissed her fiercely, “Yan’er, you’re amazing!”

“…” Lou Mu Yan was a little speechless and dumbfounded by Ming Xiu.

This guy was usually so composed and rational, but now he actually revealed such a side. However, she still felt very sweet inside—after all, Ming Xiu lost his composure because of their children.

Just now, she only checked to see if she might be pregnant or not, and she was too shocked to continue to look carefully. Now she used that gentle spiritual energy to probe her abdomen again, and as expected, she found three small fleshy balls with signs of life lying quietly in the womb inside.

The two physicians smiled subconsciously too, told Lou Mu Yan some pregnancy precautions and rushed to report to Emperor Ming.

Emperor Ming and the seniors of the Lou Clan were very excited when they learnt that Lou Mu Yan was not only pregnant, but also pregnant with three children. All kinds of advanced-level spiritual items were sent to their room as if they weren’t worth any money.

After other friends found out, they also collected many spiritual items useful for pregnant women and children and sent them over.

Feng Yue Xin didn’t go anywhere recently and stayed by Lou Mu Yan’s side exclusively.

Lou Mu Yan was helpless, but at the same time, felt very warm in her heart, enjoying the feeling of being cared for by relatives and friends.

One day after half a year, she suddenly felt pain in her stomach.

Led by Feng Yue Xin, the midwives who had long been prepared entered the inner room of the bedroom to help Lou Mu Yan deliver.

Finally, under the expectation of everyone, Lou Mu Yan gave birth to three little babies, two boys, and one girl.

When the three little lives slipped out from her womb, Lou Mu Yan’s sea of consciousness suddenly had a sliver of understanding, and all the laws of heaven and earth were connected together like a thread.

Her comprehension of elemental laws were perfectly merged under such a coincidence, and she could breakthrough to the realm of Immortal with just one thought.

Before, she always felt that something was missing, but now that she had children connected by blood, she finally realised that this was a complete life.

Looking at the three tender and lovely children in their swaddles, her heart practically melted.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Ming Xiu looking at her and the three babies with warm eyes, the softness in his gaze unable to be concealed no matter what.

With the same feelings, a merry smile bloomed on her face—happiness was just this simple.

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